
The Reincarnation of a Kryptonian Hero

It was an end of the Crises war. but the victory archieved was too costly, and it seems like it wasn't over just yet. But the Over- Monitor hasn't given up yet, he still has one more card to play. And his was a wild one.

vtorx_0867 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Jura Tempest Pandemonium

It was a sun drenching day at the Jura Tempest Federation, at this time of the day every monster citizens were abuzz with one thing or the other soaking under the fiery star. The hobo-goblins worked hard under the direction of the architects constructing more infrastructure for the developing empire, carpenters sawing or plastering, laborers mixing and plastering and some others especially the female species performed their own of a more delicacy, be it the sewing of cloths and others woven materials.

The deep underground the lizard men toiled led by their very own dragon newt Gabiru, harvesting the best herbs and foliage that would further the production of potions and tonics of various kind.

The orcs at the suburbs cleared the area to accommodate the ever increasing structures, constructing roads as well as other menial drudgeries.

The security of the kingdom was protected by the Tempest wolves and their assigned goblin riders. Their jurisdiction alternating from the streets into the woods defending all those who are citizens of kingdom, innocent stray individuals and dissuading trouble makers… and they also bring back meat and other natural gastronomic supplies too.

Deeper into the forest the adherents of the Shadow Squad lurked within unsuspecting glooms beyond their nation's circumference. Their job were to be characterized as the unseen protector of Jura Tempest Federation, the ones who deals secretly and mercilessly with all in relation to the empire, be it friend or foe. Gathering intelligence for the betterment of their people.

These monsters all gave their all into it. Their ever consistent enthusiasm was like the brilliance of a sea of sun flowers because of the new lord the Great slime Rimuru Tempest who magnanimously bequeathed each and every one of them Names of Power evolving them to become more than their previous post, and they shall always hold him in their heart praising that glorious day he had found them.

At the south of the settlement a structure laid surrounded by bamboo plants, it was one of the first structures erected when it all started. A paramount edifice that served an important aspect in the settlement, Rimuru's residence. But then it was nothing more than a rush job despite its picturesque appearance. Even though Rimuru informed them that he was satisfied with just this they all remained tenacious that he deserved one that is more opulent.

Today a subpoena had been made to all chief executives from each of the species for a particular matter using Rimuru's home as the meeting base as it was more appropriate.

'Ha… what a beautiful day' Rimuru commented as he observed the outside through the opening of his elaborated traditional paper doors. The outside was a simplistic courtyard with a small artificial spring pool, with alabaster cobbled floor, the sky complimented everything with its cobalt paint. The sound of the chirping birds in conjunction with the hollow bamboo being filled with water from the fixed wooden pipes cascading water into the pool was music to his ears.

Not that he really did have ears, mind you.

But Rimuru at times just felt that he could just sit down at the porch watching this scene go by all day. Although he grimaced at the army of bamboo stalks. They really need to level down those shoots as it obscures the view of his town.

After all what use is erecting his residence only for him not to see his people.

"Yep, it's time for at least some of you to go," He nodded titling his head vaguely, "Maybe Rigurd and the others will know what to do with you bunch. I'm certainly not the expert here."

"Rimuru-sama!" A gruff voice intoned out.

Snapping out of his reverie Rimuru pivoted his head from where he sat to the others who waited studiously on him settling his awareness particularly at the near six foot monster.

"Rigurd…?" He asked with an inquiring arch of his brows.

Rigurd formerly a frail old goblin, now Hobo-goblin brimming with vitality beyond his years. A former chieftain of the goblin village who resided at this part of the forest presently an executive officer in the empire and one of Rimuru's most trusted aids.

Although Rimuru could do without his muscle flexing thank you very much. Because he wasn't jealous at all… seriously he was an adult man in a gelatinous body with an effeminate humanoid form so he wasn't jealous!

Damn why did he have to look like a girl…

"Rimuru-sama I thought you call my name just now." He pointed out.

