
Chapter 35: Toronto's anger

The Roamer

Chapter 35: Toronto's anger

"So, you're the brat who Sasha decided to spare huh? Yet, look at what happened as a result. She's on the ground, slowly dying…" Toronto said, despair clear in his voice. Aeolus realized that he had just pissed off someone he shouldn't have, and took a big gulp.

"For Sasha, I'll take you down." Toronto said, and appeared right in front of Aeolus. At first, Aeolus was confused as to how he did such an act, but he realized this was all the affinity of time.

'He's speeding himself up using time!' Aeolus realized, sweat dripping down from his body. This guy was on a whole other level from the commander of Antegria, who only took a few undead to kill.

"Doing this also speeds up time for me, and I'm aging at double the pace now, so let's get this over with." Toronto said, with killing intent deep in his eyes, making it look as if he was born with such a dead face. Aeolus simply protected himself as much as possible, however, Toronto was way too fast.

He was easily getting through Aeolus and his defenses, as if they were nothing but flies. Meanwhile, the rest of the army was passing by them, beginning to capture the citizens. However, the next sight completely angered Aeolus.

"Please, don't kill my so-!" were the words of many people. They weren't just capturing the people, they held them down for a few seconds and then killed them off.

"They're all labeled as traitors you see, so they all need to die." Toronto said calmly, not caring at all. Besides, in the end, they were just slaves to aid the royal army.

"God damn it…" Aeolus said, clearly not working with the same mindset as Toronto. Just what did these people do to deserve such a thing? He gritted his teeth, and began to move even faster. He was beginning to catch up with Toronto's speed, which surprised the commander greatly.

'This… he's evolving through combat?' Toronto thought to himself, but it was simply an entertaining thought to himself. Even if he was evolving through combat, he wouldn't be able to save all the citizens.

One way or another, he would experience misery.

However, Aeolus clearly didn't agree to this.

"SCREW OFF!" Aeolus roared, and pierced Toronto with some string, right in the lungs. Aeolus immediately lost one of his fingers after that, and it was on his physical arm. However, Aeolus considered this trade worth it.

"Damned brat!" Toronto yelled, and began attacking once again. However, Aeolus immediately booked it, since he had the chance. He was running towards the innocent slaves, no, people. He began sending his string out in all directions, and using his undead to the best of his abilities.

'They can't die, They can't die, They can't die…' was on repeat in Aeolus' head, as if it was a broken cassette tape. However, it was his honest thoughts, he really did want to save them. However, Toronto wouldn't let him.


Aeolus felt an immense pain somewhere down there, and began screaming wildly, as if he was a boar on the verge of execution. After screaming for a second, he immediately looked down. In the place of his stomach, there seemed to be a fist holding something that came out of his body.

He then took a kick from the back, and went flying into one of the walls of this cavern. He was buried in rubble, and barely had any space to breath. He was slowly bleeding out, and his end seemed to be closing in.

"S-S-Shit, stand up…" he tried to will himself, but it wasn't working. If anything, it just served to help him spit out more blood. He slowly lifted the rubble off himself, but there was somebody standing in front of him helping him.

'Ah, one of my undead…' Aeolus thought to himself, pleased that he had such a loyal army. However, it was the exact opposite of an ally lifting up the rubble.

"Stand up, damned bug. You'll know the pain I experienced when I lost Sasha!" Toronto yelled, and lifted Aeolus out of the rubble, who couldn't do anything back. He simply closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep, permanently. However, Toronto wouldn't allow such a thing.


He immediately slapped Aeolus' face, which woke him up. Aeolus stared into the face of Toronto, and could've swore he was staring at a demonic general. His eyes were fully black, no pupil or whites. He was leaking blood from his mouth, and many other places.

In fact, Aeolus could've swore that he was also in a pitiful situation.

'Just how did he get so injured…' Aeolus thought to himself, but understood when he looked behind Toronto. Behind him, there were many undead bodies, all of them slowly being absorbed by him.

"I see, it seems my soldiers didn't want you getting near me…" Aeolus said silently, but Toronto still heard him. He simply made an even worse expression, while Aeolus giggled a little. However, it seemed as if hope wasn't fully lost.


Toronto's left arm was cut off, and hit the ground. Toronto began reversing time while turning around, to get his arm back and confront the opponent. However, the opponent simply pinned Toronto's arm to the ground, and sent string in from behind Toronto to pierce him.

It came out with what Aeolus could've swore was an organ, and he was proud of this undead soldier that he had raised.

For it was Kline, fighting on Aeolus' side.

--- sequence 2 ---

"A damned undead dares to try and stop me?" Toronto said, while throwing his fist out towards Kline. However, Kline simply stopped it with string that was already there, and kicked Toronto in the balls, or what seemed to be the balls. However, Kline didn't feel anything jiggly when he kicked there, so he simply stopped attacking there.

