
The Rejected Fate

Mates are everything to a werewolf, they define social status and a bunch of other things. It is a special creation of the moon, to bind two souls together. Mates are meant to be a pillar for each other, both as strengths and as weaknesses. They are to love and to cherish, to hold and to care, to never leave and never forsake. However, this is not always so. A bond much anticipated and celebrated is not always perfect. What if, just what if I become the rejected?

zaiva · Fantasy
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27 Chs

chapter 11

I wasn't dead?

Some how, by some power, I was seated on the front stairway of the hospital building watching the goings and comings of people.

I seemed perfectly fine.

A few seconds ago, I was about to hit the ground and finally die.

Yet, I was seated.

I definitely wasn't dead but I didn't how.

Though the circumstances were very different, I felt a strange sense of deja Vu.

it felt like what happened in the forest.

Had I flown so fast I didn't remember flying, or did I teleport?

Was I doing this or did I have a lovely fairy godmother who only saved me from death.?

I could've been possessed for all I knew..

I felt the kick in my belly.

I had been saved from killing myself and my baby by who knows what and though I felt confused, I was truly very grateful.

I felt a lot stronger and the ache I felt dissipated. It was probably all in my head.

I stood up and walked to my room. I had no idea how but I eventually found my room.

As I lay down back on the bed with a sigh, a lot of nurses rushed into the room.

They were in panic mode. They all paused immediately they saw me lying on the bed.

why were they all here?

Doctor Wu pushed through the crowd and stood a few inches away from my bed.

I was very confused and there's only so much confusion a werewolf can handle in a day.

He seemed to be thinking very deeply.

"What is this about?" I asked

I was surprised by the strength my voice carried. It was different from how it had been recently. I sounded like myself, very much like the old me.

The me that existed before Trey.

He adjusted his glasses

"I wanted to ask that" he replied

His reply confused me even more.

"We got a call from a passerby that a patient jumped from this floor and when we checked your room, it was empty" he said.

oh sh*t!

Why in the world did someone have to see me and report to them?

I sincerely hoped there was no CCTV camera because I wasn't going to admit to jumping out of the window.

if I did, I'd have to explain the entire story to them.

Then I'd look insane or worse yet, I'd be called a witch.

Though werewolves had little to no knowledge of other supernatural creatures, there was one they strongly believed in. The existence and power of witches.

Werewolves were extremely afraid of witches. Their stories about witches differed from place to place but the only thing constant in the stories was that witches were to be feared.

There were stories of flying witches, swimming witches, walking witches, witches that ate children, that burned houses, that raped women and all that.

Any crime you could think of, witches did it.

As a child I was very scared of them but as I grew older, it all started to seem fake.

Anything that was strange or that pack members couldn't understand, they blamed it on a witch.

I had heard of a few witch burnings though I had never seen one.

It was believed that only burning could kill witches. They were attached to a wooden rod in the midst of the woods, soaked with burnable fuels and lighted on fire for all who cared to see.

it was borderline uncultured and uncivil.

There had been no burnings for a long time and I sincerely hoped they (my pack and the entire werewolf race) would put their savage beliefs and behaviors behind them.

There was a possibility witches existed but I was sure they weren't what they were made up to be.

I was going to have to lie my way out of telling the truth. I couldn't just spill the beans without worrying about what they would think. Many of my pack members after all, still believed in witches.

"Of course, it would've been empty. I took a walk around the hospital" I said genuinely hoping he'd believe me.

"Yes, she must be right" a nurse said

"It would be impossible to survive that height" said another.

Almost immediately, there was a chorus of noises. Everyone voiced their opinions at the same time.

The doctor sighed.

Everyone seemed to be buying it.

"Stop" a middle aged woman yelled.

The woman had black hair with dark brown eyes, she had a light tan and she was wearing a blue uniform which was different from the green every other nurse had on. She should be the head nurse.

The noise died down immediately after she yelled and the place became completely silent.

she was definitely the head nurse.

"You may leave" the doctor said

All the nurses except the head nurse immediately left the room and shut the door quietly behind them.

"you too Trisha" he said

"me too?" she asked bewildered

"yes please" he replied

she hmphed (if that's a thing)and walked out begrudgingly.

"I want a true detailed explanation on what just happened" he said

"what do you mean?"

He shot me a look.

" Are you saying that you leaving your room the exact same time someone called saying someone jumped out of the window is a coincidence?" he asked

"What else could it be?"

he stopped and thought for a while, leaving the room in silence.

"you're right, it's definitely a coincidence."

I released a breath. He had bought it.

"be careful when you decide to walk around, it's easy to get lost. Also, it would be very nice if you could tell one of the nurses where you're going" he said with a tight smile.

I nodded and smiled guiltily.

He returned the smile and left the room.

I sighed.

I hoped no one would ever find out that I had jumped from my window. It would be such a hassle.

I realized that I had never wondered how I got to the hospital or more importantly, how I survived.

