
the red queen

PinkSkies01 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter two

Walking into the lunch room the next morning was well, awkward, to say huh. Pretending nobody was talking about you or looking at you, I got some breakfast and sat at a table by myself and ate, then headed off to my first class, walking into the room, it was somewhat a little full. I noticed around here that people go to classes early to catch up on their work that they didn't do.

The door shut with a somewhat of a quiet slam, on accident of course. I walked to the desk in the back by the big window, dropping my bag on the ground by the table I sit down and look out the window. "So your the new girl everyone is talking about" a male voice said, I look up to see a smoking hot guy standing in front of my desk, not saying nothing at all I look out the window again. "You don't talk much do ya?" He said sitting in the seat next to me, I start to get annoyed, a piece of paper slide to my side of the table with a pencil on it, I look at the paper out the corner of my eye.

What's your name? Is what the paper said

I look at the boy unsure, "it's ok, I'm not gonna hurt ya, you can trust me" he said, it was promising though. Sighing I grab the pencil I write something down then slide it back to him.

Why do you want to know? I wrote back.

After a few minutes the paper slide back over to me, along with the pencil.

Just curious, do you want to be friends? It said.

I grabbed the pencil again and wrote out a answer.

Why would you want to be friends with me? I wrote before giving the paper back.

This is how it is, writing on paper, but not talking face to face, back a forth.

Because, I want to be your friend pls.

It said

Fine, if it makes you leave me alone. I wrote back annoyed.

He smiled "well my name is Cody, my power is ice" he said, I purked up at when he mentioned his power. "What about you" he asked.

I take the paper again and write down my answer.

My name is Sadie, I don't talk about my power and I don't want to.

He reads the paper and frowns "it's okay, you don't have to talk about it, I can tell that's a hard subject at the moment" he said, I nod.

The bell ring, students walked in and sat in their seats, a group, the same group from yesterday walked in "Cody! Come sit with us?" A male said "ah sorry not today, I'm going to sit with Sadie today" Cody said

Why don't you want to sit with your friends? Why do you want to sit with someone like me? I wrote down on the paper and passed it to him, he read it and looks at me "Sadie, I want to sit with you, not them, I want to get to know you. I can tell you are a amazing person" he said smiling.

"You got her to react to you?" A voice said, I look up to see two people from yesterday in front of our table, I mean mine, god dang it. He's not going to stay with me forever Sadie. Don't get so used to it.

"Oh yeah, it's just paper writing but that's fine, I'm not pushing her into talking if she doesn't want to" Cody said, I looked at the two girls in front us "lucky! She won't say a word to me. Hm. How will she make friends or adapt to all of us if she doesn't even talk to us?" The second girl said, I frown at her "she doesn't have to if she doesn't want to, I can't believe you guys thinking you need to know everyone, Sadie doesn't need a whole bunch of people as friends if she doesn't want to, besides she gots a friend; me" Cody said frowning at the two girls. He read my mind, I was shocked by how he new what I wanted.

I frown again looking down, grabbing the pin I write down a note to Cody.

You can sit with your friends, I'm sorry for causing trouble with you and your friends. It said.

I handed it to him, he took it and reads it then turns to me "Sadie, get it down, I'm not leaving you, I'm saying here" he said serious, I heard a gasp next to us, I look at the girls, they have small smiles on their faces then excuses themselves to go back to group, I look at Cody then nod, understanding. Cody goes back to smiling "ok number one in my bucket list is to get you to talk, ya" Cody said with a smile.

"Okay! Students sit down, time for class- oh the new student, hi Sadie, welcome to history class, I'm Mr. Derby" Mr. Derby said, I nod, he started to talk about well history and wrote on the board, I went back to looking out the window. In my own little world, I watched the snowflakes fall from the sky, the sun was out and flowing through the trees like sun rays.

I felt calm, for some reason, I felt comfortable, it was nice, a small unnoticeable smile formed on my face, a song ran through my head, when I was younger, when I was in my emotional state, I would write songs, lyrics to anything.

I grabbed a pencil and my lyric book, I started to write a song.

Bridges - (by Aisha Badru) [a/n that's the actual singer/ creater of this song, so I didn't steal it. I thought this would be a good song for this chapter, but the song it up top!]

We were worlds apart

So I fell from the stars

I travelled long and I travelled far

Then deep in the dark

I followed a spark

And it led straight to your heart

There'll be oceans for us to tread

There'll be bridges for us to mend

But I'll stick through it

Oh, I swear

There'll be mountains for us to climb

There'll be days when the sun won't shine

But I'll stick through it

Oh, I swear

I've got scars by great white sharks

But I swam fast and I swam hard

All these miles I've walked

All these stumbles and falls

They led me straight to your arms

But there'll be oceans for us to tread

There'll be bridges for us to mend

But I'll stick through it

Oh, I swear

There'll be mountains for us to climb

There'll be days when the sun won't shine

But I'll stick through it

Oh, I swear

There'll be so many years that pass

There'll be others with greener grass

But I'll stick through it

Oh, I swear

There'll be exits along the road

There'll be so many ways to go

But I'll stick through it

Oh, I swear

Oh, I swear

I read it over and over in my head, "do you like to write?" Cody said, I look at him and nod "do you sing?" He asked, I nodded. "Can you sing it for me?" He said, I grabbed another piece of paper and pencil and write down something.

Not yet, it's not ready I wrote then gave it to him.

He nodded after reading it, "well can I be the first after you are done with it? Maybe" he asked, I nod, he smiles "thank you, can I read it?" He said, I nodded again giving him my lyric book. He reads it after two minutes he looks at me with a big smile "Sadie this is amazing, I love it, you should be a song writer" he said giving me back the book. I blushed and nodded.

See.... Some people warm they're ways in my life, just like he did.