
The rise of the Orc

The story is a about a young commander being reborn in a world filled with different kinds of monsters. Follow the journey of the young orc who's rises to become a king. *English is not my first language, so sorry for the bad grammar or spelling mistakes:)

nubwriter777 · War
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49 Chs

The other world.

As the four humans go through the portal they are met with a sunny blue sky as what seem to be dragons??..in the air some are small some are huge even from afar you could see there dark red scales, They were huge as they flew through the air.

The ground was a bright grassy green with trees all around from tall to short, there were rabbits runing bugs on the dead tree branches that laid on the grassy floor, but there was somekind of creature the three humans have never seen a wolf? but the size of two trucks.

In shock the three humans instinctively got into a shooting position with there guns up, as Blake just watched with a smile?.. "hey! Blake what should we do" said Lexi as she stared at the wolf.

"i think we should report back this should be enough information, we can't be careless" said luke as he went towards the.. portal?.. only for it to be empty the eletric glowing blue light wasn't there just a stone outline. Luke tryed to walk through only to walk through it?..

"uhm.. guys we have a problem the-" before Luke could even finish the big wolf came running towards the group of humans its sharp teeths showing, as Nate and Lexi started to fire bullets only for the bullets to not work?.. it was like the wolf body was made out of metal as the bullets just came off making a "ting" sound.

The wolf stopped for a minute as the bullets were fired, quickly Blake shouted to the other three to follow him as he ran towards the opposite side of the forest. As the three followed, Blake threw a grenade towards the big wolf that also followed the grenade blast was efficient for a few minutes leaving the wolf in a frozen state that gave the four humans enough time to run away.

Of course that wasn't a normal grenade it was bought from the shop for 1000c the ablilty to stun anything that's within the explosion. As the four humans walked for a couple of hours as the three tryed to gather there thoughts.