
The Red Clan Jewel

Reki was broken after his fight with Langa and while he was hurting he got a call from someone he never expected to hear from again, he was shocked when he heard Mikoto voice telling him that he was coming to see him alongside his 4 friends and the whole of the red clan as soon as he finds out he quickly gets himself ready. What if Mikoto sees how broken his beloved Reki has become and what if he asks Reki to come back and help him, so what if Reki leaves S behind just to follow Mikoto and Langa and his friends find out Reki has vanished and goes looking for him. How well they react when they see Reki fighting on the streets and whether they are able to convince Reki to return home with them or will Reki choose to stay by his King's side.

Kingleo_Chuenchom · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

*Disclaimer/Warning: I only own the rights to this fanfic, the storyline and the OCs, the animes I use weren't created by me the rights to SK8 the infinity goes to Bones Hiroko Utsumi, and the person who created K Project is GoRa and GoHands, there will be Male x Male relationships and of course dark themes so if you don't like this then don't read it please I beg of you*

The day was finally here and Reki was somewhat glad that he could see his king again and of course, he was also happy that he will be able to see his friends again as well, he missed them all and the fun times they had when they were skateboarding together but there was one thing he missed more than all of them combined and what he missed more than anything else was Anna, he didn't know why but he always felt a strong connection to her and Mikoto and that was most likely way Anna and Mikoto were protective of him and even though Mikoto was his King he never allowed him to call him that and instead told him to call him ani and Anna demand that he call her little sister and if he refused then they both would get pissed at him. As he sighed heavily he got a text from Nico and he decided to open it. The text read Reki were almost there meeting up at an Italian restaurant in your hometown when Reki read that he panicked a little as he didn't want Kojiro aka Joe to find out that he use to be caught up in something dangerous but at the same time he knew he didn't have a choice as it seems his friends and everyone else had already decided that this is where they well meet, Reki sighing heavily once again decided he was going to wear something different than his original clothes that he wears around his hometown.

Reki walked towards his wardrobe and picked out clothes that were very close to Mikoto style but that was normal for him as when he got to know Mikoto a little better Mikoto demand that Reki dressed like him so that other people will know that he was officially his younger brother in all but blood, Reki refused a lot of times but after the 7th time he gave up and just wore the same style as Mikoto the only difference to it was that Reki chose to wear a white leather jacket with fur and underneath that would be a black v-shaped shirt with denim jeans that would be held up by a black belt and to top it all off he would wear a silver chain which was attached to his belt. Of course unlike Mikoto Reki only wear one other thing and that was the star-shaped necklace he didn't want to wear anything else because he didn't feel the need to as he already knew that what he was wearing is already sending the message that he was Mikoto younger brother and even though they don't share some blood Mikoto would always see him as his younger brother and no one misses with him if they don't want the whole red clan to chase them down and destroy them personally, he smiled at the thought before he walks out of the house telling his mom he was going to meet his friends and his happily saying that she will see him soon even though she that when he comes home he was most likely going to pack his things and leave and go to Shizume city.

While Reki was walking towards the restaurant he could already hear people talking about a group that had shown up and they looked like trouble but all that did was make Reki smile because even though he knew the dangers of the group he was also proud of the reputation they hold even outside of the city, as he kept walking he spotted Kaoru gapping in front of Kojiro restaurant and sure enough surrounding the restaurant were the members of HOMRA also known as the Red Clan. He sighed once again when he spotted Misaki and Nico he couldn't help but grin as he walked towards them but before he could say anything Kaoru spotted him and he blinked before shouting " Reki what on earth!!" before Reki had a chance to answer Miya shows up alongside Kojiro who were also in shock in what Reki was wearing, Reki was once again trying to explain to everyone what was going on when he heard Mikoto voice and with that, he quickly turned around to see him standing in front of him with his friends who all looked pissed off, Reki took a step back but Mikoto grabbed his arms and at first, Miya was going to yell at them to let Reki go when he saw tears fall down Reki face and everyone witnesses the stranger pulling Reki into a hug and smoothing his hair.

