
The rise of the Orc

The story is a about a young commander being reborn in a world filled with different kinds of monsters. Follow the journey of the young orc who's rises to become a king. *English is not my first language, so sorry for the bad grammar or spelling mistakes:)

nubwriter777 · War
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49 Chs

Werewolf territory [part 2]

Something Blake had noticed each night while being in the territory of werewolfs were there Loud eco soothing howling throughout the night, multiple howls. Not just two or three it felt like thousands of them howl, These past days being in the Werewolf territory Blake had went around venturing throughout only to find half eat rabbits, half eaten deers but no other buildings or sight of other werewolfs beside the headless one near the rundown two story building.

As morning arrived Blake had went towards the rundown two story building to find it was fully burnt down, all that remains was a stone floor and what seems to be a square trap door on the corner of the floor. Blake went threw his bag that he had prepared back on earth as he pulled out some grenades, he then went towards the trapdoor opened it and threw down the four grenades one by one. Looking down it was a narrow square area with a lader leading down a bit deep maybe 30ft. Soon explosions were heard, As Blake looked down to see what had happen, quickly a fast figure had attacked the human.

Blake managed to quickly turn barely and block the strong hairy punch, There face to face Blake was met with a hairy wolf like monster with a muscular structure. Although Blake hadn't remembered much this werewolf looked very similar to the one he beheaded.

When Blake beheaded the werewolf he left it there near the rundown two story building as he went back to his camp site to rest. Only when morning arrived The creature was nowhere to be seen, the blood that squirted out from the headless werewolf were no were to be seen on the ground.

The human and the werewolf stared at eachother face to face as the human grabed his axe and griped tight while the werewolf clenched his hairy fist.