

August 7, 20××

40th days later..

"I'm sorry.." Even me can't hear my own whisper...

The sounds of the waves are stronger than my words..

But I know... No matter how loud I shout or cry... I don't think they can hear it now.

The strong wind blows my hair.... and dries my tears fast.

If only I stayed..

I might have stopped them..



I am with them now..

At least, I won't feel this hurting..

I close my eyes..

I can remember it clearly.

Six bodies covered with wet white blankets.

My tears began to flow like the rain that day...

I opened my wallet, seeing how they smile that day makes my heart hurt more..

"I want to see those smile again."

I feel like it's hard to live without them..

Life became more painful.

Living now is like a punishment.

I am the oldest, the one who should protect them.

But I left them alone that time.

If I can just turn back time..

I want to turn back the time..

Maybe this is the only thing that can end this pain..

I'll follow where they are..

After the 6 flowers hits the sea water.

My body started to feel it. The waves that we used to watch together are now hugging me. But instead of warmth.. the coldness were embracing me..

June 22, 20××

I feel so cold.

Warm drops of tears keep on running down my cheeks

I slowly opened my eyes..

My room?

Why am I here?


I opened my phone to check the time.

9:30 June 22, 20××?

Did I change the date? 22? June?

I quickly stand up and opened the T.V.

June 22, 20××?

I went out and look for the newspaper..

June 22, 20××?

This is the day.. That they..

Wait.. Nightmare?

I am used of dreaming about this day..

But this dream is just too real..

As I walked to my room I hardly hit my toes on the edge of the table..

"Ohhh! that hurts!" I just realized that this is not a dream..

Wait... Then the other one is the dream?

All of those things are not true?

I heard my phone beeping.

"Hey! We are all waiting for you! Road trip remember?"

Yoo, sounds so pissed.. But I feel relieved hearing him alive.

so.. it's a dream right? That tragic dream..

I hear JK, Hyun and JM fighting on the background..

I feel the tears starting to build in my eyes again.

"If you are not ready in five minutes, you're dead." Yoo, hanged up.

I remember this happened..

I shake off the thought and started to fix myself.

I'm looking at the mirror placed beside the small table..

I notice the flowers..

This flowers are the one I have in my dreams.

I picked them up.

I only knew this flower because of that nightmare..

Is it a nightmare?

I feel chill down on my spine.

but I never bought this kind of flower.. Except on that day..

I grabbed my jacket and keys, I went out of our house running.

This can't be real..

I traveled back in time..

I feel relieved but what I strongly feel now is fear.

I'm scared to feel the same feelings when I lost them.

I parked outside Yoo's house. I am out of breath.

My hands were shaking.

I knocked as strong as I can.

"Hey! You'll break my door! I told you that I will kill you, but I'm not serious. Get in."

I slowly entered the room.

Hyun, JK, JM and Jay is sitting together on the sofa. Rm reading books. Yoo getting something on the fridge.

I felt a cold thing on my face.

Bottled water.

"You looked like you run for your life to escape from zombies." Yoo, placed the water on my hands.

I slowly gulp down the water.

"Seaside! Let's go there." Rm suggested.

It stopped me drinking.

I feel pain,my head feels like it will burst,

I saw Hyun inside of my head jumping off the scaffolding.

"No! We can't go there!" I shouted.

"Why? I miss that place" Hyun showing his puppy eye look.

"I..I see the forecast.. It says it will rain today."

"Really? You're watching news now? You're really getting older big brother!" JK stand up and tapped my back strongly.

I smiled.

"We can't stop that."

I just shrugged my shoulder.

"How about, the abandoned train station? " JM said laughing.

"Sounds good."Jay gave two thumbs up.

"Call!" Everyone shouted.

I was relieved, but I still feel something bad will happen.

I want to save them.

I want to change what supposed to happen.

I am driving my car, everyone is happy singing and cheering.

I can't smile because of the fear I feel.

I am happy to see them, I'm very happy. I didn't notice the tears that fell from my left eyes.

"Are you crying?" JK ask cheeky.

I wiped my tears away. I should be happy. I am with them now, I'll do everything to make them safe.

"Stop the car."

JM said.

"What did you say?"

We are inside the dark tunnel, it will be dangerous to stop here.

I heard them laughing at the back.