I hadn't expected to survive, yet here I was living and


It could've been that I had again be saved by who knows what or I could've been found and saved by one of the guards. It was also possible that I was found after they( the cruel Dirty blonde and his partner James) had left or that their plans went wrong. There were many possibilities to be explored and I didn't know where to begin...

The next day, my mom came to visit.

"Hey mom"

"hi sweetie, how are you doing today" she asked smiling.

" I'm feeling better "

She took a chair and sat beside me. Her eyes were overflowing with worry.

"Is anything the matter" I asked

Her skin was very dull and she had eyebags under her eyes. The skin on her forehead was creased. It was like she had aged a year since the last time I saw her.

"Everything's fine, why do you ask" she replied

" Oh, it's nothing, you just seem worried"

" Ah..., Toby's the only one at home" she said forcing a smile.

Something was bothering her but I couldn't do or say anything because she told me nothing.

I was really worried about her.

I sighed.

"You look way better than before," she said touching my forehead.

" I feel okay, how is dad and toby? " I asked

" They are fine, they'll come to see you soon"

If she didn't want me to be concerned with why she was worried, then I was going to let it go. pressing her won't change anything anyway.

A strange man in a white lab coat walked in. He had the assessing glare of a cat.

My mother looked back in alarm.

"You can't be here" he said.

I thought we were done with this type of situations.

"She can be here, she's my mother" I said

I sat calmly and analysed the stranger. He was behaving strangely.

"She can't see you anymore, you aren't allowed to see anyone anymore" he declared.

I was very confused.

" Give me a few minutes please" my mom said

I looked at her

" Mom, what's going on?" I asked

"Look, it's nothing to be worried about, your dad will fix this, so remain calm..."

" What do you mean by dad will fix it? what does he have to fix? "

The look on her face was troubling me a lot more than her words.

"Don't do anything rash and remember we love you" she said holding both of my hands tightly.

rash? what could I possibly do?

She forced a smile as a tear dropped from her left eye.

why the tears?

She stood up and walked out the door.

"Mom, mom" I called after her but she didn't turn back.

She shut the door with a loud bang.

I jumped off the bed and ran outside. She was gone.

"Mom" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

There was no answer. she was gone, gone with the information I didn't have.

I sighed and returned to my room.

To say I was confused would have been an understatement.

I had over a million questions running through my head. I sat on the bed trying my best to organize my thoughts.

I could think of nothing to say.

I couldn't describe what I felt even if I held a dictionary.

At the same time, there was a sinking pit in my chest.

For hours on end, that feeling remained as my thoughts slowly became more comprehensible.

It stuck with me, that feeling of helplessness.

I couldn't sit in my room and be consumed by thoughts that I sincerely hoped were not close to reality.

I touched my baby bump and felt him. I felt my baby and with him I could feel peace, confidence and hope.

I had to do something for myself. I was not going to let anyone keep me in the dark.

I rose up from my bed and walked to the door and yanked it open, it was locked.

I couldn't remember any locking it.

I yanked repeatedly on the handle but it had been locked from the outside.

I pounded the door with all my might.

"Is someone there? open the door" I yelled.

I hit the door more agressively.

"Let me out" I yelled hitting as hard as I could.

I pounded the door for hours but received no attention.

My fists and arms were aching terribly.

I was tired and a bit weak. I didn't want to give up and let whoever have their way not even if it was selene herself. I was going to fight.

However I had no idea who I was fighting against or how much power such person had.

I didn't know what the person wanted or why I was being held prisoner.

I walked to the window and pushed it open. It opened seamlessly as though was the hinges had been oiled. It was very suspicious..

I remembered my mother's words, "don't do anything rash" and shut it immediately.

I may be weak and helpless, but I wasn't a fool. There was something huge at play and I would not allow myself to be the victim.

I laid on my bed and tried to take a nap. I had always found it easier to analyze and come up with great plans after a few hours of sleep.

I tossed and turned but I couldn't sleep.

I heard a lock turn and immediately became very alert. I pretended to be fast asleep assuming the position I thought I fell asleep in.

The door opened and light footsteps were heard. They were trying to be quiet.

I heard the sounds of a few things being carried.

" Bring them in" a female voice whispered.

She sounded young.

Other footsteps started to come close but very slowly. It seemed they were carrying something heavy.

They dropped it with a thud.

"Hush" someone said.

The room became totally silent.

I stirred and acted like I had returned to sleep.

They all sighed.

A lot of them left and closed the door after them.

"I feel bad for her" someone said

"Me too" another replied

" I don't think she knows they are having a meeting about what to do with her"another person said.

" If she did, she won't be able to sleep so peace fully" the one who initiated the conversation said.

What did they mean by a meeting and what exactly did I not know?

I'm extremely sorry for the delay in the update. I had a lot on my chest and I did want to update q low quality chapter. I promise I'll be on time next week. once again, thank you all for reading my book. I'm forever grateful.

With love,


zaivacreators' thoughts