
Chapter 46: Interrogation

The Roamer

Chapter 46: Interrogation

"Just say what you want."

Aeolus didn't want to deal with Akill, and just wanted to get to the point.

"Straight to the point huh? Well, that's something that can be considered a blessing or a curse when it comes to you."

Akill was in a talkative mood and wanted to converse, but apparently Aeolus wasn't having any of it.

'Guess I'll just interrogate him a bit.' Akill thought, while beginning to think of what question to ask Aeolus first.

"Ah! Ok, why are you doing all of this? What are your motives essentially?"

Akill didn't beat around the bush once again, and just pounced onto the main thing that a lot of Pangaea wanted to know.

Right now, Aeolus was pretty famous, and a lot of the slaves wanted him to state something about his current situation, and were awaiting news of him.

However, Aeolus clearly wasn't going to get out, and Akill couldn't wait to tell all the "people" of Pangaea that Aeolus was no more.

"Motives? Why, they're nothing special. I'm just a bit spoiled and want what my mind wants." Aeolus replied, as directly as he could as well. He didn't want to waste time with the side talk either.

At least they were on the same mind when it came to something.

"What is it that you want? Or, according to you, your mind?" Akill asked, trying to get an answer, an actual answer out of Aeolus.

"Isn't that something that even you should know the answer to, you brain-dead idiot?" Aeolus replied, and sighed afterwards.


Just like that, Aeolus took a slap to the face so fast and hard that he fell off the bench and had to spit out a tooth.

"Don't toy with me boy, get to the point. What is it that you're seeking out of all this chaos? Riches? To be acknowledged by the "people" of Pangaea who are actually slaves? To show that you're on top?" Akill was getting fed up with Aeolus, the same emotion welling up in Aeolus.

"Simple, I just don't think this is right. So many people living in a land mass are slaves? It's already wrong to have people who belong to others, but so many at the same time?" Aeolus replied honestly this time, which calmed down the riled up Akill a slight bit.

"Considering the aura radiating out of you, it seems that you're telling me the truth. Then answer this question while you're in the mood to answer as well. Why do you think this is wrong? Why do you think the slaves need help?" Akill asked once more, trying to probe the depths of Aeolus' mind and mindset. What he knew, what he believed in, his goals, everything.

Akill wanted to identify all of it.

"The people, they don't want to live their lives like this. Don't you see it when you walk the streets? You give them a home, and you feed them. Yet, they don't want it. You're forcing them to work, with no pay at all. Their lives never change, it's the same everyday." Aeolus began explaining, trying to knock some sense into this person who was immoral in his opinion.

"When they get sick, do you just leave them to die? If you don't pay the people, and you force all of them to work at something, then how are they supposed to help the sick? It was never in your plan to help the sick, was it? The original idea was to just let them die, huh?" Aeolus was getting a bit more pissed off with each word that came out of his mouth, spit beginning to hit the ground.

"Above all of that, they have dreams! They don't want to be stuck to such a life, doing the same thing since they were born! The people of Pangaea want to move on, and they will whether you like it or not! At some point, the leashes that you're using to hold down the people will not be enough anymore, especially when a rebellion begins!" Aeolus was fully yelling at this point, trying to make Akill understand.

Yet, Akill was still sitting with a calm look on his face, even with all this spit on his face.

"You're just another dog to the people, one who wants to help them? You should've just said that from the beginning, you fool." Akill finally said something after all this time, yet the reply seemed to piss Aeolus off even more.

"You…" Aeolus couldn't even fathom the anger rising within him, and it wasn't the type of anger where you would simply be mad at someone for breaking something. No, he wanted to throw away the chains restraining him and fight with Akill to the death, no matter what.

"I can sense what you want, but don't even think about it. Even if you were to somehow escape the chains, nothing but death lies in front of you, same as all the other people who have been hung in the hanging dungeon."

Akill was beginning to wrap up his interrogation, discarding all the other questions he had in his mind. Now that he knew what Aeolus was really doing all this for, he didn't need any more questions.

"Take him away, back to the hanging dungeon. In fact, I'll escort you as well, he's acting similar to a dog with an extreme disease right now, wouldn't trust you to be able to handle him." Akill said, and the dungeon master immediately obeyed. They departed on their way to the hanging dungeon, escorting Aeolus back.

"Fight me to death if you're so sure you'll beat me, you damned idiot! Get these chains off me, don't make me bite you to the death, you cockroach!"

Meanwhile, Aeolus still wasn't willing to go back to the hanging dungeon, was still desperately trying to get out of this situation.


Yet, all it took was a single attack from Akill to shut him up.

"I haven't infused the affinity of poison into any of my layers, but I just so happen to know this attack related to the affinity that paralyzes the body." Akill explained, while Aeolus couldn't even comprehend what was being said. His whole body was in shock, and he was being dragged away.

--- sequence 2 ---

The dungeon master hung Aeolus back up, while Akill watched the process. After a few seconds, the process had been completed, and Aeolus was back to where he was hanging before.

Akill's eyes flickered to the left, where Rodrill was.

'Did he always have such a killer instinct?' Akill wondered, while inspecting Rodrill. Coming out from Rodrill was an aura Akill had never sensed from him when he came in here before, an aura suffocating him slowly but surely. It had the power to kill the weak, that's for sure.

In fact, when Akill looked around, he saw people who were hanging and dead.

"Stop that, you damned wrench. You're killing all the people who are supposed to slowly be dying." Akill said calmly, still not acknowledging Rodrill.

So what if he could emit an aura strong enough to kill people? The people he was killing were weak, and Akill could do the same thing, except on a much higher level.

'Damned bugs, resisting to the bitter end.' Akill thought within his mind, while walking out. The dungeon master followed, and after a minute, the gate shut behind both of them, enshrouding the room in darkness once again.

"What did they do to you Aeolus?" Rodrill asked, yet got no reply.

Of course, how could he get a reply when Aeolus was currently paralyzed?



Name: Abdul Kareem

Age: 14!!!!!!!

Occupation: Middle school

Goal: Idk, I'm just making a novel for now

Location: Why would I say that?

Relations: I'm not married (duh)

Favorite food: da asian stuf!

Birthday: June 4, 2005

Anyway, on a more serious tone, this is my first novel I've ever tried writing. Thanks for being with me on this first experience! If you could also somehow get others to read this novel too, I would be pretty grateful! :D

I bet y'all thought I wouldn't upload today, EH? ORA ORA ORA

Expect another upload today at around 7:00 PM ET, basically an hour.

Glypsumdukecreators' thoughts