
Bloody Birth

I looked at the sky, it was a bloody color. I couldn't move my head sideways, all I saw was blood and body parts being thrown at me. I don't know if the red color was because of the blood dripping into my eyes or for some symbolic reason, like my birth as a demon.

If I believed in God before, or if he actually exists, I don't believe anymore. He must be just another arrogant man, who causes disasters for his own amusement. But I don't feel angry at him, he opened my eyes to the world now I see what humanity really is. Humans are arrogant beings who, because of their weak will, are influenced by any desire planted in their mind. Like powerful men, who are easily influenced by beautiful ladies and who, because of them, could cause the destruction of countries and nations.

Since the fateful day of my rebirth, I have been repulsed and hated by humanity, and by the men who slaughtered the village where I lived in a fairy tale. And when these men saw me praying fervently for divine intervention, they laughed and to burst the bubble of a fourteen-year-old boy they forced him to watch the atrocities they were doing with each villager and his family.

And when they killed all the villagers, their leader, a stout man with brown skin and a big disheveled beard said: "Thank the king for the church and the devil, and when you become a real man, get your revenge. That if you can survive hahahahah! "After saying these words, he laid me down in the center of the square and gave an order to quarantine all the residents and the body parts were thrown on top of my body until my entire vision was blocked.


* Continente Santo - Church of Truth *

"DAMN, incompetent bastards, I knew we shouldn't have sent a bunch of dirty pigs to do the work of holy men !! "Said angrily, an old man who was dressing like an archbishop.

"We forgive Archbishop, we are inferior beings and we didn't know what we were doing. We thought that we shouldn't send the knights of truth to commit genocide for an entire village !! "Said a priest kneeling before the archbishop.

"All the people in that village died at the behest of God. We are at war with the demonic continent and we will do everything in our power to win. And now they have a strong candidate for a demon king, and you come to ask me to forgive you, you will be burned at the stake to pay for your crimes and to be purified. "Said the archbishop mercilessly.

Upon hearing this, the priest despaired and ran to attack the archbishop with a knife taken from his boot.

"You bastard, I'm going to kill you, I'm not going to let you do to me what you did to our mother,

!! "Shouted the priest.

But as if he had predicted what the priest would do, the archbishop sang the following words: "* Adolebitque in nomine dei *" After those words came out of his mouth, a white flame burned and burned the priest, leaving no ashes.

"Sleep in peace, brother. "


The other day I woke up with an old beggar pulling me out of that pile of bodies that had a strong smell of death. When he finished taking me out of there he told me to follow him to the forest that surrounded my village.

After walking for a while in the forest he said:

"Wait a minute, we won't need to walk anymore" After he said those words I lost track of space, it felt like I was floating in space but it only lasted a few seconds before we arrived at a giant house where several children were playing in the gardens.

"Come on child, you're late. "Said the old man who magically no longer looked like a beggar, but as a steward of the stories my mother told me.

He guided me to a room on the third floor of the house. I was very surprised that inside the house was bigger than outside.

After a little hesitation I knocked on the door and after a few seconds it opened on its own, I was deeply afraid of entering the room because inside it seemed to be all my worst fears and nightmares and all the events were still fresh in my mind.

I built up a little courage, held the handle firmly and pushed the door open. As if to make me tense, the door opened slowly, and when it opened fully I saw a bookcase on the two side walls of the room, a large table in the center, and three chairs one beside the table and two for the other.

Where a single chair stood was a woman with purple hair who had stunning beauty, those two big red eyes looking like two big rubies, which reflected the bloody events of last night.