
Don't have feelings

** Well from now on the story will be told in second person! I ask for understanding and thank you in advance! (≧ ▽ ≦) **

"Look" Sighed the old goat "I can't tell you, you know, in my language there is an enchantment, which was created specifically to forbid me to speak" said the old man with a sad face.

"Humph, and what does this enchantment do that is so bad that it frightens you old man," said Irion in a tone spouting sarcasm.

"Well" said the old man shuddering "How do you know the biggest pain a man can feel is a kick in the ... eggs, if you know what hehe" said the old man mocking Irion "Uhum, continuing, the enchantment causes that if I say something about it my eggs will be crushed into a pulp, and then they will be cured and crushed again until I really regret speaking, "said the old man in a wistful tone.

Irion went pale when he heard that and unconscious covered his private parts. "Sorry old goat, I didn't know my mom was that bad," said Irion, feeling sad for the old man.

"Well, let it go, now let's talk about your future. I have a question "said the old goat" How are you going to get stronger? "

"Well I don't know" said Irion embarrassed "I don't know anything about the world, well I know more. Everything has changed since the massacre in my village, "said Irion.

"Good boy for your luck you have me here with you. I can teach you a few things if you become my disciple and promise to get me out of your soul world "said the old man.

'Well, that will be a big advantage for me. I'm going to start classes knowing a lot of things, and I won't have to be like a hillbilly asking about everything "Irion thought.

"Yes, if you help me to get stronger I promise I will release you" Irion replied with enthusiasm.

"Haha, okay, sit here" said the old man pointing to a place in front of him "I'll start by explaining to you about your world."

"It all started when a demon became strong enough and led a rebellion that changed everything. In the void what held the worlds was a gigantic tree, and in each branch there were countless worlds, all the worlds in the branches had beings of different species, who lived in paradises thinking they were unique.

But what these beings of the branches did not know was that in the roots of the tree they had worlds parallel to those at the top.

These root worlds were the total opposite, and when this demon became powerful enough to see the great truth behind everything he felt wronged, then he formed an army to take what they thought was theirs and thus a war burst between the worlds.

But the tree of the world was not strong enough to receive so much powerful energy and it could not stand and shatter causing all the worlds to collide creating a single world with a single continent, which was divided by an immense abyss. As you might imagine, only two races withstood the pressure and the strongest survived, and since these two races were the complete opposite of each other, they made an agreement that each race would keep a part of the immense continent. But this is something that is told from generation to generation so there is no way to believe it completely "

Somewhere in the world of Irion's soul you could hear a beat that grew louder by the second, it was almost if Irion was waking up and slowly regaining his senses.

Before Irion could return to the material world the old goat held his hand and with a serious face said:

"Boy before you go…. don't worry about the bloody images or the happy memories you have of that village, just remember that it was all fake and it was all created to control you. And be careful, the feelings make us weak, sometimes a second of hesitation or indecision can make you lose your life "After saying the old goat, he let go of Irion's arm and let him go.

When he woke up, Irion sat on the edge of the bed and began to reflect the words spoken by the old goat.

'He is right .... I cannot keep these memories, they are not real and I cannot have feelings when the path that I want to take will have to be paved with the bones and blood of my enemies,' thought Irion.

Irion shook his head to clear his mind and be ready for his first day of school. He went to the bathroom of his room and took a hot bath, which made him feel brand new, went to the mirror and watched himself.

He had pale skin, eyes of a vivid blue color that seemed to have a deadly glow, his hair was short and black. Her face was beautiful and seemed to retain a deadly beauty.