
Chapter 47: Actually getting out

The Roamer

Chapter 47: Actually getting out

Aeolus opened his eyes, with a huge headache raging through his mind. They opened slowly, his dark pupils slowly emerging.

"Oi Aeolus, wake up already."

Aeolus could hear a familiar voice to his side, and tried shoving his head in the specific direction.

'Oh, it's just Rodrill…' Aeolus thought, before slowly closing his eyes once again.

"Aeolus don't sl…"

Aeolus heard more words coming out of Rodrill, but he was too lazy to not drift into sleep right now.

Just like that, Aeolus slipped into another deep sleep.


"Wake the hell up!"

Aeolus kept hearing the same voice screaming at him or talking calmly to him, varying between the two. However, no matter which way he was talking, it was about him waking up.

"Shut the hell up."

Aeolus was fed up of the voice, and finally opened his eyes, realizing that he couldn't fall asleep anymore.

"So, finally decide to wake up and grace us with your presence, awake?" Rodrill asked, trying to confirm that Aeolus would actually stay up this time.

"Yeah, for the most part."

Aeolus confirmed it, or at least tried to promise it.

Rodrill simply chuckled, while Aeolus showed a sad smile.

"What happened during that interrogation? For the few days you've been here, never seen nothing like that. Like the moon covering the sun to me." Rodrill teased, but he knew that whatever it was, it was not something to be teased.

Aeolus emitted some of his killing intent and flashed it, specifically, in the direction of Rodrill. However, Rodrill was on a higher level then Aeolus for the most part, so it did almost nothing to him.

"Just the fact that you're so offended that you would do that shows that it's something big. Come on Aeolus, tell me the truth."

Rodrill attempted to convince Aeolus once more to tell him what actually happened.

"You want to know what happened? Jack diddly crap. That's what. I achieved no progress when it came to escaping, and all it did was piss me off. Absolutely nothing useful happened, unless you consider some damned idiot looking like a gremlin pissing me off good." Aeolus finally began to elaborate, while Rodrill tried his hardest to just listen.

However, by the end of it, he was about to burst out laughing.

"So, ahem, let me get this straight, some dude who looked like a gremlin pissed you off?" Rodrill asked, while trying to maintain his form and not laugh as hard as possible.

"You know, anybody who cultivates will be able to tell that you're holding in a laugh, so just release it. Any-


Rodrill began wheezing, while Aeolus simply watched him laugh and wheeze while getting even more pissed off.

Soon enough, tears began rolling out of Rodrill's eyes like he got something amazing and he was immensely happy.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Now continue trying to *pffff* elaborate on your story." Rodrill finally began calming down a bit, while Aeolus began smiling a little.

Why was he so pissed anyway? It was something dumb to get mad over anyway, and certainly not something to sleep off.

"I'm sorry, I'm being an ass and a half. Now then, let's get out of here."

Aeolus was down with this place, he was ready to get out.

"What makes you think we can get out of here, and how?"

Rodrill was thoroughly confused at Aeolus coming up with a plan on the spot, or something along those lines.

"Just scream bloody murder. Before you say anything, whenever someone is screaming, they're usually screaming alone. Now if we can get a bunch of people screaming, "Don't do this!" or something, that's bound to make them think someone has broken in or out and is murdering everyone." Aeolus elaborated upon his idea, while Rodrill began shaking his head more and more.

Of course this idea had been thought up before, but it's not like everybody here would willingly scream. A lot of them are afraid of the consequences, and don't want to get in trouble.

"How are we gonna make everyone scream like that?" Rodrill asked, seeking out an answer from the lips of Aeolus.

"Like this." Aeolus said, and right after, a killing intent so strong that it completely pressurized ears and made it hard to hear came out, and everyone looked in the direction of Aeolus. A lot of them began screaming and stuff, somewhere along those lines.

"Usually, the people in the hanging dungeons are the people of Pangaea, who are weaklings who can't emit a killing intent like mine. However, now that someone like me, a fighter, has gotten into here, I can radiate a killing intent making them scream bloody murder."

Aeolus finally revealed how this was going to work, and Rodrill began understanding. He had thought of this before, but didn't want to do it. Who knew if he would kill someone by using such a pressure, or maybe giving someone a heart attack.

However, Aeolus used it not too hard, and seemed to stop killing intent right before someone started to experience pain. Clearly, Aeolus would make for a fine torturer.


"Someone, help us please!"

"We're gonna die, someone stop this brat!"

All the hanging people were getting riled up at Aeolus and his aura, which was turning out exactly how Aeolus wanted it to be. Soon enough, they heard someone opening the door to the hanging dungeon, and enter.

"Shut the @#$% UP!" he yelled, while walking in there with a whip. Aeolus simply looked at him, and tried concealing his smile to the best of his abilities.

For this man had fallen right into his little trap.

When he went up to Aeolus to whip him, Aeolus simply did the sane thing any person would do, or so he thought.

"What the-!" the man yelled, while being strangled.

Aeolus had wrapped his legs around the man, and was currently choking him out. After a few more seconds, the man had been completely choked out, but Aeolus didn't let go of his body. If he were to let go of the body, it would drop down to the ground, where they could not reach it.

Instead, he threw it up into the air with his legs, and made it land on his shoulder. He found the keys on his waist, and immediately ripped them out of the belt with his teeth. He passed the body to Rodrill using his legs, which Rodrill caught perfectly.

The only issue was that the lock was behind him, and he could not reach there. He turned his back to Rodrill, and passed the key by throwing it with his mouth.

"Get me out and then I'll get you out." Aeolus said, and Rodrill followed orders excruciatingly well. Aeolus dropped down onto the ground, and could feel that he had regained all his powers.


Not even needing the keys anymore, Aeolus simply put his hand on the chains, and before they could absorb all of his spirit, he melted them with acidic poison. Rodrill dropped to the ground, and stood up.

"Now let's go."

Rodrill was trying to get out of here, but Aeolus held him back.

"What do you mean let's go? Do you know what we can do with these people?"

Aeolus asked Rodrill, and Rodrill understood what Aeolus was referring to right away.

"You sly genius, of course they would be amazing distractions!"

Rodrill knew what Aeolus meant, and they began freeing everybody.



Name: Abdul Kareem

Age: 14!!!!!!!

Occupation: Middle school

Goal: Idk, I'm just making a novel for now

Location: Why would I say that?

Relations: I'm not married (duh)

Favorite food: da asian stuf!

Birthday: June 4, 2005

Anyway, on a more serious tone, this is my first novel I've ever tried writing. Thanks for being with me on this first experience! If you could also somehow get others to read this novel too, I would be pretty grateful! :D


We hit 5k views on Royalroad, so thx for that. This is basically a thank you, and a sorry for missing uploads on the previous days for the emergency.

Glypsumdukecreators' thoughts