
The rise of the Orc

The story is a about a young commander being reborn in a world filled with different kinds of monsters. Follow the journey of the young orc who's rises to become a king. *English is not my first language, so sorry for the bad grammar or spelling mistakes:)

nubwriter777 · War
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49 Chs


As Blake quickly rushed towards the human territory,luckily a carrage came along and the gate open letting blake enter with the women.

Wow thought Blake as he saw the sight of mages practicing magic while the muscular humans practiced the sword.

This was no village it was a training base..

[2:00 minutes left]

while blake was to amazed to notice the timer , he quickly hid behind a tall tent what looks to be 20 feet tall...

he then droped the women behind the tent carfuly on the grassy ground and headed back to the gate only for it to be closed..?

oh shit.. thought Blake.. [4 secs left]

"huh.." said a women who was walking towards the gate..

"ORC!!" The women shouted in a serious tone as she got out her wand?.. and mumble something..

"everybody get into formation!" said a muscular man who looked to be the leader..

As the ones who were training quickly changed into a defending position against the huge tall orc...

With blakes quick thinking, he did what any genius would do, he turned around and ran into the thick metal gate with force while runing he fired a fire ball a couple of times enough to have weakend the thick metal gate.


oh shit thought blake he had forgotten about the water that surrounded the area..

"oh well" said Blake as he then used his muscular orc legs with orc strength and jumped across.

"GARGE THROW ME THE SHARP STICKS" shouted blake in a tired but loud tone...

As garge heard this he then preceded to throw them.

Blake them used his orc strength and chanted fire ball while throwing the sticks towards the gate causing the sharp sticks to act like a grenade and he preceded to throw some more up at the two mages and down at the other humans.

"RUN!!" said Blake as he followed garge as he ran back towards the destination of the orc village..

After a long distances away from human territory and towards the monster territory, garge finnally spoke.

"who are you" said garge in a curious/respectful tone, as in his whole time of living he has never seen a orc do the things he did..

"im a orc" said Blake in this serious soothing tone as he also draged his axe along the dirt ground as he was tired..

"oh" said garge in a disappointed tone..