
The reflection that falls before me.

Sixteen year old ? Jones slowly starts to question their identity and who they really are inside when one day a boy appears in her reflection. Calling them keeper and the one who sees past the veil. Join them as Jones and their reflection fight for their worlds and discover who they are along the way.

Blood_Fire_6959 · Urban
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2 Chs

Who I am inside

[? POV]

Cold amber eyes stare into the bathroom mirror before me, the lights dimmed glancing upon what shouldn't be here. A Lacey dress white as can be, Bountiful breast and wide hips, shuttering softly as I slowly start to cry. Three knocks on the door alert me to my position someone says it's time to go, I grab my bible, wipe my tears, and turn to leave. As I headed out the door my father greeting me I turn to my reflection one last time it almost looks as if it's winking at me.