
The Recruiters

Islets Caroline is a recruiter. She recruit good people for her company. When she say good it means they don't need to have a good educational background, good experiences, training or any of those. What she looks for is a good smell. She have a special ability. That is to smell who is good and who is bad. Simple. She was told to seek for people with that good scent and hire them. She's been doing it for five years now. But two years ago, she hired a very special one. A man she cannot forget. You see once she hired good people she bids them good luck and never see them again. Until she sees this particular man. When he entered the room immediately cold shivers run through her spine. He is no longer the same person. He is bad news. At least bad for her. He said to her, I want to hire you for something. Are you up for the job? Looking back at that time Islets realised it was never a question.

Ia_Melevin · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Red Deep

Islet didn't know what she just said but it made Hansellot stop whatever he is doing to them. He seems surprised but collected himself fast.

"I am not afraid Ms. Caroline. I wish I was." He looks sad for a second but returned to his usual self looking at the broken table.

"I'll pay for it." She said feeling guilty. She pulled her hand from Alice's grasp and bowed. "I'm sorry for causing trouble on my first day."

What was she thinking? For a moment she was swept away with emotions. It feels like she just poke into someone elses memory and absorbed the emotions swelling from it. But when Alice White held her hands she felt calm in an instance. A sense of helplessness is forebording on her mind but she sweept it away. The matter at hand is more important. Will she be pardoned or will she be fired? She close her eyes and bit her lips waiting for Hansellot to open his mouth.

If she loses this job it will be the end. She will not be able to pay her debt and she will not find her answers.

"You don't need to pay for that. This happens a lot of time." Merrick strangely becomes friendly while Arin is still shaking a bit in the arms of Lace.

"Ms. Caroline." Hansellot spoke. "It is the responsibility of the recruiter to tell the new recruit the overview of the job. But since your recruiter is not here and will not be coming back for quite sometime, I will be the one to give you the orientation." Hansellot looks at Alice. "Come with her." He brushed his long silky hair back on his head. He looks more relax and his scent remains powdery. "I can't believe you accepted the mission last week without getting an orientation."

Lace felt the eyes of his recruiter and immediately perked up, "I will reserve this room for us again tomorrow morning."

"Do that Lace, I will be escorting this two to the Lacker." Hansellot steps out of the room.

"Hey Ansel, are we not going to discuss the project now!?"

"Moron, look at your recruiter. She is in no shape to hear such project. Lace let go of Arin." Sergione ordered. "Attend to her you dumb ass!" Lace hesitate at first but mumbled something to Arin before releasing her. The bright girl earlier is gone. She looks fragile like she is going to break any moment.

"Let's go." Sergione stand from his chair. His eyes fixed at Islets for a second and sigh. Lace followed behind her.

"Sorry about that. But I also think it is best for you to have your orientation first before we discuss the project." Merrick helping Arin in his arms gently pushed her to walk along.

"Stop concerning yourself with them Arin, mind yourself first. This white rabbit can mind his own neck."


Islet smell a burnt scent from the back of Arin's neck. Something black is a bit visible under her clothes

"Darn that Fox!" Merrick hissed.

Sergione took a step forward blocking her view.

"It's okay, Mer just bring me to my room please." She bid them goodbye and left with Merrick worried sick beside her.

"Let's go." Sergione grab her hand and pulled Islets to the other side. It surprised her that Alice didn't stop not that she wanted him to stop Sergione. She didn't want anyone pushing her around so she pulled her hand away.

"Just tell me where to go." Sergione looked at her. He has long eyelashes and behind that is a beautiful pair of turquoise eyes. She never seen one before, it's quite facinating. Like the color of the sea she once saw in that ad two years ago. That ad was all around the place because of an accident that took place there. What was it again?

"We are moving." She felt a tug on her hair. Alice got hold of a lock of her hair and was gently pulling it.

"What are you doing?"

"Sergione already left. You were suddenly staring blankly in the air. Are you not coming?"

"I am asking why are tugging my hair?"

"You didn't want to be touched right?"

"But you are still touching my hair!"

"But your hair is less sensitive than your skin so I thought this will be better?" He tug her hair again. She pulled the lock of hair out of his grasp.

She left him without saying anything

Or rather she didn't want to say anything. What is he doing? She stride faster to Sergione's direction hiding her embarrasment.

It's just hair. Islets keeps repeating to herself.

Alice walks behind her. A satisfied smile plastered on his face.

Islets finally catches up to Sergione. He didn't say anything even when they reached another white dome with four hallways. There was no signanges and decoration of any sort but it is much smaller than the first one. They took the paasage on the left. Hansellot and Lace left earlier than them but they are no where to be found. They couldn't have gone that far.

The hallway is rather long with no doors until you reach the other side with two doors facing each other. One with a red sign reading black. The other door with a black sign reading red.

Sergione stopped in between them. He turn to face them and sighed after looling at Islets.

"Which door?" He asked crossing his arms.

"Are you telling us to pick one?"

Alice looks at her.

"Which door?" He asked again.

"Is this a test?"

"If you get it then choose."

"What will happen if I get to choose the wrong one?"

Sergione just looks at her. His eyes really do remind her of that place in that Ad. No time to be distracted. Stay focused. She must get this right. She close her eyes briefly and smell the sea coming from the right door. The red written in black ink. She swiftly put her hands on the door but as her fingers brushed the door Sergione stopped her hand while Alice grab her by the waist.

"What are you doing there?"

It was Lace at the entrance.

"Ans is furiuos Serg. Don't push it."

Sergione let go of her and pushed the two of them rudely.

"Since when did I even made him not angry?" He looks back at the two. Alice still holding the shaken Islets.

"At least you know how to do your job." He said to Alice before walking away to the entrance which was only a few feet away from where they were standing.

"Are you-"

"I'm fine." She didn't ask to let go but Alice decided to let go of her when he felt she is stable.

"Do you still wish to go?" He whispered.


They exited the room. It was a small room not a hallway with no doors. There was nothing there. But what she touched there was a stone grave.

Written in black it states,

Sleep well in your new world under the sea.

-Sergione Blackrose -

575 Year of Gales, Red Deep