

Chike is on his way home with tear filled eyes. He had just taken the overall last position in primary five and was told to repeat his class as he will not be able to take the first school leaving certificate with his class mates. He had shamefully took his result home.

 Chike is the only boy out of six children born to Maazi Okeke and his wife Amuche. The names of the five girls who preceded him are Ada, Ngozi, Ogechukwu, Nkiru and Uzoamaka. Chike is the last child and only son of his parents and that made his mother to pamper him. She loved Chike so much because with the arrival of Chike her place in her husband house was firmly secured no matter how many wives her husband decided to get married to.

 On the other hand Maazi Okeke loved his son Chike because his arrival had stopped him from polygamy which he hates so much. Before Chike arrival, Maazi Okeke kinsmen had started pressuring him to take another wife who will give him a male child. Maazi Okeke was already processing his marriage with a woman named Njideka when Amuche gave birth to Chike and the marriage was called off by Maazi Okeke.

 Mama Chike(Amuche) was about to go into the kitchen when she spotted Chike walking sluggishly and crying. Mama Chike ran immediately to meet her son. As she got there she held him and wiped his face with the wrapper she had around her waist. 'obiano' (the name she calls her son) 'what is the matter's mama Chike asked her son with affection of a doting mother. Chike did not reply he only handed her his report card. After going through the sheet of paper, mama Chike told her son 'sorry my son' when she saw Chike wasn't feeling any better she then said 'come let me give you smoked fish to eat will you like that ' 'yes ma' Chike answered smiling broadly. Chike settled down in his room which he shared with his five sisters and began to eat the fish. After eating he took his uniform off and went outside. Chike met his mother yelling at Uzoamaka because Uzoamaka had told her mother that Chike had failed while she passed. 'look at your running mouth. Instead of you to teach your brother so he can improve you are there praising yourself. Get out from here my friend' mama Chike said angrily.

 Uzoamaka entered the house and Chike began to make fun of her. Uzoamaka was angry she charged towards Chike and pushed him. Chike was became angry he got up, walked towards her and gave her a slap. Uzoamaka felt highly disrespected she tried to slap Chike but before she could deliver the slap, Chike landed a blow on her stomach. They both got into an heavy fight scattering the entire house. The remaining sisters came in to watch the fight. Mama Chike who had been in the kitchen came in to stop the fight but the two children have refused to stop the fight as all they wanted was to hurt each other. Chike overpowered Uzoamaka, lifted her and threw her on the floor. When mama Chike saw this she decided to step back as Chike was gaining the upper hand. Uzoamaka did not want to accept defeat she ran up to Chike and bit him on his neck. Chike began to scream and twirl around in pain. Uzoamaka smiled at the opportunity and gave Chike a slap on both checks. Mama Chike immediately got up and held Uzoamaka so that she won't deliver any further slaps to Chike. Just as Uzoamaka was struggling to get away from her mother's tight grip on her hand, they all heard Maazi Okeke thunderous voice 'what is happening here'. Everyone turned their attention towards him they had been too engrossed with the fight that they did not hear his horn which he usually use to alert his family members that he was home.


I hope this book will enlighten parents.

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