
The Red Empire

In 1991, the USSR, the biggest country in the world dissolved. The country's leader has betrayed their people again and again. But, what if, in 1979, before the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, the whole country was transferred to an Isekai, that existed with magic, the undead, elves, dwarfs, and others. The undead empire invaded them, opening the Pandora box. The red bear has now awoken, and the world will see his might.

WindwWind · War
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33 Chs

Baltic direction

Times go back to the afternoon at 1 pm,

Kremlin, Moscow.

In a meeting room, various officers were constantly coming in and out to report the situation to their respective superiors.

At this time, the supreme command has received the news that the intercontinental ballistic missile has launched and successfully destroyed the reinforcement.

After hearing the news, Brezhnev and his colleagues immediately cheer together. 

"Ura !!!"

They were having this meeting since morning 10 am which was just after the dragon knight invaded Leningrad for 1 hour.

During the meeting what they received was all bad news, and this is the first good news they received today.

However, they didn't celebrate yet.

A much more serious problem is now facing them.

Just when the battle in Leningrad was still going on, the High Command also received a message from the Baltic military district.

"Comrade Ustinov, Orgakov, may I know how is the situation in the Baltic Front?"

Both of them look worried since the war has begun, even when the news that the nuke has successfully detonated, no good emotions appear on their face.

Orgakov stands up and speaks,

"Comrade chairman, the situation is bad there. Due to our deployment before the war started, we only had limited troops in the Baltic states. "

"Even though we have mobilized our reserve forces, we are only able to replenish to some of our combat readiness forces that originally already have 80% and above of troops."

"The forces that are currently in three Baltic states total only one hundred thousand."

"From the news coming back from the front and air force, we can confirm that the states are under attack by a few million orcs ground forces and hundreds of thousands of airships full of goblins."

"As a result, most of the villages in Baltic states have been occupied by the orcs, remaining only a few cities that have troops stationed are still held."

Later, a few officers carry a map to the center of the meeting room.

On the map, a few different colors of arrows were plotted, each identified as the Soviet army, the undead, and the orcs.

"From the Belorussian and Leningrad Military District report, some orcs troops have been spotted inside their district. We have sent reinforcement from Moscow and Kyiv to both of these districts."

"Still, most of the reinforcement may only be able to reach by earliest tomorrow morning."

"So, we will send our VDV airborne forces first and they will arrive a few hours later. They are the best of the best in our army, I believe with their help the situation will be slightly stable."

After listening to Orgakov speak, Brezhnev frowned and asked, 

"Do we have any good news? Is there any special about these orcs? Why can't our air force bombard to stop them, I believe even ten million orcs will not be able to hold the bomb from our plane and artillery."

Just after Brezhnev asked the question, Pavel Stepanovich Kutakhov, the commander of the Soviet Air Force spoke.

"Comrade Chairman, I believe I can answer your question. Yes, we do have some good news, both Alexander Kordunov, the commander of Air Defense Forces have received that our radar in the Baltic direction is still functioning."

"Yet, from the report of the front lines, we believe that the orcs have some technology that is similar to radar. Many of our planes were detected before we reached them."

"Due to our missile technology, our planes will need to reach about 40km far from their airship to launch the missile, which also gives them the chance to hit us."

"A few of our planes have successfully taken a close look at these airships. We found that some of the airships are more like an aircraft carrier that flying in the sky."

"The ship has a high stick, and is more huge than other ships."

"We believe it's what makes them to able detect our plane. After they detect, they will shoot their goblin straight to us from 50 to 60 km away."

"It is fast, accurate, and large amount, we have lost at least 100 of various planes due to this. Thus, we have changed the plan. "

"All fighters and intercepters are sent to reinforce the battle in Leningrad, and let strikers and CAS fly close to the ground to avoid detection from the orc's airship."

"We also use SAM to destroy their airship, and we see it's very much effective."

"From the first two waves of attack that happen in a few hours before, we believe it works."

"We did some damage to the orcs army, but they are too much."

"They are like waves, a bunch of green waves, rushing to our city, every time every explosion created by our bomb makes a vacuum area will immediately be replenished by more orcs."

"Every type of bomb except for nuke has been used, we are using many FAE and thermobaric bomb that are carried by SU-24 and SU-25 to delay the orc's attack to help our ground forces that are around the city."

"We are also sending various ballistic missiles to destroy their ground forces and airship."

"Comrade Chairman, I'm done with my report."

Everyone in the meeting room hearing the news again becomes anxious, hoping that the Soviet army can block the assault from orcs.

If they are not able to block and delay the orcs in the Baltic region and let them successfully march into the Russian region, they do have not many troops to block them, and they can easily march into Moscow.

Reinforcement from Central Asia and the Far East takes time to reach, the fastest they can arrive will need another few more days.

Brezhnev, as an ex-Soviet commissar immediately understood what is the situation now.

He speaks to make everyone calm down.

"Is ok comrade, we still have a way to block them. Remember how we destroy the dragon knights' reinforcement? I think we can use the same way."

He looks at Ogarkov and Ustinov and asks,

"Did we spot out their commander?"

"I'm sorry comrade Chairman, we didn't spot the commander during these few hours. We will try but I can't promise you that we can find out in a short time."

"Is ok I understand, since the battle in Leningrad is coming to an end, then send more planes to Baltic."

