
The Road to War God

When the nerd crossed the other world, the mysterious system suddenly descended! From then onwards, the loser had transformed beautifully and started to create numerous shocking miracles! A top-tier cultivation technique? A peerless weapon? The peak of martial arts? In the face of the War God's system, everything was meaningless! Let's see how Ye Xingchen, who possessed the Martial God System, could reach the peak of martial arts in turbulent times!

Daoist4Fpl5o · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 16 Yin Yang Fish

After Stephan chose the mental cultivation method, he returned to his residence and started a new round of cultivation. He was only at the peak of the 5th level of Refinement, while Bonnie had already reached the 8th level of Refinement. He felt a great deal of pressure and needed to make a breakthrough before the Family Competition, or he would be no match for Bonnie at all.

Stephan's consciousness entered the Martial God Realm and sat cross-legged next to the Spring of Life, whereas the little lion was happily soaking within the Spring of Life.

Stephan flipped open the book, revealing a description of the cultivation of spiritual energy.

In the eyes of ordinary martial artists, this mental cultivation technique belonged to those in the Postnatal Realm and above. However, in the eyes of Stephan, since he could cultivate, this mental cultivation technique was extremely important to Stephan.

Under the guidance of martial arts, Stephan's spiritual force could now extend beyond two meters. If he practiced spiritual skills, Stephan believed that even if he was at the peak of the fifth level of Refinement, he could challenge a martial artist at the seventh level of Refinement.

As for the mental cultivation method, the most important thing for a martial artist was the spirit, the energy, and the spirit. The spirit, the spirit, and the spirit would grow with the martial artist's cultivation, but the speed was very slow.

However, if one was able to train in Spirit Techniques, their Spirit power would become even stronger.

Stephan carefully read the mental cultivation method and constantly practiced it. Mental Energy was very difficult to cultivate. The reason why Stephan was able to cultivate it was because of his heaven-defying talent.

Although Stephan still didn't know, under the influence of the Martial God system, his current talent could be said to be heaven-defying.

Two hours, four hours, six hours...

As time ticked by, Stephan sat cross-legged in meditation, cultivating his mental cultivation method.

The general principle of spiritual strength was to condense the spiritual strength and constantly compress it, so that the spiritual strength could be solidified. In this way, the spiritual strength alone could suppress the warriors below the Acquired Realm.

Stephan controlled his spiritual strength to continuously compress, extend, compress and extend. Again and again, he failed and tried again and again.

Finally, after cultivating his spiritual force for a day, Stephan's spiritual force was compressed to the extreme. His spiritual force could also scan ten meters around him, which was a great encouragement for Stephan.

"Mental cultivation is indeed profound. When I meet an alchemist one day, I'll definitely give it a try and see if I can become one." Stephan felt that his mental strength had increased significantly in the past day. Even his cultivation had reached the peak of the fifth level of the Refinement Realm, only one step away from the sixth level.

After cultivating for an entire day, Stephan's consciousness came out of the Martial God Domain.

Today, Stephan was preparing to take a walk around Milky Way Town to see if there was a place where he could store the dead bodies of the demonic beasts.

Stephan decided to sell off the two demonic beast corpses he obtained in Ghost Valley in exchange for something more practical.

The streets of Milky Way Town bustled with activity.

Standing on the street, Stephan looked at the endless stream of people and could not help sighing, "It seems that I still can't just cultivate. I should come out for a walk."

Stephan asked a little and walked to a place on the east side of Milky Way Town.

The underground market was the largest and most luxurious place in Milky Way Town.

In the underground bazaar, as long as one had enough money, they would be able to obtain what they wanted. Here, one could even buy a few forbidden laws.

Moreover, no one dared to make trouble in the underground exchange. Everyone came in by hiding their identities, and the customers' identities would be kept a secret in the underground exchange, so there was no robbery or murder at all.

Stephan arrived at the underground market with his bamboo hat.

At the underground market, two practitioners at the third level of the Refinement Realm welcomed Stephan, bringing him to the underground market.

"Young Master, are you here to sell or buy something?" one of the warriors asked in a low voice.

Stephan changed his voice and whispered, "Demon beast corpses."

"This way please, Young Master." Two martial practitioners at the third level of the Refinement Realm led Stephan into a room that specialized in collecting the corpses of demonic beasts.

In the room, there was only a beautiful young woman. When she saw the two gatekeepers coming in, she twisted her waist and said with a smile, "Is this young master going to sell the body of the demonic beast?"

"Mm." Stephan responded coolly.

The coquettish woman glanced at Stephan and asked, "May I ask what you are looking to sell?"

Stephen brought out the Level 3 Demonic Beast, Raccoon, and the Level 6 Demonic Beast, Winged Tiger's corpse.

"Eh? Level 3 demon beast, Raccoon? Level 6 demon beast, Winged Tiger?" The woman couldn't help but exclaim when she saw the demon beast's corpse.

Under normal circumstances, it would be considered pretty good if those hunting teams could sell a few grade three and grade four demon beasts. However, at this moment, this young man was actually able to take out the corpse of a grade six demon beast. He was truly not simple.