Shifting his position on the tatami mat, he turned away from the sliding shoji door regarding his waiting subordinates.

Shaking his head with an apologetic smile he brushed off, "It's nothing really important that needs to be discussed this instant. So let's begin shall we."

"Anu Rimuru-sama!" A voice called just beside him.


With a little shiver Rimuru cranked to the busty lavender hair kijin, "Wha-What is it Shion?"

Shion the humanoid horned monster, an evolved form of the oni race 'Kijin', once resident berserker of the oni tribe now Rimuru's personal secretary as assigned. Not that her berserker trait has left her nature, it was quite the opposite in fact. Just remembering the blood-lusted smile she displayed as she rampaged through the orc's army, dismembering and dicing into pieces was enough to give him the shivers! Berserker beauty… was an apt term he coined at that moment.

As he studied the still squirming oni he decided that her epithet was the correct one. Not that he would ever tell her that, who knows what might happen then.

"My lord, if I may be so presumptuous to ask. Why are you not in your original form?"

The other female kijin at his other side dressed in shrine priestess garb nodded in agreement as Shion continued.

"You always said that staying in original form was much more freeing for you so, why?"

Rimuru gave an internal tsk 'Of all the times…' He groaned in longsuffering. It was not like Shion was dumb but she was rather slow on the uptake. Just looking at the surprised glance Benimaru and Souei stole at her accentuated that fact, to get through her was a headache of its own something that required mental fortitude of an unknown degree, and of all days when he could relax his body she just had to ask.

"A-ah well…" He stammered. How was he going to break it too her! Not only her but Shuna as well. For as much as he loved the fact of two beautiful women cuddling him. The way they pull, twist and bend him sometimes made him to fear for his life! And the amount of times their tug of war had occurred made him shiver at what might happen if the rope ever snaps.

The mental image of him being divided into two made him want to gag.

[That would never happen… probably.] Great Sage unhelpfully chimed in.

'What do you mean by probably! Great Sage!' He hollered internally. Was this Skill actually screwing with him? Well for one it should stop with the morbid joke, it was not remotely funny.

But wait! He paused his eyes narrowed turning suspiciously at the both female onis exchanging glances.

"Oy Shion, is this all a ploy to get me to change back so that you can use me as a plushie?'

The eek that followed was all Rimuru needed to hear.

'I knew it, of all days for her to ask.' Dubiously swiveling he caught the guilty look on Shuna's face informing him of the mastermind. 'She really is quite conniving when you look under that demure features.'

"Listen up you both," He called out with the two both freezing like a deer caught by headlight. Projecting an austere font, he informed, "The next time you two try something like this again, then… I will do it my upmost best to make sure that none of you both will ever hold my slime form again is that clear?"

"Yes Rimuru-sama," They both chorused with beads of tears in their eyes.

Not like Rimuru would go through with his promise, but he definitely needed a time out. Shion he could handle, Shuna he could also handle. But a combination of the two?

Well that was the stuff of nightmares. So it's better to nip it out from the root.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha… a fine skit my lord, as expected of you Rimuru-sama." With a hearty laugh the elderly oni remarked.

Rimuru stroked the back of his hair giving a bashful smile. "It's really nothing Hakurou."

The Sword Saint Hakurou, an elder kijin evolved like the others, a samurai -yep Rimuru was surprised that even those terms existed- with no equal, praised by both humans and monsters alike, and Rimuru's sensei in the art of sword wielding. An old man-… not! Rimuru paused with that line of thought as a brief reminisce took him through the hellish exercises partook the last time someone actually addressed him with that title.

'Yikes, Gobuta that day almost died!'

'Hakurou could be quite the sadist." Rimuru noted at the kijin who gave an inquisitive look.

The red haired Hell Fire using kijin Benimaru being the ever mature one, gave an interrupting cough. "Now everyone. If we are all through with this, shall we get to the main subject of the meeting?" He threw a look that brought everyone sited on the tatami mat into an attentive pose.

