
Old Goat

"Well, let's start your interview with a simple question.… What's your name? She asked with a serious face.

A film appeared in my mind, it seemed to be my whole life before I came to this strange place. My parents 'and my brothers' faces don't appreciate it, as if my brain was saving me from reliving the trauma of the village massacre, and after a lot of effort I managed to remember my name.

"Irion, it was my name. "I said answering her question.

As if she was a little disappointed, she scribbled a clipboard that appeared out of nowhere in her hands and said:

"Well it seems that you were not the one I was looking for, asking more questions will be unnecessary, we will continue with the tests tomorrow morning, don't be late. "And with a wave of his hands, we moved around, and with that change of space, I felt very sick.

We ended up in a well-lit corridor with several doors. We stopped in front of a door with an iron plaque that read Constantin.

"After a while you stop feeling sick. Well this will be your room and here are his keys. Take a shower and grow your trees. Bye. "She said handing me a silver key before leaving.

I took the silver key and opened the door, separating me with a luxurious room. 'Hehe is rich and noble live well. ' I thought.

The room was large, it had a big bed that could fit two people, a table in a corner that contained some papers, a pen and also had a chair. There was something that looked like a closet, and when I opened it I found that it did not contain food, but clothes like army clothes, they were all the same.

There was another door inside the room and when I opened it it opened to another part of the room, and it was much smaller than the other room, it had a large basin made of smooth white stone, which fit me whole. They also had mechanisms similar to those in the well of my old home, remembering that still makes me a little sad, so many lives lost because of me and yet I can't remember my parents, the people who raised me are nothing but blurs and broken memories in my mind.

I went into the large stone basin and turned on the water mechanisms, making hot water gush from the mechanism. I stayed inside the big basin until it was full, so that when I go in again it doesn't overflow.

When I finished filling I left the basin to take off my bloody clothes, when I took off all my bloody clothes I realized that no blood was there but I was not so scared anymore. It was as if something inside me was telling me that it was necessary for the greater good.

I dived into the basin watching the water turn red, so I took a small bottle with an oil inside, and poured it into the water.

After cleaning myself, I took a dark blue cloth and dried myself with it and went to bed. When I threw myself in I felt like I was lying in the clouds, it was so soft that I ended up sleeping, well just my body actually because my mind transported to another place. It was a totally different world than usual.

There were two sides to this world. The sky on the side where I stood was a dark red color, and rays were falling from all over the sky. I had screams of pain, I had several people lamenting, the air smelled of death and a thick black aura that was palpable, it was as if I had descended into hell itself. The land was red in color, the rivers were not water, it was blood that flowed through the veins of this world.

But on the other side it was like paradise, it had a sky illuminated by golden lights, it was as if the angels were singing on the other side. They had rivers of pure light and everything there exuded life, it was perfect. But these two worlds were separated by a great abyss, that the more I wanted to go there the more he moved away, getting more and more distant.

" Hey, boy. "I heard a hoarse voice call me. I turned around quickly and came across an old man, he had long black hair, a demonic beauty, he had long goat horns and goat hooves. "Don't be too impressed with my beauty," the old man said mockingly.

"What are you saying old man I don't like men" I said with a strange expression "But what are you doing here, you seem to be a demon, that's why the church destroyed my village" I asked angrily going to on top of him with the intention of punching him.

"No no, look boy, we are not going to be violent, we are civilized beings" said the demon backing away. "Look, it's not my fault, your mother imprisoned me inside you, damn that damn bitch. ". Hearing this, the old demon felt like an ancient beast was looking at him as if he were his prey.

"Okay, old goat tell me exactly why you are in my soul world otherwise I will beat you up until your face swells up like a pig's" I said. "Uhum, just like I was saying, your mother imprisoned me here as a punishment. ... for ..." said the old man hesitating. " Whereby!? "I said threatening him.