
Chapter 37: Fated Meeting & Rivalry

The Roamer

Chapter 37: Fated meeting & Rivalry

After the announcer explained the other participants and their backgrounds, Aeolus realized his chances within his tournament. Most likely, he would get either third or second, with Lexor behind him or behind him.

First place belonged to an old man who seemed to be on his deathbed, and he had hit the seventieth layer. After hearing his layer, Aeolus immediately got his sights off of first place. Even if he was old and physically weak, he still had the powers of the spirit. Who knew how much attacks he had.

"Now, let's begin. Everyone, pick your partners and decide who battles first!" the announcer roared, with cheering coming right after. Aeolus looked left and right, but it seemed like most people were avoiding him. After a while, only him and Lexor were left, or so he thought.

"Brat, come and fight me?" the old man asked Lexor, and Lexor simply smiled.

"How dare an old geezer insult something as shiny as me?" Lexor replied, with that smile turning into a frown the more you looked at it. However, the grandpa simply ignored the reply.

"Is that a yes or no?" the grandpa said, and Lexor firmly refused. The old man then turned his eyesights to Aeolus, and smiled at this point in time.

"Brat, you're with me now." the old grandpa said, with wisdom shining in his eyes. However, Aeolus could also sense the aura of a mentor. Aeolus had no doubt that this geezer had raised many powerhouses within this world, who were currently roaming the world and conquering everything.

"Since I don't want to fight Lexor yet, I guess I'm forced too…" Aeolus said, with his decisiveness in his voice. The old grandpa detected it, and simply grinned. From the beginning of this tournament, he could read all of Aeolus' thoughts and more.

Basically, Aeolus had absolutely no chance of beating this old man.

"Who would like to go first? Of course, Lexor is excluded until someone chooses to battle the young master!" the announcer explained, and the stands didn't boo or anything. In fact, they even cheered it on.

'They all want his victory huh?' Aeolus thought, while clicking his tongue. Him not battling would conserve his energy, while Aeolus would have to fight more battles than him, tiring him out more.

"Yes, the world is unfair brat." the grandpa said, reading Aeolus' mind. Aeolus didn't know that this grandpa could read his mind yet, so he was simply amazed. However, Aeolus didn't let it get to him so much, because if he did, he would probably lose his calm headedness, which might cost him this battle.

'This brat still thinks about victory, even when he's fighting me…' the grandpa thought to himself, but still kept smiling. In his opinion, it was the young people of the world who had courage that would lead the revolution. This brat would definitely be a fine piece in any battles he fought in the future.

"We'll go first." the grandpa raised his hand, and Aeolus simply frowned. Doing that was the same as being the first to show off their hand. Still, he had to follow the old grandpa, as he was his partner. He raised his hand as well, giving comfort to the old man.

"It seems that Aeolus and Digandry are volunteering to be the first to show us a battle!" the announcer announced, the people in the stands cheering, as always. Aeolus sometimes wondered if they were just machines meant to motivate the fighters, but it definitely wasn't the case.

Aeolus and Digandry walked into the center of the arena, and stood right apart from each other. Digandry had a simple smile on his face, while Aeolus, as always, had nothing on his face. They simply stared at each other, until the announcer began his next words.

"This battle will begin on go. Ready, set, g-!" the announcer began, but couldn't finish. In fact, many things couldn't finish. Everything in the world seemed to have paused, and only Aeolus could move. Aeolus looked around, and realized every single fighter was frozen, including Lexor. However, when he looked back in front of him, he understood what was going on.

"We'll begin a training session within this dimension." Digandry explained, but it wasn't enough to convince Aeolus. After all, he wasn't even explaining what was going on, but Aeolus had a loose idea about what was going on.

"The affinity of time is one of your assets?" Aeolus asked, trying to confirm what he thought was the cause of this whole situation. Surprisingly, Digandry shook his head, refuting Aeolus' words.

"This is the affinity of space in work. My power rains supreme within this world, so supreme that I've reached the level of dimensions. My affinity evolved into the next stage, and is the upgraded version of space. This is simply a dimension we're in, one that controls time." Digandry explained, while Aeolus nodded his head most of the time. He was currently comprehending what Digandry was saying.

