
Chapter One


Sitting alone in a cold dark place with no one to talk to, no person to lean on, no one to comfort me, nobody to hear my deepest thoughts, and not a single soul would want to stay in my life. All of them just come and then go whenever they wanted and whenever they need me. I don't own those people they called best friends, my relatives never see me as part of their blood, and I can't even trust my family. I have no one except my whole self.

Stayed at the same spot without even moving an inch. Knees were bent and face buried in between them. So afraid that the whole wide world would turn its back against me. My reality is far more cruel than those people who left me after getting what they wanted.

I though I was happy to remain lonely forever, but as I lifted my head up, I saw a light that shines so bright. Underneath it were those persons who truly cared for me. Tears feel down to my cheeks from my eyes. What a fool had I been?! I didn't even bothered to look up on them. All I ever cared about was nothing else but happiness in every lies that came from the mouth of the dishonest people without knowing the persons who can give me true happiness. I'm a big jerk.

I smiled at them and help myself stand-up. I run towards those opened arms. I reach out my hand for them, however, when I was about to grab it, a demonic faces with glowing red eyes appeared before me. Laughing loudly.

Their voices were piercing my ears and my head suddenly hurts. I keep myself together but it was no used. I covered my ears using my hands and forcefully shut my eyes. The pain was too much to endure that's why I scream in pain.

As the laughter faded away, I slowly opened my eyes just to see a shocking scene. Fear and anxiety enveloped my body. This can't be true! All my eyes perceive was so dreadful. A pool of blood and piled of bodies is in the room. Their eyes were not closed. It is liked they are all watching me with a cold expression. Soon they unexpectedly moved towards me.

"These was all your fault. You're a naughty girl! You should told us the truth!" they chant repeatedly.

My whole body are in a panic state. I wanted to get out of here. I take a few step backwards. Because of my trembling body I trip and the blood splash to my body. I try to stand up, however my feet and hands were grabbed by the dead. They were all pulling my down.




I was breathing heavily, the air that I exhaled was hotter than usual. My soul case was shaking. My noggin' has a sudden pang and my heart was beating fast. I was covered with cold sweat.

"The same nightmare again."

I curled my knees, hugged it, then buried my face in between them.

"When will this unpleasant dream stop chasing me!?"

The next thing I know, tears had escaped in my green orbs.

I get up from my bed and made my way to the comfort room, the only place in my room that was colored by white. All the other things inside this chamber of mine are all black, similar to my soul, so unpure and unclean, it is full of sins. I turn the faucet on and wash my sweaty face. After washing, I gazed at my appearance in the mirror.

I don't know how many years had passed, don't know when was the last time I ever had a good sleep. Those nightmares are slowly killing me. Though, my image still stays the same. Black wavy hair, green orbs with cold gaze, red lips, few frickle on my cheeks, and a thin body.

I open the medicine kit that was placed on the right side of the mirror. The cures and other stuffs inside it are very expensive that I can't even afford but my parents can, so it doesn't matter. The syringe that is loaded with my treatment is the only thing I'm after. I inject the needle through my left arm. I had inserted it many times before but damn! It still hurts.

I remove the syringe and harshly throw it on the floor.

"They say time can heal all the pain. Hahaha. Yes, it is true, although it can never erase the memories. It will only let you move on but those things will always find away to get back in your head." I said to myself before letting a big sighed.

I look at myself again at the mirror before punching it.


Crimson blood dripped in the white sink.

I removed my fist and walk out of the room, leaving my vital fluid behind.


"Hey, Zoe?" A familiar voice called me.

I already know who this being. He is the reason why I wanted to run away from this family. I'm really bothered by his presence but I don't hate him for that, just despise him, that's all. I watch him in my peripheral view without even stopping what I'm doing.

"Hey Caleb." I answered using my usual bitter tone.

"What is the meaning of this Zoe? Are you leaving me behind? You can't just go away. We are not married yet! Don't you loved me? I helped your family in giving you what you're craving for. But here you are, packing your stuffs without letting me know. I'm your fiance! You will have my permission first before you go somewhere." He said to me without even pausing for a minute.

I didn't mind him. All I really wished right now is to finish stowing my things and leave right away. I don't want to hear mom's sermon or even dad's harsh words.

"Zoe! Don't just stand there and ignore me! Answer me! Talked to me! Please my loved. I don't want you to go or else somebody would win your heart. Just stay here. You will have all the belongings that you asked for." I hear his footsteps. I can recognize that he his walking towards me. Good thing I was already done with my worked. I let out a deep sighed before facing him.

