
Chapter 36: Finalizing results

The Roamer

Chapter 36: Finalizing results

"Where… am I?" Aeolus asked, as he had just woken up. All he saw was the bright, blue sky. He sat up, and saw that he was in some sort of jungle. He simply soared out, and looked around. He saw nothing related to the battle of Antegria. He was extremely confused, as he did not understand how he came about such a place.

'Wait a minute…' Aeolus thought to himself, and sensed something from Kline and Dasline. He browsed through their memories, and figured out what happened.

'To think that my undead would go through such a thing for me…' Aeolus whispered in his mind, while also proud. He really did raise a powerful army, one that would help him even more in the future. However, the location his army brought him too wasn't favorable, and Aeolus was beginning to turn pale.

A few miles off, he could see one of the sights he never wanted to see again. It was the great abyss of a hole that was created during a battle from long ago. Who wouldn't turn pale from such a sight? The destruction was extreme, one that this world almost never experienced.

"Of course, it's due to that idiot who would self destruct himself to kill himself and I…" Aeolus said to himself, and didn't want to remember that situation. He immediately turned around, and stopped looking towards the big abyss. He didn't want to see it any longer, and flew off. He was heading back in the direction of Pangaea.

'I still have some unfinished business there, I'm not leaving 'till every despicable, corrupted person has dropped.' Aeolus swore to himself once again, and flew even faster. He wished to see the results of the losing battle that he had fought. More specifically, he wanted to see the conditions of the people and Toronto.

"If Toronto is still in a bad condition, I'll invade right now just to kill him. I'll kill him, and then get out of there." Aeolus said to himself, while arriving at Pangaea. However, he immediately began rethinking what he just said.

"No, that'll just lead to my inevitable death. I also can't continue capturing cities, or the results will always be the same. If only Toronto would just get out of the way… no, even without him, there are all the other commanders…" Aeolus kept muttering to himself, trying to think of a way to deal with this. However, no matter how much he thought, there were only two surefire ways.

Number one would be for him to power up even more, and get all his undead to his level.

Number two would be to increase the overall number of undead, and make it so that he can do even more with more eyes and ears.

'Actually, I'll just do both. I think I'll take a couple months off from actually working, and begin training again.' Aeolus thought to himself, and sighed. Just how much times did he go into training in these past years? First, it was training in the slave prison. Second, it was him absorbing souls. Third, it was him going to hell. Fourth, it was his transition from his old land mass to Pangaea.

"That makes this my fifth time training within my life." Aeolus said to himself, and smiled.

Once again, he began pillaging towns, villages, and cities for strong people to absorb the soul of, and possibly bring back as undead.

--- sequence 2 ---

Just like that, more time had passed again. Aeolus estimated it to be five months, but who knows. During this time, he had figured out the fate of the citizens of Antegria, and the condition of Toronto.

Concerning the citizens, most of them were either killed or forced into slavery worse than before. Concerning Toronto, he retired as a commander, as his arms had been thoroughly ruined. However, Aeolus didn't even dare to think of putting his guard down if he were to ever fight him again.

'Back when I was desperately trying to evacuate the citizens of Antegria, he had lost his arms, but he was still a monster that me and Kline could barely handle.' Aeolus thought to himself, while promising to never put his guard down against any opponent ever again.

Right now, he was living in the ruins of Antegria, as it seemed like Pangaea didn't want it back. Maybe it was for history or something? Aeolus didn't know about any of that, but the one thing that he did understand was that this place was safe. These days, he constantly wore a mask, as his name and face were too widespread at this point.

'The days when I could just walk around with my face out in the open and nobody would care…' Aeolus thought to himself, reminiscing about the beginning of his journey. Of course, it was too late to turn back now, as he had already begun the journey to reach the top of this world.

"Well, it's time to get moving." Aeolus said, and stood up from the fallen pillar he was sitting on. He took to the sky, and flew to the capital of Pangaea. He had been going there recently, both to absorb souls and find new information about the royalty.

'The time for the rebellion to begin is closing in.' Aeolus thought to himself, counting down the days. He could tell that, sooner or later, he would have to fight the royalty of this city, and hopefully, not turn tail or die.

"Now that I think about it, I've turned tail and ran on a lot of battles…" was a random thought that appeared out of nowhere and came out of his mouth.

Just like that, he spent the rest of the day absorbing souls and having Dasline report to him, who was now in the official army due to its illusion affinity. It had warned Aeolus of at least five searches throughout the forest for him. All in all, he was living what he would consider the peaceful life.

"Please don't take my soul, I'm sorry for doing things to her!" an old man with a beard screamed, desperacy in his voice.

However, Aeolus didn't care at all, and absorbed his soul as well.