"Yes," The entire audience chorused.

Souei took the lead standing up giving a curt bow to Rimuru –even though Rimuru had said that it wasn't needed- and gave a short summary to the audience, "Just early this morning, an enormous increase in magicule event was spotted by one of the members of the Shadow Squad," Unseen by all Rimuru lips quirked drolly, "Souka' and in arriving at the scene, she reported to what was the appearance of a portal hanging in midair, with the subject person immediately being flung out of the portal already unconscious."

"And is there anything that you can tell us about this person." Rigurd asked.

Souei shook his head, "Nothing at all, and that is the problem."

"Hmm, I don't understand what is wrong with that?" Shion eyebrows spruced quizzically.

Rimuru was about to ask his Unique Skill what Souei meant when Shuna brightened up raising her hand, drawing everyone's notice. "Oh I know, every living thing emits magicules belonging to certain specific species and it could also display one's innate nature. Like you Rimuru-sama," She turned to the slime, "For someone of your stature, your magicule output is going to be very oppressive once you are angry or even emotional, and also yours has a certain taste that is not that aggressive. That was why we were able to trust your words even though we only just met."

But Rimuru only looked dubious at best, "But Shion if that's so, why did you all even attack me in the first place?"

All kijins present had the grace to turn away with sheepish looks.

Benimaru gave a cough with a blush on his face as he apologised, "Our deepest apologies Rimuru-sama," He bowed with the others following as well.

"No I'm just asking a simple question, not throwing any accusations so it's all chill guys."

A collective breath of relief spread from the kijins as Benimaru explained contritely. "With all due respect Rimuru-sama, the mask you had on that day was reminiscent to that majin," He said stressing the majin with distaste. "The loss of our people was still fresh in our hearts, we all hankered justice. And just seeing that mask well… it all turned red for me, for all of us." All solemn they nodded as one.

Rimuru just sighed brushing it off, "Like I said before there is no problem, it's all in the past now, that little episode is now over. And that said lets go back to what Shuna just illuminated," He motioned to Souei obviously diverging the subject. "Ones mana could indicate ones race and also expose ones intentions but Superma… I mean the individual showed nothing, am I following up Souei?"

The ninja parody kijin nodded.

Rubbing his chin Rimuru mused for a bit before consulting Great Sage. 'So what do you think is going on Great Sage? What is your own analysis?'

For once there was no immediate reply, the silence processed for some seconds before the machinelike Unique Skill replied back, [Analysis was compromised when performing the scan on individual.]

Rimuru brows shot up at her words, 'Couldn't be scanned! Is that even possible.'

[Yes. As long as one possess the necessary requirements, they are capable of blocking my analysis feature. I apologize.] Great Sage said despondently.

Releasing his hands from his cupped chin, he brushed off. 'Nah… since you couldn't examine him then there is no problem it is not your fault.'

[…..] He could feel Great Sage nodding back, as he gave a smile back. To the others he saw that they were still discussing so he continued with the questions. Crossing both his legs he relaxed his body on his left hand absently drumming the other on the wooden floor idly.

'So Great Sage. Is he going to be a problem?'

[I… don't believe so. At least with the proper measures, a kryptonian, that was the term used for his species, if he really is Superman or even a reincarnated individual with the ability of Superman then his weakness to all magical attacks would still the there. Is what I might have said, but remember he was radiating enough magicules to dwarf even you while benumbed. Clear caution must be exercised when handling him.]

Ah he forgot all about that. In his elation of meeting someone who looked like a kryptonian he failed to consider if he really is a kryptonian or just another reincarnated individual, seeing that from the comics Superman had no business with magic like the man who just arrived.

'To think the day that my comic knowledge would be needed in a fantasy world. Wonders will never end, eh Great Sage.'


