
The rise of the Orc

The story is a about a young commander being reborn in a world filled with different kinds of monsters. Follow the journey of the young orc who's rises to become a king. *English is not my first language, so sorry for the bad grammar or spelling mistakes:)

nubwriter777 · War
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49 Chs


Even after walking for hours the forest felt endless, soon night arrived as the four humans settled a spot to rest. Finally one human spoke, "A dragon a wolf big ass hell, im not dreaming right?.." said Nate in a shocked tone as he took out some meat from his bag and started to cook it over the fire, the others also took out there food although they were different Lexi had packed a whole dinner, Blake packed a few protein bars and Luke packed some dried meat sticks.

"As for now we should try to look for the others that's what we came to do and maybe they might help us" said Lexi while eating.

"unless there dead.. i mean you saw that huge ass wolf that huge ass dragon we would have died if it weren't for Blake quick thinking" responded Nate in a serious tone and respectful vibe towards Blake.

"We should split up, hear me out its better if there's more pathways instead of one it would make finding them way faster" Said Blake as he was more comfortable alone.

"But how will we get back to eachother and how would we even survive we don't even have any good information yet!." responded Lexi in a anoyed tone.

After hours and hours of the four humans discussing they finally came to a conclusion Blake would be the lone wolf and Luke,lexi,nate would stick together they all promise to meet back here after ten days, five days to go five days to return. As morning arrived Blake was the first to set off as the three others were still asleep.

-three humans point of veiw-

Soon the three humans had set off after a couple of minutes after blake, the three humans walked for hours talking discussing what they should do.

The three humans all in shock as they finally saw some human like figures but with pointy ears with bows and arrows behind. "Elfs?" mumbled Lexi as she was in shock as she was a fan of a TV show that talked about elfs.

The three humans were quickly spotted by these elfs as they charged there bows and shot towards the area the humans were at, the three humans reacted quickly taking out there guns to fire back without warning only for the bullets to be blocked by a magical shelid thats alittle bit visible in the air but after a couple of bullets the magical sheild shattered making broken glass noises.