"In battle, a man has to learn how to cover their private spots." Toronto said with an obnoxious tone, as if it was one of the most basic things in the world. However, Kline wasn't acknowledging a single thing coming out of Toronto's mouth, and simply attacked.

'This damned human dares to insult my master to such a degree…' Kline was thinking to itself, disappointed by how weak it was. Just the fact that his master was about to die while he was still alive and kicking was already angering Kline to death.

"To think you've raised such a dedicated undead…" Toronto said calmly, while observing Kline's every movement. After a bit, he dropped Aeolus on the ground, and took off his shirt. Aeolus could've swore that there was some powerful aura surrounding his body.

"I won't go easy on you, you're the last defense protecting your little master." Toronto said with no emotions in his voice, while his body kept increasing in size. After a while, his body stopped growing. However, he was still humongous. Kline barely even reached his waist.

"Come at me, damned ant." Toronto said, while taunting at Kline. Kline got pissed off, and rushed at him. He pierced Toronto with string, but Toronto was simply smiling. It was as if this was just a vaccine he was taking, and nothing serious at all.

"You can't compete with me anymore, and I don't blame you. Even if all the commanders ganged up on me, they would barely beat me." Toronto mentioned in a sly voice, while Aeolus was slowly losing consciousness and life. Kline realized that it had to hurry up, or things would end up badly for itself and its master.

It began rushing at Toronto once again, who simply smiled once again. Toronto reached his arm outwards, to grab Kline. However, the next move Kline pulled off surprised everyone, including his master, Aeolus.

He jumped into the air, and landed behind Toronto. Toronto thought that it was just a trick to try and backstab him, and turned around. However, his last arm was cut off from behind, and fell to the ground. String was coming in from every direction, and Aeolus realized this move heavily.

'Kline learnt it… Kline learnt my ultimate move!' Aeolus got heavily excited, as it seemed like his undead was evolving through this battle as well. However, the string didn't pierce Toronto, who was guarding himself. Instead, Kline used it for something Aeolus had never thought about before.

It pierced through the ground, and came back out carrying rocks. The rocks were wrapped in string, and were sent flying at Toronto. Toronto took one straight to the forehead, and the pain was unimaginable. Kline used this moment to throw his master over his shoulder, and ran out of the cavern using the entrance at the shore of Pangaea.

"You're not getting away so easily!" Some man screamed at Kline, while jumping down onto him. However, Kline simply avoided it, and kept flying. It was planning on crossing the ocean, and escaping with its master. It gave up on the idea of saving the slaves completely, as they had absolutely no choice.

'Master and I barely handled one, we can not take on anymore...' was the thought rushing through Kline's head, unwilling to let Aeolus die. However, the man who jumped down on them before clearly wasn't about to let them escape so easily. He began chasing after them, and Kline thought he could handle it pretty easily.

However, huge waves rose up, and were coming towards them.

"This is where the affinity of water really shines!" The unknown man yelled, cheering happily. However, it wasn't such a happy moment for Kline and Aeolus. The waves were getting bigger and bigger, until at least five of them were big enough to flood a whole city.

'... damn it.' Kline thought to himself, and resolved himself to the end. However, it seemed as if they had more backup.

One of the more famous undead of Aeolus came out, the illusionist. It began radiating its thoughts towards Kline.

'Kline, I'll use an illusion to make it seem as if we all got drowned by the tsunami's, and you take to the skies with master.' the illusionist explained, and Kline immediately accepted. He took to the skies, while the illusionist made it seem as if they had been drowned.

After flying for half an hour, the illusionist came flying back towards them. The illusionist was previously a pretty lady, her hair fluttering with the wind she was soaring through.

'How's the condition of master?' the illusionist asked, clearly concerned. Even if she didn't care about Aeolus, him dying also meant that all the undead soldiers would go back to the abyss of death, so she had to watch out for him no matter what.

"He's… getting better slowly through the soul infusion technique." Kline said, with a bit of pessimism in his voice. In reality, he wasn't that confident. He didn't think that the soul infusion could help Aeolus much in such a situation. Of course it couldn't, Toronto took out a lot of his intestines.

"No… master will make it." Kline said calmly, and kept flying. He could feel the vigor of the soul infusion technique, which felt much stronger than before. He kept soaring, towards the beginning.



Name: Abdul Kareem

Age: 13 (Almost 14)

Occupation: Middle school

Goal: Idk, I'm just making a novel for now

Location: Why would I say that?

Relations: I'm not married (duh)

Favorite food: da asian stuf!

Anyway, on a more serious tone, this is my first novel I've ever tried writing. Thanks for being with me on this first experience! If you could also somehow get others to read this novel too, I would be pretty grateful! :D


ALSO, webnovel needs to help me out a little. I tried setting this chapter to release at 3:00 PM, but it said it couldn't for some reason.

So basically, sorry for a late release!

Glypsumdukecreators' thoughts