With a light head shake he turned back to his deliberating subjects. "Well there is no harm in telling them is there." He muttered under his breath, with a cough of his own he drew their attention to himself, giving a light clap, he said, "Alright everyone settle down, I have something to inform you all about the one who came out of from that portal."

They all settled back down, Souei, after arranging himself said meaningfully, "Rimuru-sama, I was waiting for you to say that."

"Hmm, Souei?"

"No, it is just that at when you met him, the individual, you displayed some very… interesting reactions."

"And what kind of reaction was that Souei?" Shuna innocuously asked.

Before Souei could answer like a true ninja, Rimuru slipped into his shadow appearing just behind Souei to close his mouth in time.


"Rimuru-sama?" Shion looked discombobulated at Rimuru's actions. With the others throwing him query looks.

Rimuru gave a stiff spry look before turning to whisper to Souei, "Look all those things I said at that time, format it now. I never looked or spoke anything, hmm?" He gave a chilling smile to stress.

Souei at that moment felt a chill travel down his spine, giving his best impression of understanding the chilling aura vanished from Rimuru with his smile more tranquil, the humanoid slime nodded as he slinked into Souei's shadow appearing back to his seat behaving like that never happened.

All further inquiries halted as the cohorts of kijins and hobo-goblin threw Rimuru bewildering gazes while the slime appeared Jaunty.

With a cough Rimuru decided to take the reins of this meeting, "Alright as I was saying I might know the identity of the individual at least." Seeing he had the others attention he gave himself a mental pat on the back for successful diversion, or at least –looking at the way Shion and Shuna looked at him suspiciously- something of that sort. He adopted a professional tone and continued.

"Well for one, if I am correct, then that individual we are dealing with all here is a…" He paused playing the pause-up for greater effect before adding, "Kryptonian."


Everyone chorused.

Rimuru nodded, "Yes a Kryptonian, and there is one thing I want to correct." He lifted one his index finger, "A Kryptonian is not a human."

"And that is?" Rigurd asked enraptured.

"Well he is more of an alien." Seeing that they still didn't understand Rimuru elucidated, "Think of him as someone that is not of this world, of this planet. Someone from beyond the stars."

They all let out sounds of understanding as they digested the information. Arms folded Benimaru interrupted with a query, "But Rimuru-sama, if he is from beyond the stars… does that make him similar to a being from the spiritual world."

Rimuru angled his head, "Well…" 'Since they don't have concepts of aliens I won't burden them with that so I'll just go with Benimaru's words.' To the red hair kijin he nodded, "Something quite similar to that. After all, the sobriquet for all Kryptonians to other races are 'Light Gods.' And as for how strong he is… Benimaru, Shion, Souei, Hakurou and everyone in this town including me," He said pointing the ones he just called with himself, "Even if we gather our strongest attacks coalescing and multiplying by hundred. We still would not be able to even ruffle him."

Meanwhile in his mind, Rimuru gave himself a nod as he remembered all the iterations of Superman and all of his crazy feats that made no sense. But now are needed more than ever.

'Better to discourage any funny ideas,' He thought, maintaining his severe façade. But while Rimuru thought informing them of their unintended visitor was quite prudent, he underestimated just by how much, as rather than calming them, it only escalated their alarm.

'All our attacks wouldn't ruffle his cloths? What a dangerous individual,' Hakurou thought uneasily.

'If someone like that rampages in the town, who would be able to stop him' Rigurd fretted to himself.

'Someone like that is within our midst. Rimuru-sama is in danger!' Shion gripped the Odachi by her side in trepidation.

The fact that their lord Rimuru, who they look up to as the bastion of strength declared their enemy to be all but unbeatable. It just couldn't be fathomed.

"This Light God…" Souei who remained silent began to Rimuru slowly, "Should he be dealt with while he is still unconscious." He made the motion of sliding across his neck, insinuating assassination.

