
The rise of the Orc

The story is a about a young commander being reborn in a world filled with different kinds of monsters. Follow the journey of the young orc who's rises to become a king. *English is not my first language, so sorry for the bad grammar or spelling mistakes:)

nubwriter777 · War
Not enough ratings
49 Chs

werewolf territory

Soon Blake ventured off into the forest towards the "werewolf territory" as behind him was a dead elf kid whose throat was slit as blood came pouring onto the dirt ground staining the red dirt ground...

10 minutes before the young elf had a hand made stone dager hidden, that the kid was griping on.

"Hey whats up with that dager, kid." said Blake in a calm tone, the kid all freaked out took out the dager quickly and attacked the tall man only for the man to dissappear from behind and slit the kids throat "may you rest in peace" Said Blake in a calm tone as he got on his way..

2 hours ago, Blake had invested his stat points evenly through his agility and strength prepared for anything that came his way while searching around the Minotaurs territory.


Title- none


Limit scale- SSSS+



knowledge- 231



stat points- 0]

As Blake scrolled through the shop, he found something that caught his interest.

[ swift- martial arts- a technique that multiples agility by 3x for 5 secs- limit 5 uses per day- the more used the longer the secs and more uses.-10,000c]

10 hours later...

After a few more steps Blake was met with a run down two story building, So Blake did what any genius would do he poured gasoline all around the building from the outside and lighted it up and went a bit far away to make his camp as the sun was setting.

As morning arrived Blake went back to the Building to see it was Burnt but it seemed somebody had splashed water onto the fire... So Blake did what anybody would do he poured another gallon of gasoline all around and litted it up as he went into the forest to hunt for some food..

As Blake came back towards the building he saw a werewolf with a bucket of water, splashing water onto the fire. Blake ran towards the Werewolf activating his swift griping tightly onto his axe as he swung chopping off the werewolfs head, as he got another container of Gasoline and poured it all around the building and litted it up. As he went back towards his camp as night arrvied..