
The Road to War God

When the nerd crossed the other world, the mysterious system suddenly descended! From then onwards, the loser had transformed beautifully and started to create numerous shocking miracles! A top-tier cultivation technique? A peerless weapon? The peak of martial arts? In the face of the War God's system, everything was meaningless! Let's see how Ye Xingchen, who possessed the Martial God System, could reach the peak of martial arts in turbulent times!

Daoist4Fpl5o · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 15 Martial Skill Building

Stephan wanted to exchange a healing pill for his father and see if he could treat his father's pain.

Painkiller Pill, Recovery Pill, Sky Xuan Pill, Earth Xuan Pill, Water Elemental Pill, Sky Fire Pill, Ice Xuan Pill, Reverse Soul Pill...

There were many elixirs, all of which were healing elixirs. Stephan carefully read the introduction of these elixirs. Different elixirs had different effects, and he had to take different elixirs according to his injuries.

In the end, Stephan fixed his eyes on the Heavenly Flame Pill. Yes, it was a Heavenly Flame Pill. Luckily, it was only a first-grade pill and could only be exchanged for 400 points.

Stephan's father, Tyler, was burned, so he needed Heaven Fire Pellets to treat. Stephan exchanged the pills without hesitation. His points were deducted by 400 in an instant, leaving him with 80 points.

"It seems that I have to find a way to earn points. I can't use it. It's a dilemma."

After dinner, Stephan entered Tyler's study at night.

The study was decorated in an ancient style. There was only one bookshelf, which was full of books. There were two big pots of flowers at the door. Tyler was sitting in a wooden armchair, reading.

Seeing Stephan come in, Tyler put down the book in his hand and a smile appeared on his aged face. "Stephan, what are you doing here so late? I saw that you have been practicing hard recently, so I didn't disturb you."

"Father, I've come to see you because of something." There was an indescribable sadness in Stephan's eyes when he saw his father.

"Oh? What is it? Could it be that you've broken through to the 5th level of the Refinement Realm?" After he finished speaking, Tyler circulated his mental energy to probe Stephan before revealing an even more brilliant smile. "Hahaha! I knew it! My Stephan will surely be able to participate in the competition. Stephan didn't disappoint your father."

In front of a Xiantian Realm expert, there was simply no way to hide Stephan's power. Moreover, this was his father so there was simply no need for him to hide anything.

"Father, I'm here to give you something." Stephen handed the Skyfire Pill to Tyler. When Tyler saw the pill, his face changed, and then he hurriedly asked, "Stephan, where did you get this pill? It's a first-class pill, and it's not for sale in Milky Way Town."

"Father, I met a white-haired old man with a sage-like demeanor on the streets of Milky Way Town today. This old man wanted to take me in as a disciple, but I didn't agree. Before leaving, he gave me a pill and said that we would meet again if it's meant to be." Stephan knew that his father would ask, so he had come up with a countermeasure to lead his father to think of something else.

As for the War God's College, he didn't want others to know, because this was a major affair. He couldn't let outsiders know at all.

"Huh? Is he an outsider? I'm afraid that only an alchemist can take out a first-class elixir." Tyler made a guess, shook his head helplessly, and then said, "It's a pity that Stephan did not agree to be apprenticed."

In Tyler's eyes, a tier 1 alchemist could be counted on one's fingers even in the Milky Way Town. Moreover, from the luster of the Sky Fire Pill, even an ordinary tier 2 pill would not be able to reach this level.

Then, Stephan talked to Tyler for a while and asked him to take the pill. The pill was miraculous and had an immediate effect.

After taking the Skyfire Pill, Tyler was glowing with health. Like a young man, he was full of vigor and showered Stephan with praise.

Finally, Stephan learned from Tyler about the situation of the apothecary and pills from him and left the study.

There was a unique profession in the Azure Mysterious Continent. It was a profession that burned through money. Alchemists were divided into nine ranks, and a rank one alchemist was considered one of the best in Milky River Town.

Even the strongest Alchemist in Martial Spirit Empire was merely a grade five Alchemist.

Medicinal pills were also divided into nine grades. A first tier alchemist could refine a first tier medicinal pill, and a second tier alchemist could refine a second tier medicinal pill.

Due to the fact that alchemists were capable of refining unique medicinal pellets, their status in the Azure Mysterious Continent was extremely high. No one was willing to provoke an alchemist.

Alchemists could be said to have hundreds of connections. Many people dreamed of becoming an Alchemist, even if it was only a first rank Alchemist.

To become an alchemist, there were two requirements. The first one was one's Spiritual Force. Only when one's Spiritual Force reached a certain level would they have the qualifications to become an alchemist.

The second possibility was talent. Some people would not be able to become an alchemist in their entire life even if they possessed spirit power and no talent. As for others, they would not be able to become an alchemist even if they possessed both talent and spirit power.

Only those monstrous geniuses with extraordinary talent and strong Spiritual Force would have the chance of becoming an Alchemist. From this, one could see how harsh the requirements of an Alchemist were.

Stephan thought for a moment, but did not pay too much attention to it. He wanted to see if he could become an alchemist, but the alchemists in Milky Way Town did not accept disciples.