"Wait, affinities could evolve into something else?" Aeolus asked, confused by the turn of events. Not only did he learn there was some affinity able to control dimensions, affinities were able to evolve as well?

"Only people past the fiftieth layer know this, but affinities can be taken to the next stage. The affinites you have before the fiftieth layer are considered the fertile version of the affinities, not awakened at all. Once you pass the fiftieth layer, you reach the child section of the affinity." Digandry explained even more, while Aeolus comprehended even more.

"Wait, you said they're only at the child level once you hit the fiftieth layer… then what is the final version of an affinity?" Aeolus asked another question once again, and Digandry began to frown a little.

"For a brat, you desperately seek knowledge. Still, you're a brat with potential, and for that reason, you will recieve my guidance. Once you pass a certain limit, that even I'm not aware of, your affinity will become much, much stronger than before. At that point, it's referred to as a 'mature affinity'." Digandry explained once again, and this time Aeolus finally stopped questioning it all, realizing that this geezer was beginning to get pissed off.

'Basically, I'm nowhere near close to the limits of my affinity?' Aeolus thought to himself, and Digandry immediately picked up on the thought.

"Correct, but there is also something else to keep in mind. Once an affinity hits the mature level, whether or not it's a god realm affinity or a normal one, all of them will be equal in power. At that point, it's all left up to the benefits of the affinity and how you use it." Digandry said, while sighing at this point in time.

"This… the affinity of death will be rendered the same as all the other affinities at that time?" Aeolus questioned the world, confused as to why such a system of cultivation was set up by the gods. However, he realized the next thing coming up from this.

"That's right brat, at that point in time, layers and all that wont matter anymore. Everyone will be at an equal level, and at that point, it's left up to your knowledge and skills. Once you reach that level, battles will be determined by reaction time, experience, strategy, and more." Digandry explained for the final time, and finally quitted down.

'This… I understand it now.' Aeolus thought to himself, while releasing a faint chuckle. Digandry took it as a sign of him being courageous, and simply smiled once again. However, everything resumed at that point in time. All the cheering came back, the announcer was yelling again, and the other combatants had their eyes flickering.

"I'll be going now, brat." Digandry said, and soared out of the arena. Other people couldn't even react until three seconds had passed, their faces turning into shock. Just why would an astounding man like him turn tail and run?

They all pinned their eyes on Aeolus, beginning to realize that he might be a reason. Aeolus began sweating lightly, scared that this might give away what was under the mask. Meanwhile, Digandry was laughing while watching this whole scene play out form the clouds.

'I did join the tournament for experience and rewards, but that brat seems to be someone decent within this world. Maybe the next time I see him, we can engage in thorough combat?' Digandry thought to himself, and took off fully this time. Meanwhile, Aeolus was still sweating profusely, until he took to the skies as well.

"Damned geezer, leaving me in such a situation…" Aeolus said out loud, but on the inside, he was thankful to the geezer. He now knew what to focus on, and what to do in training. It wasn't about powering up anymore, that would come naturally. Instead, it was about skills and talent, natural skills and talent.

However, the next thing that hit his ears like a truck gave him goosebumps.

'I look forward to the time where you try to rebel against Pangaea once more, Aeolus.' a voice came into Aeolus' ears, and he could've swore that it was the voice of the prince, Lexor. Aeolus' face turned white, but regained it's composure quickly.

"Lexor and me… will it truly end at Pangaea?" Aeolus wondered, and continued soaring towards the ruins that were Antegria a while ago.



Name: Abdul Kareem

Age: 13 (Almost 14)

Occupation: Middle school

Goal: Idk, I'm just making a novel for now

Location: Why would I say that?

Relations: I'm not married (duh)

Favorite food: da asian stuf!

Anyway, on a more serious tone, this is my first novel I've ever tried writing. Thanks for being with me on this first experience! If you could also somehow get others to read this novel too, I would be pretty grateful! :D

Bet y'all thought that I wouldn't keep my word on the double upload!

Still, sorry for not making the chapter as long as usual, I just didn't want to spoil the mood of the chapter by putting in more unnecessary words.

Glypsumdukecreators' thoughts