
The Renown Almakhadie

In the year of 2060, a billion people eagerly joined a cutting-edge virtual reality game that mirrored real life. However, after logging in, they discovered a shocking truth: they couldn't log out. This wasn't a glitch but a deliberate feature, plunging the game into chaos. The only ways to escape were to beat the game, die in the virtual world, or take their own lives, risking death in reality. Amidst this turmoil, a unique young boy, who seemed misplaced in this world, stood out. Driven by an insatiable thirst for power since childhood, he possessed immense knowledge, strength, and survival skills. This story delves into the challenges faced by someone with unparalleled capabilities in a foreign world and explores the contrast between ordinary individuals, some confined to their rooms, and someone who has honed themselves to be the most capable and strongest. In this unforgiving virtual realm, life took on a brutal and unpredictable nature. The contrast between the ordinary, civilized life they once knew and the harsh reality of a world teeming with monsters was stark. Normal concerns were replaced by constant vigilance, as any moment could bring peril or the loss of a loved one. The once-comfortable routines of everyday life were shattered, replaced by the relentless struggle for survival. Gone were the days of secure homes and predictable schedules. Now, every step held the potential for a life-or-death encounter with the monstrous inhabitants of this digital realm.

Almakhadie · Action
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119 Chs


The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the vast expanse of the desert. The adventurers, their silhouettes shifting like mirages in the heat, gathered around an unconscious figure lying on the sandy terrain. A sense of confusion and fear permeated the air, overshadowed by the urgency to understand what had caused the mysterious collapse.

"Boss, should we bring him with us to the city? That's the only place we know the location of, but we don't know how bad his situation is," voiced one of the adventurers, prompting a lively debate within the group. Opinions varied, with some advocating for immediate assistance and others cautious about the potential risks involved. As the discussion reached a crescendo, a commanding voice cut through the deliberations.

"We'll bring him with us. If he has survived, then he is probably strong. I hope all of you can show empathy for him since all of us are trapped in this game together. We humans are all on one side, and we should treat others how we ourselves would want to be treated. If any of you guys object, I will personally carry him." The leader's decisive words brought a hushed unity to the group.

Navigating the treacherous desert was no easy feat, with potential dangers lurking beneath the sandy surface. The group, seasoned adventurers on their way to a renowned tournament, moved with purpose. Twenty individuals, each burdened with massive backpacks and equipped with an array of weapons and armor, formed a formidable ensemble. Their collective readiness for any potential threat underscored the gravity of their journey. The relentless sun beat down upon them, but their resolve remained unwavering.

Experience forged through countless battles as a team rendered them a cohesive unit, though none could match the leader's speed and strength. Mana, a sought-after resource in the game, had become increasingly common, yet its value persisted, with players willing to go to great lengths to acquire it.

Their destination, a bustling city, materialized on the horizon like a mirage. Its grandeur surpassed all expectations, with a massive structure at its center reminiscent of the Roman Colosseum but on a grander scale. Constructed from materials resistant to powerful attacks, the structure stood as a symbol of the impending tournament. Markets and salesmen dotted the rest of the city, their wares tempting the adventurers with promises of power and prestige. Rumors about the rewards for winning the tournament ran rampant, fueling the excitement and anticipation of participants. The city boasted renowned guilds, their fame spreading worldwide, making attendance a coveted opportunity for any aspiring adventurer.

Amidst the bustling preparations for the tournament, the group made their way to the city's medical facility to seek help for their unconscious companion. The short woman behind the reception desk looked up, momentarily puzzled by the sight before her.

"Hello, what can I do for you today?" she inquired, her eyes shifting between the concerned adventurers and the unconscious Velios. The designated spokesperson stepped forward, explaining the situation with urgency and emphasizing the lack of external wounds.

"I'll see what I can do. It will most likely take a while, so if you have other business to attend to, I won't force you to stay here." The receptionist's words were both professional and empathetic as she acknowledged the pressing nature of their quest. The adventurers, reassured, thanked her before heading out, leaving Velios in the care of the city's medical professionals.

As the adventurers dispersed to attend to their various tasks, the short woman couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity about Velios. She considered getting him checked out to ensure his well-being but sensed that something different was at play. Having cared for many adventurers with various wounds and conditions, she found Velios's state particularly intriguing—almost as if he lay there in peaceful slumber.

The door swung open once again, admitting a different figure into the medical facility. "Milia, I need more potions quickly; the adventurers will become impatient if they have to wait any longer. What did I say about-- What are you doing?" The monotone voice of the man echoed through the room as he caught sight of Milia examining Velios's body, a significant portion of his clothes conspicuously absent.

"Milia, I know it's a bad habit of yours, but please don't do it so openly. What if other people were to see you." The man's tone remained monotone, though a hint of concern lingered in his words. Milia, caught off guard, jumped up with a startled scream, her face flushed with embarrassment.

"Ahh! It's not what it looks like, trust me!" Milia's attempt to explain was met with a rapid-fire barrage of words, each more unintelligible than the last. The man, growing increasingly frustrated, interrupted her tirade.

"Milia, slow down. I'll believe in whatever you say, so tell me what happened. No, that's not even important. The potions, Milia, the potions that I ordered over an hour ago!" The man's impatience was palpable as he attempted to redirect the conversation to the urgent matter at hand. However, Milia's stream of words continued, undeterred by his attempts to rein her in.

"I noticed that something was off with him the moment I saw him. He is like no other adventurer that I have seen. His skeletal and muscle structure is extremely dense, and the hammer broke once I tried to use it. There is something completely different with how his muscles contract; they're like living organisms on their own, perfectly suited to him. His muscle proportion was incredible, and he was said to have survived in the desert unconscious for several hours. They said he hasn't drunk any water, but he's not even dehydrated. And he's..." Milia's detailed analysis stretched on, each revelation more bewildering than the last. Every attempt to interject was met with louder and more fervent explanations.

"Milia! The potions! We have a tournament to set up in just a few days; stop babbling about some random adventurer and help me!" The man's frustration reached its zenith as Milia finally ceased her explanations, her attention now focused on him. Seizing the opportunity to redirect her energy, the man proposed a deal.

"Let's make a deal. If you feed him mana, then I will go and help you." Milia, attempting to adopt a serious demeanor, found herself blushing again, realizing the extent of her monologue. "Fine, if that will get you to finally help me."

With the agreement in place, the man turned his attention back to Velios, his frustration now mingled with a deep sense of intrigue. The guild leader, utterly gassed out and frustrated by his failed attempts to infuse Velios with mana, sought solace in a chair against the wall. He pondered the enigma that Velios presented, driven by an insatiable desire to uncover the truth about the mysterious adventurer. Meanwhile, Velios, stirring from unconsciousness, found himself met with the intense gaze of a woman.