

In the vast empty dark sky, lies the natural satellite of the our planet earth - moon. It shines so bright, casting its rays everywhere, adding more lights to the busy town of Sian.

People there, people here, people are all over the small town, celebrating the event they called 'New Years Eve'. Different kinds of loud commotion can be heard. Some were made from people who are yelling at each other even though they are too close to be apart and some were created by the slamming of hard object against each other. The loud roar of the party horns and the intensifying volume of the speakers are so ear-splitting that it rise above all the noises, yet no one have tried to stop using it. Guess, they are too occupied to even care about the different annoying sounds that they are making.

Everyone was overwhelmed with joy, their laugher and smile are so precious, like the decorative lights that are adorn in each house which are full of wonderful colors that illuminates in the pitch black night. The streets are also filled with kaleidoscopic lanterns that the residents had put during the afternoon.

The townspeople prepared many activities for the children to enjoy while waiting for the bell to ring. Resolution guess, balloon pop charade, marble relay, guess the song, voice prolonging, are few example of the games. There were also games for the adults just like, paper dance, banana bump, truth or dare, and the poking of the opening of the bottle. Each participants who wins will received a small amount of money from the mayor, who is has a golden heart.

As soon as the clock strikes at 12 midnight, the colorful fireworks exploded in the sky. It was so mesmerizing to see such a sight. After witnessing it, the native placed the dishes they cooked at the center of the town's plaza. Tasty smells of the different foods entered into the nostril of the people and it made their mouth watered, they are so excited to taste each menu.

After eating, they help each other in cleaning the mess and washing the kitchen tools. When town's timekeeper started to ring, it indicates that it is already 3 o' clock in the morning. All of the residents bid goodbye to each other and went back to their respective houses.

What a wonderful place to lived in, isn't it? A town so small yet all of the local are unitedly happy. It's like a fairy-tale come true, right? No war, no conflict, no grudge, no unfair judgement, just a kind hearted community sharing love and all the goodness.

Yet, on the other hand, there's an enormous piece of land lying not too far away from the perfect town. The moon emits its rays to the eerie place. It was their previous home town, now it looks like it is haunted, no soul had ever set foot on it for quiet awhile and mother nature had done her role in consuming it, making the land more horrifying to looked at especially during night. The are houses and buildings that are still standing unharmed. So why did the townspeople decided to evacuate the place and created a new peaceful town?

On the quiet dawn a clicking sound of footstep echoed through the isolated land. The moon's beam strike its body, revealing a hooded figure with black boots and in its left hand holds a silvery metal blade full of blood. The cold night breezed sways it cloak, exposing its crimson red eyes that are glinting. Who could this person be? Is this the reason why all the people flew away from this place?

You think a perfect town doesn't hold a big secrets? Well, you have to think again because it might possess too many mysteries.