
the red queen

PinkSkies01 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter one

Climbing out of the taxi back seat, the cold air cooled me down, I wasn't so warm, sighing I grabbed my two suit cases, paid the driver and started to walk to the big black front gates, of the academy of the káto kósmos. The gate opened with a groan, I took a deep breath and started to walk into the grounds of the academy.

Snow layered the ground, everything, students in groups crowded around random places, in uniforms, talking about stuff I wouldn't of caught myself in. I continued to walk towards the big building? No, it was more like a castle. Going up the steps I push open one door, inside there was two staircases, with a room on each side, going to two different places. I felt the wondering eyes as I walked down the hall to the main desk in the middle of the room.

The old woman looked up at me and smiles "hi, you must be our new girl" she said, I nodded not really saying anything, I'm not trying to be rude but I don't want to talk to anyone right now, I can hurt people, when I don't mean to, but i can't control it.

The lady talked as she printed out my time table, locker number, dorm room and the rule book I'm guessing. I nod as a thanks before she called a student over to her area. "Nora! Come here please for a moment" the lady said, I just stood there, ready to go to my dorm and sleep it off by myself. "Yeah?" A girls voice said as a girl a little shorter than me walked over to the desk "please show the new girl around" she said, god I hate being refurled as new girl. It gets old. Fast.

The girl named Nora turned to me, then held out her hand, expecting me to shake her hand "hi I'm Nora, welcome to our amazing academy" She said then realized I wasn't going to shake her hand "can I see your time table?" She asked, I gave it to her and she gave it a look over than nodding, "you have three classes with me, well let's start the tour Sadie" she said before turning and walking down the other hall, explaining about each area of the building and pointing out to where my classes will be at. Then after a long walk we were in front of my room. "Here you go, I'm in room 190, two door to the left, if you need anything let me know" she said, I nod before unlocking the dorm room door and pushed the door open, one bed, a night stand and a desk, a closet with a dresser, a bath too. I dropped my suitcases down by the dresser and plop down on my bed. It was comfortable, to say the least.

After laying there for a while I think, I learned how to make fire and not being able to burn anything else in the process. Lucky me. Holding my right hand out, I take a deep breath and let it out, watching a ball of fire spark up in my hand. It didn't burn, nor get bigger than I wanted it to, it's just the matter of controlling it. Closing my palm the flame disappeared, getting up I start unpacking my things, putting them away, I look at my time table.

Breakfast 7:10am

First period: history, mr.derby, room 103

Second period: music class, mrs. Dehay , room 134

Third period: science, Mr. Winders , room 204

Lunch 12:29-1:00.

Forth period: language art, mrs. Wingate. Room 121

Fifth period: math, Mr. Ojen , room 101

Sixth period: self defense class, mr.clay , room 207

After school practice: Mr. Derby , in the gym.

Dinner: 6:30

I look at my phone to check the time and it was about 3pm, deciding to go explore, I got up, grabbed my room key and left my room making sure to lock my door. Walking down the hall, there was a room to the right, a game room and relaxing room, I guess if you call it that. There were groups of kids, sitting on couches, playing games, sitting on floors talking about nonsense. Continuing on with my track I leave the dorm area's, walking to the main hall, where both boys and girls can hang out, which was full to the brisk at the moment.

Deciding that there are to many people in here, I step outside in the court yard, it was snowing, using some of my powers I spark up some body heat, to keep me warm sense I didn't grab a jacket. Walking out to the water fall in the middle of the court yard, there sat benches around it one on each side. I noticed that the water was frozen, making sure nobody was looking i put my palm on the ice, focusing a short amount of my fire into melting all the ice in the water, after a few minutes the water was running normal again, smiling a little I push some snow off the bench and sit down.

"Hey, your the new girl right" a voice said, looking over my shoulder my smile turned into a flat line, there stood a girl no taller than me, she wore a school uniform, I nod. "I knew it, so want to come sit with my friends and me?" She asked, I shook my head no, there was no point in lying to the girl. "Oh, okay that's fine, well I'm Candy" she said, I looked away back at the water. "Well uh bye see you at dinner new girl!" She said walking away after she took the hint that I didn't want to talk.

I cupped a ball of snow in my hands, watching it melt in my hand with my extra body heat. Dropping the snow, well now water, I get up and look around, walking around campus for a while until it was time for dinner I walked into the cafeteria, some tables were all full, it was loud, I just wanted to get my dinner and go back to my dorm.

Walking to the line, I stood there waiting until I got to where the plates are, grabbed one and got some food and a drink, before leaving the line, I looked around for a table and saw the tables are full, sighing I go to turn to the cafeteria doors when a voice called out to me "Sadie!" I stopped and looked over my shoulder to see the girl from earlier, uhh candy I think. "Come sit with us" she said, I go to shake my head no but she grabbed my wrist, to pull me to her table, I felt the heat travel to my wrist where her hand was at, i jerk my wrist away from her, causing my food to fall out of my hand and onto her, she squealed. "Oh I'm sorry!" She apologized quickly.

I pick up as much as I could before throwing it away and hurrying off to my dorm, I heard the whispering from the people around me, I know what they are talking about; me. Sighing once I got into my dorm, I shut and locked the door "a shower, I need a cold shower to cool down" I said lowly to myself.

Pealing off my clothes I put them in a basket in the closet, I walk into my bathroom, turning on the water, making sure it was cold before stepping in, the water was numbing my skin, cooling my burning body.

Running my fingers through my hair, I closed my eyes putting my face under the water, taking showers calm me down, it's relaxing. I sigh, tired of this day already, the first day and I already freak out when someone touches me. I don't talk to people for a reason, I don't get close to anyone for a reason, because everyone I talked to or had a relationship with either got burnt or died in a house fire.

God, I'm a monster, tears pooled down my face, I dropped to the shower floor, on my knees, unable to control the tears anymore, I'm not strong enough for this, I'm not ready for it. I miss them.

I miss my family. I miss my parents.