Reki couldn't help but smile but he also felt that something was off and when he looked around he couldn't find Tatara anywhere and he was about to ask Mikoto but was interrupted by Miya who was shouting " Reki what on earth are you wearing and who are these people?" Reki looked at Miya before turning to look at Mikoto and Anna who had moved away from behind Mikoto and was now standing next to him and was looking at Reki, Reki didn't know if he should tell them or not but then he heard Misaki angry voice telling him to tell them already as he wanted to get back to the city. Reki turned his attention to the three and said " let's talk inside" Miya just nodded as he followed behind Reki and Kojiro including Karou did the same of course after them Mikoto and Anna alongside Reki friends followed them inside as well, once they were all inside Reki looked up at all of them before answering " this is Mik…." before Reki could finish his answer he saw shivered as he turned to see a very pissed off Mikoto glaring at him and he quickly coughed as he repeated, " this is my older brother Mikoto and the little girl next to him is my younger sister Anna and his the leader of HOMRA aka the red clan."

Miya blinked before screaming in shock causing Kojiro and Karou to look at the boy in confusion. Miya quickly shouted again " are you telling me that you're related to the leader of the Red Clan?" Reki hesitated and nodded his head again. Kojiro and Karou were still confused so Miya explained everything to them and Kojiro's eyes widened. He couldn't believe that Reki knew people that were so dangerous let alone be related to their leader, Reki seeing their faces sighed and explained to them that they weren't related by blood it was just for some reason Mikoto just wanted him to call him big brother he also explained that the clothes and style he was wearing was to mimic Mikoto so that people knew that they were siblings. Miya and everyone else just looked and after he explained everything he turned to Mikoto and then calmly asked " big brother where is Tatara?" Mikoto stopped as he looked up at his younger brother not knowing where ever he should tell Reki that Tatara the one that Reki had held so dear in his heart has died but he also knew if he didn't tell him now Reki would never forgive him, so Mikoto braced himself before looking at Reki straight in the eyes and answered " am sorry my darling brother but Tatara he was killed by an unknown person" Reki upon hearing that quickly stood up and screamed in pain as he yelled at Mikoto calling him a liar it took Maya, Kojiro and Karou to hold him down and calm him.

Once Reki calmed down he felt more broken than ever first he had a fight with Langa and now he finds out that someone he held close to him had died, he couldn't help but shake as he felt his world crashing down but before he could fall any further Mikoto got up and pulled him away from the others before hugging him and whispering words of comfort to him. As the time passed Reki cleared everything up and in front of everyone told Mikoto that he wanted to go back home to the city, when Miya heard that he grew angry and was about to yell at him when Nico stepped in and told Miya to leave Reki along as he didn't understand why Reki chose to go back with them. When Nico talked to Miya and the others looked down before Kojiro told Reki that he understands and that if there was any trouble he could always come and find them, Reki just smiled at them before begging them not to tell Langa about this and where he's going until it's necessary. They all just nodded as they watched Reki get up and walk away followed his Mikoto and Anna and of course his friend, after almost everyone left Jayden and Kayden stopped and turned to them before bowing and saying their thanks for taking care of their young prince and they walked off again leave a very upset Miya, Kojito and Karou.

As Reki was walking down the streets to get his things from his house he realized that he was going to miss everyone here but at the same time he had to what was right and of course there was no doubt in his mind that the right thing to do was to find the bastard that killed Tatara and bring him to his knees, as he kept walking he didn't realize that a lot of the members from the red clan had him protectively surrounded him and his friends. As Reki got home he saw his mother was already standing in front of their house with a smile on her face and his skateboard alongside some bags were packed he was about to say something but was stopped when the twins Jayden and Kayden picked his staff and his mother shakes her head she already knows that Reki was going to go back to the city and Reki just nodded as he walked over and hugged before saying his goodbyes and leaving his house walking towards the station so that they can go back home, as they all walked back a peaceful silence surrounded them Reki couldn't help but feel relaxed he had forgotten how much he missed being protected by the Red Clan and how important they were to him because after all they where his family.