
The Red Clan Jewel

Reki was broken after his fight with Langa and while he was hurting he got a call from someone he never expected to hear from again, he was shocked when he heard Mikoto voice telling him that he was coming to see him alongside his 4 friends and the whole of the red clan as soon as he finds out he quickly gets himself ready. What if Mikoto sees how broken his beloved Reki has become and what if he asks Reki to come back and help him, so what if Reki leaves S behind just to follow Mikoto and Langa and his friends find out Reki has vanished and goes looking for him. How well they react when they see Reki fighting on the streets and whether they are able to convince Reki to return home with them or will Reki choose to stay by his King's side.

Kingleo_Chuenchom · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


*Disclaimer/Warning: I only own the rights to this fanfic, the storyline and the OCs, the animes I use weren't created by me the rights to SK8 the infinity goes to Bones Hiroko Utsumi, and the person who created K Project is GoRa and GoHands, there will be Male x Male relationships and of course dark themes so if you don't like this then don't read it please I beg of you*

Reki was at home sitting in his room, his mind wandering every now and then to the fight he had with Langa. He felt bad for the way that he acted but he couldn't help. He felt useless and compared to everyone else he felt weak. He sighed heavily as his mind wonders and then a memory that he had buried deep within popped up a clear image of a tall guy with red hair smoking that made Reki smile a bit because no matter what happened he knew that his king was there to help me but Reki felt like he was holding his king down so he decided to leave the city and come back to his home, he never really got over the guilt that he felt as he left the city and everything he held dear behind but to him it was the only way for his king to become stronger and more powerful and then he felt tears fall down his face as he started to realize that he also abounded his 4 friends the one that never left his side and always stuck by him.

Reki felt worse than before but then he heard his phone go off and that scared him he wasn't sure if Langa was trying to get ahold of him again and so he ignored but whoever was calling him wouldn't stop so finally Reki gave in and answered, he was about to shout when he heard a familiar voice " hello Reki how are you going?" Reki was shaking as his eyes widen in shock and horror he had no idea how his king got his number and before he can collect himself from the shock Mikoto spoke again " we were looking for you, it was Nico who found out where you went after finding a stream that had you skateboarding against someone." Reki breath stopped at that moment he wanted to hang up or tell Mikoto that he has the wrong number but he knew that deep down there was no way that Mikoto would fall for that and so he listens as Mikoto spoke and then the last sentence broke him even more " Reki why did you leave me and your friends without a word," Reki hesitated but knew that Mikoto was on the other side waiting for an answer and so he gives him one " I left because I didn't want to bring you down and bring shame to our red clan."

Mikoto froze as he heard his Reki voice and words and he looked up to see the shocked faces of Reki friends as they all looked at each other trying to figure out why Reki thought that way, too many people in the red clan and of course the boys Reki was their sunshine he was like a precious jewel that they all wanted to protect and love and here they are hearing that the one thing that made everyone relax and smile was thinking that he was a burden to everyone around him, when they realized that Mikoto quickly breaths and replied back " Reki me and everyone in the red clan, as well as your friends, are going to come and see you in three days time" after saying that he hanged up leaving a shocked and panicked Reki running around in his bedroom.

Reki didn't know what to do after hearing that he never thought that Mikoto and the others would come and see him and he himself didn't know how to hide his emotions he knew as soon as the others show up and see how upset he been that they will start asking questions and right now he didn't know if it would be a good idea to tell them the truth or not, furthermore he didn't want everyone to go chasing done Langa and the others just to get answers. With that in mind, he decided that he wasn't going to say anything and if anyone asked he would tell them that it didn't matter that way Langa and the others are safe and there won't be any trouble, as he was pacing up and down his mother had heard the conversation and she knew that her son was most likely going to end up returning to his friends and to his old lifestyle she was worried for him and knew about the fights that he got into but she also knew that they were the only ones that had truly made her son happy. She also knew that Reki and Langa had a fight and thought that this would be what's best for him so when she called Nico and told him Reki number she knew that it was the right thing to do, she herself smiled once more and decided to start preparing for one Reki friends do show up and Reki chooses to go back home to them.

While Reiki was laying in bed after panicking about his old king coming to see him he then started to think about all the times that he had with his friends and the Red Clan and he started to smile and then his mind started to wander to all the times he started skateboarding with Langa and the others and his smile turned into a frown as he sits up and brings his knee closer to his chest as he lets out a soft cry, he never realized how much it would hurt seeing his friend move on faster and faster and he himself was falling behind and that scared him. He felt a sense of darkness growing inside his heart and he was about to be consumed by the dark thoughts when his phone went off again and when he looked at it he saw a picture of Nico with the others and underneath the picture, there was a text that said when we see each other again am going to give you such a yelling and then you better explain yourself to us, Reiki just smiled as he texts back I will and Nico thank you you have no idea how much I missed you and the others. Nico just stared at his phone as he smiled softly which didn't go unnoticed by the twins Jayden and Kayden and they quickly run to him asking questions and all Nico told them was " were going to be reunited with Reiki" as soon as those words left his mouth he noticed the change in the twins, as well as Kian and they, quickly asked him if it was true and that he wasn't lying to them, he just nodded and he could tell the twins despite trying there hardest not to smile was and of course their sweet cinnamon roll Kian was in tears as he whispered over and over again about how he was glad that they could meet with Reiki again and how he was going to give Reki a massive hug when they see him.

The twins started asking more questions and he answered them all and when they realised that they were going with the red clan to see him again in three days they quickly started running and packing there bags as well as collecting there skateboards because after all they wanted to make sure they can skateboard around Reki hometown before they ask him if he wanted to come back with them, they hoped that he would say yes because from what they heard on the phone something was wrong with Reki and they had no idea what had caused him to sound so hurt but whatever it was they knew that the whole of the red clan would do everything in there power to protect him and see to it that whoever hurt Reki gets there punishment but they also knew that Reki would most likely not tell them anything which made the boys sigh heavily but they quickly shook there head out of negative thoughts and kept getting ready because once they see him again they will talk to him and remind him that not only them but the whole of the red clan has his back.