After saying that, Brezhnev takes off his glasses and stands up.

"That's all for the meeting, take a short break and go back to your department, lead your subordinates. We can win this war."

Everyone immediately stood at attention and said loudly,

"For the Soviet Union!"


Riga, Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic,


This is the city where the Baltic Military District headquarters is located.

Outside the city, is full of dead bodies of orcs.

Minced meat is everywhere.

After being bombarded by artillery and aircraft, the land is now like the surface of the moon.

Except for the dead bodies of orcs, a few destroyed MI-8 helicopters were silently lying on the ground.

These are helicopters that belong to the 249th Separate Mixed Aviation Squadron.

Inside the city, the only troop that is currently stationed is the 24th Tank Training Division.

They have emergency move of their headquarters from Dobele to Riga since yesterday.

Commander of Baltic Military District, Stanislav Postnikov and his crew, moved to Tartu this morning, just after the battle of Leningrad had begun and before the orcs reached the city.

The sound of guns and canons resounded throughout the city.

The street now is full of the bodies of the orcs and also some soldiers and civilians.

Even Latvians do not welcome the Russians, and Russians also always beware of them.

But facing millions of orcs, they still decide to arm the citizens in the city. 

In the center of the city, St. Peter has conversed with the temporary command post of the 24th Tank Training Division.

The another landmark of the city, Riga Cathedral, also conversed to an impregnable defensive position.

DShK HMG has been deployed on it. 

Ammunition shells are everywhere.

Barbed wire and landmines are installed on every street that leads to the position to hold orcs attack.

Despite all these efforts, the situation in the city seems to be deteriorating with each passing moment.

The Commander of the 24th Tank Training Division, Colonel Romanov, was feeling more and more anxious.

The city has now been encircled by the orcs. 

Before the orcs enter the city, he orders artillery and BM-24 MLRS to bombard them.

Surprisingly, when the rockets launch from BM-24 reach the head of the orcs, a few objects fly from behind the orcs.

The object intercepts most of the rocket, probably 80%.

Of course, this is also due to the lack of the division of MLRS as the Baltic Military District is not one of the front lines during the Cold War.

Sadly, the only few rockets that were not intercepted also did only limited damage to the orcs.

The orcs marched towards the city, forming a square formation of every hundred soldiers, with each soldier raising their shield in unison.

They moved like Roman soldiers from ancient times, with the commander and wizard of the square in the center. 

The wizard raises a magic wand, forming a protective layer above the whole square.

Unless the rocket hits them directly, or else the shell fragments can't penetrate and damage the orcs.

Upon receiving news from the front lines, Romanov swiftly issued an order for every single tank in the division to advance to the front.

Additionally, he ordered towed artillery to be deployed and aimed directly at the enemy, much like the tactics used by the Red Army in Berlin.

With the aid of the air force, the division was able to successfully repel the orcs' initial waves of attack.

Unfortunately, a few moments later.

Orcs airship has arrived.

Thousands of goblins in barrels were thrown from airships that were only a few hundred high in the sky.

In the higher sky, there were more airships, making Soviet Air Forces unable to gain air supremacy.

Which causes CAS and strikers to have difficulty supporting ground forces.

Under such a difficult situation, the division still holds strongly their position with great sacrifices for a few hours.

On the other hand, the orcs also changed their tactics after a few waves of unsuccessful attacks.

The Commander of the orcs seems to found out the Soviet MLRS reload time. 

So, he ordered the orcs to march like before.

After the bombardment, all the orcs leave their formation and start to rush to the soviet position.

BMP, BTR, and HMG in the position start to fire.

All these orcs start to fall, just like how it happened in World War I.

But, more and more goblins are falling in the city, making the division commander send the order to shrink the defense line.

Casualties began to rise sharply.

Many goblins hide above the roofs of buildings and jump down to attack soldiers on the ground.

Battles continuously fought until now.

The main forces of the orcs bypass and leave only a small bunch of troops to encircle the city.

"Romanov, how long more will our reinforcement reach, our troops are suffering heavy losses!"

A guy walks into the command post, Vasily, who is the chief of staff of the division.

Bandages were tied on his head, and his left leg and right hand.

"The citizens are dying, our tank and armored vehicle are almost running out of ammunition."

High intense fight-making the demand for ammunition goes high, making ammunition that the troops have to carry into the city finish quickly.

Despite the Soviets prepared for the war with NATO for a few dozen years, building a lot of ammunition depots.

Most of it is built in the wild.

Luckily, underground in the city, there is a complete fortification, which is also used to prevent nuclear war with NATO.

These fortifications have been proven to be reliable and good during the war in 2022 in another timeline.

Inside there, ammunition, guns, and food are provided to support them in the fight for a few weeks.

Listening to Vasily's report, Romanov immediately asks him.

"Vasily, how are our troop's casualties now?"

"Almost half, three thousand now, one thousand of them were killed. Most of them were killed when we were under surprise attack by the goblin from the roof."

"When our tanks and armored vehicle have finished their ammunition, everyone falls back to the underground fortifications."

"You have received the latest order?"

"Not yet, I'm still contacting the army corps ,but I believe that we will fight in the city for another few days or even weeks without any reinforcement. "

"Alright, I will send this order to our troops."