"You loved me? Yet you want to keep me captive in this cage? Is that your proper way of showing love? Not giving your fiance a freedom that she had always dreamed of." Caleb was taken aback by my statement.

"And what did you say again? I need your permission first in order to get out here, in this dark empty space? Who do you think you are? Are you a God? You are just a mere human who can never choose what's best for me because I decide who I want to be and where I want to go! You say you loved me yet you don't even know the whole story of my life. I know you only show endearment to me because of the money that my family and yours own. Well, here's the thing, you can have my share and go find the person who truly loves you." I grabbed my suitcase, walk passed him. He seized my arms.

"Zoe! Look at me! I love-"

"I know you loved me and you think I can loved you back?"

He let go of my arms and gulped.

"You and I both know that this arranged marriage thingy is a stupid tradition that business family follows. And you know well that I don't care about material items because for me it doesn't hold value to anyone." I left him alone in my room. He was shaking. How stupid he can be? I thought I was the only one who is a fool, I was wrong after all.


As I walked down the stairs, I saw my mother and father waiting for me below. There were sadness painted on their face. I rolled my eyes.

I was planning to ignore them and walk passed by, it was all in vain.

"Zoe dear, let's talk about this over." My mom spoke in a sorrowful voice. You think I feel for that? Not a chance. She is fake. A self-centered bitch who only cared for money, not family.

"Young woman! How dare you to disrespect us!? We cared so much for you, but still you would leave us without granting our wish!" I raised my left eyebrow at dad then folded my arm. He is too good to everyone, but not in his daughter. He never care about me.

I strode to the door but they blocked it. They sermon me though all I heard was "Blaahh blah blah"

"Are you done?" I asked. My eyes are already dead. I wanted to get out of here in order to put a life on them.

They did not respond. Their dark orbs were staring at me. It is like they are pocking a hole through my soul.

"If you have nothing to say then move! I'm sick and tired of this family!"

Mother landed her hand to my face.


"How dare you talk to us like that! We have granted all of your dreams!"

Her sentence makes me laugh so hard that it surprised them.

"All that I dreamed? Why? Did you know what I'm dreaming of? And did you even try to asked me about it? No? Then how did you know that you had given me everything that I'd dreamed for?"

They were flustered by my words.

"If it's about the money," I take out all the cash that was inside my pocket. "You can have it back." I uttered as I throw it to their faces.

"Now if you have nothing else to do to me, let me through!"


I still hear them shouting at me as I make my way to the garage. They don't want to let me go so badly, especially my mother. She lost her mind all because of me. Though, I disregard her action. It doesn't matter. She will over come it soon. I put my things on the trunk and entered my car then started the engine. As I turn my car away from the garage, my mother was standing in front of me, holding a knife with blood on it. She probably killed my pet bird. The things I adore are the things she hated the most.

"Get-off the car now! Or I'll kill your beloved Caleb!" She threatened me, smiling like a psycho.

I open window which was on my side and shouted, "Go on! I don't care!" and close it back.

Her eyes widen in terror because her daughter doesn't give attention to what she was going to do. Like hell I care! I drove over to her. My father was yelling and cursing me. Just like before, I turn a deaf ear to him. Finally, I'm free from this mess

"Sian, I'm coming back." I said under my breath.

There was a smile forming in my face. I didn't even know why but I'm feeling excited to go back to the place where I was born and raised.


One hour passed and I had already arrived at my home town. The smell of fresh flowers and tasty food greeted me. I was eager to see the changes in here. I may not have a glimpse of my eyes, however I know that they have finally given a life.

I go out of my car. Inhale the sweetness and joy that warmly welcome me. I twirl around and laugh like a child who just set-foot at the playground. Until I heard a voice of a man. It was so familiar to me, all of my happiness suddenly faded away.

"Zoe? Zoe Frey Everdence?"

I faced him and stared at his hazel orbs.

"Oh! It's you. How are y-"

I didn't finished my question. He had hugged me tightly.

"Zoe! I can't believe what I saw! It is really you! Where have you been all this time!? I was going crazy, I couldn't find you in here. But God had heard my prayers. I had finally see you in one piece."

I slowly pushed his body away from me.

"We are already over ever since I move away. So please, don't do that again. A lot of people may think that we are couples, even though were not."

He didn't say a word after hearing me out. He just stared at me. The cold afternoon breeze hits my skin. I didn't mind him similar to what I did to Caleb. I went back to my car and drove to my apartment. "I hope it is still there."