
The rise of the Orc

The story is a about a young commander being reborn in a world filled with different kinds of monsters. Follow the journey of the young orc who's rises to become a king. *English is not my first language, so sorry for the bad grammar or spelling mistakes:)

nubwriter777 · War
Not enough ratings
49 Chs

Human territory

After 5 days of these two orcs walking, the human women woke up at night time while the orcs were making camp. The women acted quickly and acted asleep waiting for the chance to run.

Now! thought the women as she ran towards the woods only to fail and get grabed by the 7ft orc thick hands..

"ahhh! let go please, i don't taste good!" said the women in a frighten ton as she tried to wiggle her arm out of the big orc hands..

[misson- recruit the human being into your party-

10,000c- 15 stat points]

"hey clam down said the orc" but the human women couldn't understand what this scary orc was saying.

Then it came to blake, since blake was a human inside he could understand them but couldn't speak to them because of the language barrier.

so he did what any young gentleman would do he knocked the shit out of the women(carefully didn't harm her).

5 hours later..

The women had woken up only to be sliented by a batch of leaves in her mounth and her arms and legs tied..

were doing this for your own good thought blake trying to justify himself.

"uh were here" said garge as he quickly hid near one of the bushes while blake followed behind.

There it was a human village with water surrounding the area and a gate in the middle with two humans mage like clothing gaurding on the top.

"garge you stay here, also prepare some sharp long sticks" said blake as he got something out of thin air?

and splashed water all around himself and the women and vanish?...

A few hours ago...

The two orcs found a batch of sleeping wolfs inside of a cave while finding a spot to rest.

[misson- kill the 5 wolfs-

5,000c-10 stat points]

"hey, garge hold the women and stay here real quick" said Blake as he slowly headed towards the sleeping wolfs.

hmm he thought calculating a plan, the orc then walked towards some trees and choped it in to some small pecies and gather some leaves and then headed towards the cave..

he then threw the cut up peices of wood and leaves, he then stretched out his hand in a plam like formation and chanted "Fireball!" the small spark turned into a huge one and lighted the wood and leaves and he then got his axe and went ontop of the cave.

With his mighty orc strength he smashed the stone until the cave was blocked off, it was to late for the wolfs to react.

The skinny orc stranded there in confusion to what just happened..

"hey lets get going lead the way" said Blake as he got his axe and headed towards garge.

As the 2 orcs continued on there journey, slowly but surely the wolfs died.

[misson-1/5 wolfs-


[misson complete-5,000c-10 stat points]

Blake scrolled through the shop to find anything he could use in the up coming visit towards human territory.

There he found..

[invisibility potion- 500c, splash around the user, they will then vanish for 7 minutes]

[storage room- 4,500c, a storage that can hold up to 100 items regardless of the size]