"To think that Young Master was able to hunt a Level 6 Demon Beast. You're not simple." The coquettish woman kept trying to get on Stephan's good side. She couldn't help trying to get on his good side with such a big customer.

Stephan asked in a low voice, "How much are the bodies of these demonic beasts worth?"

"Young Master, do you want to exchange them directly for money? Spirit Pills? Or some other valuable treasures?" The coquettish woman said with a smile on her face.

Spirit pills were things that could stabilize a person's foundation. They were extremely precious to low-level martial artists, and they were a common currency in the Martial Spirit Empire. They were normally used to buy and sell things.

Stephan thought for a moment, "I'll exchange it for some spiritual medicine of the same value. I'll need some spiritual medicine that can nourish the body."

Hearing this, the coquettish woman introduced a lot of body-nourishing elixirs to Stephan. In the end, Stephan chose a 1000-year-old ganoderma lucidum.

Stephan wasn't surprised by Stephan's choice at all. When his mother was pregnant with his younger sister, Yvonne, she was pursued by her enemy and was seriously injured. Her fetus was affected and she had not fully recovered. His younger sister, on the other hand, had been too weak to cultivate because of this incident.

Stephan wanted to exchange it for a thousand-year-old Ganoderma for his mother and sister, Yvonne.

After coming out of the underground trade fair, Stephan glanced at the Ganoderma in the Martial God Realm and smiled.

After returning home, Stephan gave the Ganoderma lucidum to his father and chatted with him briefly before returning to his room.

Back in her room, Stephan started cultivating. He had a feeling that he would be able to break through to the sixth level of the Refinement Realm today.

In Tyler's residence, Tyler, Liu Yvonnenlan and Yvonne were all inside the room.

Tyler put two bowls of hot soup on the table, glanced at Yvonne, who was full of doubts, and said with a smile, "Lan'er, Yvonne, this is the millennium Ganoderma lucidum that Stephan'er bought for you. I specially made it into a soup. You should drink it quickly. You have always been in poor health, and Stephan also misses you very much."


Hearing that, Liu Yvonnenlan was very moved. However, she did not forget to ask about the origins of the 1,000-year-old lingzhi.

Tyler waved his hand and said with a smile, "Our Stephan has now grown up. Not only has he broken through to the 5th level of the Refinement Realm, I also have a faint feeling that Stephan will definitely be able to accomplish something in the future. Stephan went to Ghost Valley once and was lucky enough to kill two yao beasts. He sold the corpses of the two yao beasts and exchanged them for a thousand-year-old lingzhi. Hurry up and drink it while it's hot."

Tyler explained simply. Liu Yvonnenlan and her son were very touched. Of course, Stephan did not tell Tyler that he had been to the inner circle of the Ghost Valley. He did not want his family to worry too much.

At this very moment, Stephan was practicing in the War God's Space.

During this period of time, the little lion had become more and more robust. Furthermore, its appetite was unusually large. Stephan had planned to bring the little lion hunting demonic beasts for it to eat after the competition.

Sitting cross-legged in the War God's Space, Stephan circulated his spiritual force and surrounded himself with it.

After cultivating the mental technique, Stephan could clearly feel that his mental energy had become much purer.

"Phew, let's try to break through." Stephan slowly closed his eyes. The spiritual force in his body spread throughout his body.

Not long after, the sound of bones cracking came from Stephan's body. Breaking through from the fifth level to the sixth level was a qualitative leap. If Stephan wanted to break through, he would have to endure excruciating pain.


The pain spread all over his body. Stephan gritted his teeth and persevered. His spiritual force surrounded his body, his dantian quickly absorbed the spiritual energy, and the two Spirit Cores in his dantian converted spiritual power at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

At this rate, Stephan would break through to the sixth level of the Refinement Realm in two hours at most.

While Stephan was relaxing, the two Spirit Cores in his dantian suddenly collided.

"Ah..." Stephan almost fainted from the sudden impact.

After the two Spirit Cores collided, they began to rotate. Even Stephan couldn't feel the trajectory of the two Spirit Cores.

Stephan quickly circulated his mental energy, but couldn't feel anything.

"What's going on? How could this be?" Stephan muttered to himself anxiously. He controlled his spiritual force to stop the two Spirit Cores from rotating while controlling his spiritual force.

Just like that, the two Spirit Cores kept rotating. At first, they were in pain, but later, they slowly felt very comfortable.

Stephan felt very helpless. His body was actually not under his control. However, after feeling that there was no harm to him after the collision of the two Spiritual Cores, he slowly relaxed.

Just like that, Stephan maintained his breakthrough for an entire day. Suddenly, the two Spirit Cores stopped rotating.

Stephan abruptly opened his eyes and checked his body.

"It's actually turned into a Yin-Jasong fish. What's going on? What's this Spirit Core?" Stephan said in horror. At this moment, his Spirit Core had turned into a Yin-Jasong fish, one side and one side. The Yin-Jasong fish lay quietly in Stephan's dantian, constantly changing the Spiritual Qi they absorbed into the body.

On the other hand, Stephan's cultivation had naturally broken through from the fifth level of Refinement to the sixth level of Refinement.

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