'I've reached the power of a thirty-fifth layer fighter, and all my undead are at least at the power of thirty-fourth layer…' Aeolus said to himself within the mind, and realized that there was almost nothing left for him to do. Over the months, his undead army had risen to a total number of fifty, which was something he didn't imagine happening anytime soon.

"This… what else do I have to do?" Aeolus thought to himself, not knowing what he should do now. Sure, he could start the rebellion already, and try to take down the royal family. The issue was that he didn't want to, he wanted to make sure he was going to succeed.

"Since I've got nothing to do… maybe go to the royal coliseum?" Aeolus said to himself, astounding many of the people around him who heard him. The royal colosseum was a place where only the best of battles went down throughout all of Pangaea, so this brat trying to compete in such a thing wasn't very conceivable.

However, it wasn't as if they could say anything, as this brat just saved them after all.

"Why not, let's go to the royal coliseum!" Aeolus roared, vigor in his voice. In reality, ever since the evacuation of Antegria, he hasn't had many good battles. For that reason, he was ready for the royal colosseum a lot.

He reached it in a second after running, and signed up for a tournament. Since the people of Pangaea didn't know his name, he just registered at Aeolus, and he was allowed to keep his mask on.

'I just gotta make sure that nobody drops my mask.' Aeolus thought to himself, reassuring his body that it would be fine if it just moved to protect the mask. The reward of this tournament was an affinity feast, and an item that would forcefully bring out a layer within you.

However, Aeolus didn't care about either much. Since he already filled in every single layer within his soul, he didn't need a new affinity. At most, the affinity feast would probably be used to power up his wind affinity, or something like that. As for the item forcefully bringing out a layer, that could bring in side effects since it wasn't supposed to come out, and Aeolus thought it was easier to just form his third layer by himself.

He walked out, as the tournament was to begin after two days. Since he had nothing to do, he just spent his time getting more information and absorbing even more spirits. After doing that for two more days, he avoided another search from the army thanks to Dasline, and that's about it.

Aeolus flew back to the colosseum, ready to get his ass kicked, or the other way around.

"Now that I think about it, I lose a lot in battles…" Aeolus realized, thinking about the amount of times that he actually lost a battle instead of achieving victory. However, he immediately shook that out of his head, as this wasn't the time for such a thought to appear in his mind.

He walked into the colosseum, and appeared in the center. Standing with him were many other huge and burly men, including some women who had the looks of an angel. Yet, none of them seemed to be able to rival Aeolus. Aeolus simply sighed, realizing that he would gain almost nothing from this.

"WAHHHHH!" the nobles within the stands roared at a person who entered right after Aeolus, who was clearly famous. Aeolus looked behind him, and it was some grey haired person who seemed to be around Aeolus' age.

Aeolus stared at this kid dumbfoundedly, not believing that there were even more people in the world like him. Likewise, the kid stared at him with wide eyes, clearly not believing it either.

"You… who are you?" the silver haired kid said, confusion evident within his voice.

"I'm Aeolus, a contestant within this tournament. Who are you?" Aeolus replied, and then asked a question. In reality, both of them were extremely confused at the situation.

"Why, the announcer will state who I am, so don't worry about it." the silver haired kid said, and flashed a smile at Aeolus. Aeolus simply turned around, and continued comprehending the issues relating to this silver haired kid. If he was at such a powerful level at such a young age, he could become a real issue in the future if he were to ever long for the position of most powerful.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the tournament of honor!" some man floating in the sky roared, immediately being replied to by loud cheers and screams.

"It seems that this time, we have two kids fighting for the top! We have the new kid who we haven't seen before, Aeolus!" the announcer roared, and there were a few claps and cheers, as to be expected. However, the next thing the announcer said absolutely stunned Aeolus into a shock.

"Then, we have young master, who is destined to become the emperor of Pangaea, Lexor!" the announcer roared, and way, way more cheers and screams came in from the stands. Aeolus simply looked behind him, and saw Lexor smiling at him, with his hand held out.

"The name's Lexor, nice to meet you Aeolus." Lexor said with his hand held out, which Aeolus took and shook. However, Aeolus could've swore that there was some demonly smile on his face.



Name: Abdul Kareem

Age: 13 (Almost 14)

Occupation: Middle school

Goal: Idk, I'm just making a novel for now

Location: Why would I say that?

Relations: I'm not married (duh)

Favorite food: da asian stuf!

Anyway, on a more serious tone, this is my first novel I've ever tried writing. Thanks for being with me on this first experience! If you could also somehow get others to read this novel too, I would be pretty grateful! :D

DOUBLE RELEASE DAY, hope you enjoy chapter 36 and 37. Remember, this is a thank you from me to you, for bringing this to 10k views total when you combine royalroad.com and webnovel.com

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