

"It's too late.

He is gone.

"He overdosed himself by his medicine. He is blaming himself for what Hyun did to his father." JM said in a low cracking voice.

My shoulder dropped. Does it mean that I can't stop their faith?

"Hyun got arrested this morning, the police got him."

He grabbed his hair hard. "Why is this happening?"

I hear a woman scream.

"Why did you do this?Son why?" he look at me

"It is all because of all of you. If he did not get involved he will not be like this!"

It is Jays mother. His father look at us like he is sorry.

"Don't blame the kids for this. Its not their fault. We can't blame anyone for this."

The woman shove his hand away.

"I left you with the kids, I trusted you to take care of them! Why?"

I remembered Jay saying that her mother left them to work abroad.

"Boys, I know you are all tired now I think you must go for now and rest." He looks tired too.

We decided to just go home. We want to stay but nothing will change if we did. We all parted ways without talking. We are all shocked from what happened.

I need to be strong. We need to be strong.

I was sitting alone in my room. I can still hear their cries when they knew about what happened to Jay. Hyun, is losing himself.

I get my car keys and throw it on the table.

A flower from my pocket fell on the floor.

this is the flower that I brought with me on the hospital.

I look at the flowers on the table next to my bed.

I picked it up to return the one I bought back. One of the petals of the six flowers turned into black.

Six flowers, one petal turn into black. This flowers... Is this?

I noticed one of the petals are changing color, it turns into brown.

I pick up my phone and not too long, it started ringing.

"JK, he is in the hospital. I got a call from the hospital. He got hit by a car." I can hear JM panicking on the line.

No, not again.

I bring the flower with me checking if it will change its color again.

The color is getting darker..

I am running out of breath.

Suddenly the color stopped changing.

I slowly open the door.

I saw JK lying on the bed with JM and Yoon beside him.

"I think I need to get some changing clothes, can you look after him?" Yoo is talking to me. I nodded.

"Me too, I need to go home to change." His clothes are soaked with blood and water.

"It's okay. I'll take care of him for now." I watch them leave the room.

I looked at the flower on my hands.

This petal.

If it turns black, it only mean one thing. Death.

The color of JK petal is almost black.

I notice one of the petals are changing too. Who?

I standup. What should I do?

Joon entered the room.

"I..I just need to go somewhere.. I'll be back quickly. Can you stay and watch for him now?"

"Yeah, of course..." he looks confuse but I need to get JM, Yoo back here now.

"Can you call Hyun to be here too?"

"Sure bro..."

I run quickly while dialing Yoo's number..

Give me another chance. One more. Just before Jay die.

I slowly walk out of the room. I bumped on to someone I lost my grip on the flower. It fell on the hospital floor. I was about to pick it up when I realize that the six petals turn into white again. I looked around me. This is my room. I look at the flower on my hand, the flowers placed on the table. One is missing.

I looked at the clock, I notice the TV broadcasting the news last time. I turned back time again.. This is the time when Hyun killed his father.. I notice that something is written on the big mirror near the table where the remaining flower is. I touched the red ink and realize that it was blood.. I notice that someone wearing a black cloak is standing inside the mirror.

I almost fell, I feel my knees weakened. I read what's written.

"If you can save all of them now, I'll let them live."

I stood up. "It's not time to be afraid now. I need to do something. "

I remembered that it's passed one when Jay called me.

I dialed his number.

"Did you get any call from Hyun sis?"

I was walking down to get on my car at the same time.

"No, why would she call?"

He is the nearest on Hyun place. Its only 15 minutes away from his place. It will take 30, minutes for me. He is the only one who can be there in time. We still have more than an hour.

"Go there now, something bad is happening there. Stop Hyun from doing anything stupid! Got that. I'm on my way too."

I only waited for what will happen next before. I am a coward. I did not stop anything because I never ask about their problems. I am clueless about their struggles and feelings.

All of the petals are still white. If I am right the number of flower is the chance I git to save them. I can save them. I'll do something now.

My phone started to ring again. Is it too late again?

"What happened?"

I can hear Jay's breath on the phone.

"His father is drunk, he is hitting Hyun when I came." the other line went silent.

"Where is his father?"

"He run out of their house. Hyun almost stabbed him with a broken bottle."

"How about you, are you okay?"

I parked my car outside Hyun's apartment.

"Yes, I feel relieved. I'm glad I came on time."

I smiled as I heard it.

I was standing on the middle of Hyun's room. All was messed up.

The strong smell of the alcohol coming from broken bottle fills the room.

I picked up Hyun on the floor grabbing his shirt.

He looks the same when we saw him that day he killed his father.

I'm afraid he is thinking of doing it now. I punched him.

"I'm sorry." his eyes grow wide and got life on it not like a few minutes ago.

"If you are thinking about something that you know you will regret someday, stop it."

"How did you know?"

I release my grip.

"I called Joon, he said, you and your sister can stay with him while your dad is getting chased by the authority.

"Jay, said you ask him if he got a call from my sister. He didn't even have a call from her cause she is too scared and panicking trying to call him when he suddenly appeared."

"Don't think about it. I just felt... That you're acting weird last time and got worried. Everything is fine now. That's what important. "

I drove them home..

I saved Jay and Hyun.. 2 days from now will be JK accident.

I need to know what happened before it.

I called JK but he is not answering the phone. I know he is still mad at me. His accident will happen two days from now. I need to stop it, before it's too late. I need to save him.

I remember the other petal too. Whose life will it be?

I remember that Yoo and JM is with him that day. I dialed Yoo's phone, he is not answering too. Are they together?

I called Joon. After the forth ring he answer his phone.


"Let's meet, call the others too."