Rimuru who got the hint almost jumped up surprised, "No!..." He beat the wooden floor which caved in as he used more than strength than usual. "What are you saying just now Souei? Murder?"

"But Rimuru-sama please consider." Benimaru of all people implored.

But Rimuru was not moved, "All I said just now was based on the assumption that that person is a kryptonian, I could be wrong. And if par venture, I am right. Then that means he is a good guy." Rimuru was stomped on how he could continue, he couldn't just say that he read him from a comic book, as he wasn't sure which version they were dealing with even though he seemed to be quite the fledgling for the generic Man of Steel –he looked too young to be Superman. Maybe he is Superboy- Frustrated he decided improvise. "His name is Superman."

"Superman? Is that really his name?" Benimaru echoed bemused.

Tilting back his sky blue hair sprawled, facing the ceiling Rimuru replied, "It's actually Ka-El, but everyone knows him as Superman. And when I say he is a good guy, I mean that. The epitome of good." Sitting back up he addressed everyone, "And even if he isn't Superman, to attack someone who hasn't done me harm is Definitely not my style, so drop it." He issued it like an order.

Everyone getting the message implicitly inclined in understanding albeit some begrudgingly.

And just as Rimuru was about to continue….


He suddenly bowled over instantly changing into his slime form. A visible segment of a white rippling shockwave tore across the room with such force it broke his traditional door off its proverbial hinges. Wobbling Rimuru slowly corrected himself, his autonomy spared from the physical damage but not its magical effects. Turning to the others he saw they too weren't much better.

"I-Is everyone okay?" He asked concerned, stabilizing his core.

"I-I am fine Rimuru-sama." Shuna woozily bobbed affirming her state, struggling to standup. But Rimuru could see even that took quite the challenge.

He assumed back his human form as he held a hand to help her stand. From behind his shadow sizzled and then splashed like spurred water as Ranga rose took form.

"Rimuru-sama, my brethren has all been incapacitated." He informed with hackles raised growling agitatedly.

"Incapacitated? Do you mean like… dead?"

"No, something had hit them as my bond disappeared for a moment and then resumed but I can feel any activity from them."

Rimuru gave a sigh of relief, as he felt a presence approached him, he swerved to see Shion standing by his side her giant sword with her clenched fist wrapped around the pommel, a fierce look that promise violence was smeared on her face as she said.

"Rimuru-sama let us depart back for the town at once. If something like this has affected Tempest wolves, then I fear what might have happened to our people."

Rimuru nodded facing the others, "Alright who is a hundred % now?" Everyone stood up with some difficulty restoring themselves just as they stood back to their feet. "Everyone? Good, now follow me I need to see what is responsible for this attack."

Benimaru nodded, "Yes Rimuru-sama. We can't let such incursion go unpunished by any means."

Shion agreed, "Whoever is responsible must answer to my blade." The glint in her eyes spoke of the gruesome act she will perform when she gets her hands on the perpetrator. Rimuru swept by the currents couldn't find it in his mind to stop her, he was just worried for the others.

Rushing out as they left the courtyard out into the road towards the village, he turned to Rigurd who was still fuzzy, 'As much as I hate it, as a combatant Rigurd isn't really the best of them. Whatever we are going to face is going to require only the kijins and anyone else is going to be dead weight.' "Rigurd when we arrive at the town, I want you to go and check up on the others."

The shade obscuring Rigurd eyes raised in understanding, he knew his level of strength in the grand scheme of things. While Rimuru's naming had provided him strength surpassing his ancestors even competing the legends. He fell short compared to the kijins in strength. 'My truest apologies for my ineptitude to stand by your side Rimuru-sama.' He thought morosely. And with a rueful smile he replied back with a somberly inclination.

With that settled they all bounded for the town full speed ahead. But in his heart Rimuru heart churned uneasily.

'I'm forgetting something. But what?'

