
Chapter 13 : Premonitions

CW: Mentions of domestic abuse and sexual assault

Seraphina’s POV

The sky bled red as night fell.

Chains binding my wrists to the sacrificial stone.

William wielding a silver knife with a bone handle over my head. Runes were carved into everything, but the markings were warped.

I couldn’t read any of it.

The same nightmare, but this time, we weren’t in a ritual circle, we were on Rosie’s farm. In her living room with uncanny chants from an unknown audience echoed in my ears.

Not far from me the red-headed Berserker face down in a puddle of her own blood. Kit sliced to pieces. Pain eviscerated my heart, and tears spilled down my cheeks.

No. No. No.

They didn’t look like my friends anymore, not the people who showed me kindness and welcomed me and Annie in their lives without question. They were just meat.

My life would end how it started. Bloody and alone. Even the people who promised to protect me couldn’t save me from William’s bloodlust.