"You're really acting like an old man! Don't kill the fun!"

JM whispered something on JK who is sitting beside me.

He high five then JK suddenly stepped on the break.

I got shocked, the car slanted a little on the middle of the road blocking the tunnel completely.

I hear the loud noises of the cars behind us. They can't get off of their cars, the tunnel became too crowded.

They all run out of the car holding spray paints and soda cans.

Spraying paints on the car, swearing, and laughing spitting some colas at the glasses of the cars.

They gone completely crazy. I want to stop them but I can't leave the car behind.

A loud noise echoes from a distance.

Someone called the police.

I hear them swear more running towards the car.

As soon as they all get in, I started to drive fast to get away from the scene.

"Are you guys crazy!?" I shouted angrily.

"Hey! Look who's talking? But you did it too with us last time! What's wrong with you?"

Yoo shouted back.

"Hey stop it, don't ruin the night, did you saw their faces when we are spraying paints on their precious car?"

Jay saving the mood by changing the topic.

I focused on driving. I realize that I was as crazy as them before that time happened.

We should stop doing this things.

We arrived at the old train station.

I looked at Yoo. He just passed me an angry glimpse.

Jay notice it. He throw his hands on both of our shoulders.

"Hey make up already. Jin are you tired or something? You're acting really weird today."

I remove his hands from my shoulder and walked passed them, I need to find a solution.

Thinking about what happened before, we are only doing this kind of things together. When we are alone on our own, we act decent and proper.

When we are together things are fun but dangerous.

The only solution that I can think about is breaking this group.

Just like before, we build a bonfire to keep us warm. We're encircling the fire, they are singing and dancing. As they get tired the more the night became quiet.

"Do you think we're getting old for those kind of stuff, we are done with high school, I think we need to be more responsible now?"

"Oho! You're talking about being responsible? Don't you remember that you begged us many times just to form this group?" Yoo is being sarcastic.

Yoon is right, we got different ages despite of being on the same year level. I don't like studying and became a rebel. Then I met Yoon, he is very quiet, he tends to sleep on class. He is one year younger than me. I repeated 1 year that time when I met him. We are both sitting on the last row. The next year, I fail another semester. Same as Yoo. We became friends when Jay arrived. He is really good at making the mood. He is 2 years younger than me, I decided to build the group, we are all bad at studying, and Jay suffered from an unknown decease.

He is taking medication for it.

Getting scolded and doing punishments because of being late and late projects. We started to lose care if we fail or not, we started to enjoy life.

The three of us was branded as the "bad sprouts" plant that will never get to grow.

At the third year I repeated JM,Hyun, JK and Joon arrived. JM and V are both talented and hard working.

JK Studied school early, he is 5 years younger than me. Joon is really smart he is actually a genius but stopped 1 year due to lack of financial support.

When they joined the group, we started to build new dreams. Joon helped us a lot. Jay's condition became better.

Yoo, never sleeps in class anymore, he got JM, V and JK pestering him everytime he did. He started studying too, which I realized he is really smart.

Our life completely changed but sometimes when we we're together we can't help but get curious making us do dangerous things just like few hours ago.

"Yes, you're right I started it, then should we stop now? After all we will go on different paths starting from now on. There is no reason to stay together." I snapped.

"So, breaking this group is easy for you huh? Okay! Then let me leave first." Yoo walked through the dark exit not looking back.

I feel sorry, but this is the only way to protect them.

"You're really something, you been together the longest. You must know that it's hard for him to open his feelings for others but he let us in. I can't believe you." JK hurriedly run to where Yoo is heading.

"This group, it helps me to live. I am afraid I'll suffer again if this ends." Jay looked at me with a hopeful eyes.

Joon stood up."Well, I think I need to work harder now, college tuition is higher you know. I don't think I can fool around like this too, but please don't think of breaking what we have now, we are family."

JM and Hyun, stayed silently looking at the last bonfire we made together.

Days had passed.

I feel relieved.

We still chat each other.

I know they are safe somewhere which made me feel better.

I sat on my sofa watching the news. I looked at the clock. It's 12 am.

I fell asleep. Watching TV.

It's 1:45 am.. I feel thirsty.

I am drinking water from the fridge when my phone rang. It's the first phone call I got since the last time we hang out.

It's Jay." Hyun is missing."