Arriving at the main municipality first, Rimuru was met bodies strewn across the streets. Orcs, goblins and some wolves all laid down without any form of stirring. With clenched heart he went to check on them, breathing a sigh of relief as he saw they were only unconscious.

'Great Sage, throw a scan and inform me of all the conditions for the unconscious in town.'

A blinking sound resonated out for a few moments before his Unique Skill replied back. [Orcs, goblins and wolves are all unconscious, but health analysis shows signs of non-fatal psyche disturbance, with only the Orc-Lord still with aware.]

'Geld huh. So where is he?'

[Fifty meters upfront. And warning, inconceivable gathering of magicule energy detected just over two hundred meters of the same path. Magicules properties… cannot be scanned.]

The information from his Unique Skill only made him more uneasy. He was beginning to piece it all together. 'I should have been there.' He grimaced getting the full picture.

Meanwhile the others had arrived to witness the scene. Shuna gasped with a hand clasped against her mouth while Benimaru and the others only balled their fists.

"Someone is going to pay dearly for this." She swore ruefully.

Rimuru still caught up in his self-admonishment could only look absentmindedly at the cracked window sheets at the nearest building –and Kajin was really proud of its integrity strength-, but Rimuru digressed. He really was an idiot. Why couldn't he have foresaw this sooner?

'Rimuru Tempest you buffoon. You just said it before. 'Even if he was a kryptonian, the issue of his discrepancy was still in the air.'

He had just predicted that when Superman awakes the goblins who were with him could inform him. But…

What do you think would happen, and you would do if you had woken up in a place you did not know and saw things that made no sense?

A popular TV show in his past life had asked such a question and the answers slapped him so hard he almost turned back to his original form. He doesn't like what it presents in his present life.

"Over there," Shuna pointed front, "I can sense an unreal amount of energy there… and I can't recognize it."

The group of kijins took a moment before the answer dawned on them.

"Damn Light God…" Shion growled, pulling her sword out her shield and shot of faster than a speeding bullet leaving indented earth.

"I will have your head!"

Rimuru who had just processed what just happen could only scream in shock, "That-That girl!" He turned to the others, "You guys have to stop her now! Don't let her fight him. In fact, Do Not Antagonize him in anyway, do you hear me." He barked out in a growl.

The others hastily nodded and vanished in plumes of smoke, leaving only trails of dust.

Rigurd who remained began gathering the others. "Rimuru-sama please go after them," He implored, "I can see from your expression that the situation is not as it seems. And the others might only escalate it even more, so go Rimuru-sama," He posed showing off, "This Rigurd shall get all of the others to a safe location with the help Geld of course."

The Tempest wolf Ranga added, "And I took as well, so go rest assured Rimuru-sama." The wolf said with a practiced lupine smile, and wagging tail.

The Demon Seed paused before nodding gratefully, "Thank you Rigurd, Ranga." And sank into his shadow to appear where his subordinates are.


Palpable terror was the first sentiment he felt when he popped out from Shuna's shadow. The energy he felt washing over was too great.

'It's like am standing before Veldora back from when I was still unnamed all over again.' He remarked.

[I agree.] Coincidentally or not, Great Sage concurred.

"Shuna," He greeted, but she stood rooted in place, in fear? Before he could turned to the others a blur ripped passed him smashing into the house with enough force that it toppled.

"Benimaru!" He almost shouted, moving from behind him to witness his fear unfold.

Souei laid buried deep beneath the earth, Hakurou plastered against the wall blood dribbling from his lips with his tanto held limply. And Shion…

"Shion!" He cried in alarm, as he saw the kijin being held by the neck gasping, struggling for air fruitlessly against the vised griped of the kryptonian. Her face paler with every passing instant.

"Ri… muru…-sama. Please… run." Hitched voice struggled out. But the eyes of the Light God has already been drawn.

The way those sockets of red fire looked at him would always remain in his memories for the rest of life.

Wow... I'm pleasantly surprised by the reception of the first chapter. thanks alot for the support.

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