"Let's leave it to fate." Stephan was a free and easygoing person. After chatting with his father, Tyler, he felt a lot more comfortable today.

When Stephan returned to his room and was about to rest, Martial's voice suddenly sounded in his mind. "Congratulations, the seal on The Wrath of the Martial God had loosened."

Stephan quickly checked the Martial God's Wrath System. The last line was written: Seal. Surprisingly, it was switched to the Wrath of the Martial God: 1% unsealed.

"What the hell is going on?" Stephan was extremely shocked by the Martial God's anger being unsealed. He clearly remembered Martial's description of the Martial God's anger.

"Your luck is very good. When completing a quest, you will be able to unseal it at random. However, even if you can unseal 1%, you will still be unable to use it," said Martial coolly. There was not a single ripple of emotion on his face.

However, Stephan was overjoyed. Since the War God's Wrath could be unsealed a little, it meant that his efforts were not in vain.

The whole foreign investor, Stephan, was immersed in the joy of the Martial God's Wrath.

The next day, as soon as the sun rose over the mountain, he heard his father talking to someone outside the room. Stephan got up and saw that it was an elder of the Yeager Family's Martial Arts Pavilion.

"Stephan, this is Richie Yeager Elder," Tyler introduced with a smile when he saw Stephan walking out.

"Richie Elder." greeted politely.

"Not bad, not bad. Tyler, your son is not simple, hahaha." Richie took a meaningful look at Stephan and then said with a smile, "I'm here today to take Stephan to the Martial Arts Pavilion to select martial skills."

Stephan glanced at Tyler doubtfully. Tyler explained, "According to the family rules, every younger generation of the Yeager Family who has reached the fifth level of the Refinement Realm can go to the Martial Arts Pavilion to choose a set of cultivation methods. After you left last night, I went to inform Richie Elder and also approved the family's decision."

Stephan nodded. His father was afraid that if he didn't practice martial arts, he would be left behind by others. That was why his father was so anxious for him to choose a cultivation method.

"Thank you, Elder."

Richie led Stephan to pass through the courtyard of the Yeager Family and went to the Martial Skills Pavilion.

Along the way, many members of the younger generation of the Yeager Family discussed animatedly when they saw Stephan following Richie Elder.

"Do you think Stephan has broken through to the fifth level of Refinement and is going to the Martial Skills Pavilion to choose cultivation techniques?"

"It's hard to say. With his natural talent, it would be strange if he was able to break through to the 5th level of Refinement."

"It's even better that he broke through. This time, he has no choice but to participate in the competition. When the time comes, cousin Bonnie will teach him a lesson."

They were all members of Bonnie's faction and loathed Stephan. Stephan ignored their comments.

"Humph, go and cultivate. Don't talk about others behind their backs," Richie snorted coldly and said in a sharp voice.

Richie glanced at Stephan. He looked very determined. Richie nodded. This child's temperament was not bad.

Arriving at the Martial Skills Pavilion, Richie stayed outside while Stephan entered by himself.

On the way to the Martial Skill Building, Stephan also learned about some things about the Martial Skill Building. The strongest cultivation technique of the Yeager Family has three books. They are three second-rate cultivation techniques. Only those who have reached the 8th level of Refinement are qualified to practice these three second-rate cultivation techniques.

On the other hand, he could only choose a third-rate cultivation technique at the 5th level of the Refinement Realm.

Stephan didn't pay much attention to it. He entered the Martial Skills Pavilion, walked up to the bookshelves containing third-rate cultivation techniques, and started reading them carefully one by one.

The Heaven Fire Sword Skill, the Earthshield Skill, the Heaven Startling Sword Skill...

There were more than a dozen sets of third-class cultivation methods. Stephan looked through them one by one, but he felt that they were not suitable for him.

Just as Stephan was disappointed, he suddenly caught sight of a book lying quietly in the corner of his eye.

Stephan walked over, brushed away the dust, and gently picked up the book. It seemed no one had paid attention to the book for a long time. Otherwise, why would there be so much dust?

Stephan flipped to the first page, on which were four big words–Mind Incantation Technique!

"Hmm? Could it be a secret technique that cultivates mental energy?" Stephan's eyes shone as he quickly flipped through it. "I've really found a treasure. I actually found a secret technique that cultivates mental energy in the Martial Skills Pavilion, hahaha."

When Stephan took the mental cultivation method and walked out of the Martial Skills Pavilion, Richie saw Stephan's choice and was very surprised. "Stephan, this book is not a cultivation method. It is the most common history book. It is useless to you now. It has not been selected for many years."

"Elder, I think this book is quite interesting. I just want to read it for a few days. Is that okay?" Stephan chuckled. Of course, he wouldn't tell the truth.

"... Of course you can, but remember to return it." It was the first time that Richie had heard such a reason, so she was a little stunned.

On the other hand, Stephan chuckled and left the Martial Skills Pavilion with mental cultivation.

In front of Richie Elder, Stephan felt like he was being hoodwinked. He didn't like this feeling at all.

For some reason, Richie felt different from usual when she looked at Stephan's back. Although Stephan was only at the fifth level of Refinement, he felt that he couldn't see through him.

"This kid is not simple. I wonder if he will become a dark horse in the competition?" Richie said in a low voice, "Maybe he will shine brightly in the future."

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