
The Recruiters

Islets Caroline is a recruiter. She recruit good people for her company. When she say good it means they don't need to have a good educational background, good experiences, training or any of those. What she looks for is a good smell. She have a special ability. That is to smell who is good and who is bad. Simple. She was told to seek for people with that good scent and hire them. She's been doing it for five years now. But two years ago, she hired a very special one. A man she cannot forget. You see once she hired good people she bids them good luck and never see them again. Until she sees this particular man. When he entered the room immediately cold shivers run through her spine. He is no longer the same person. He is bad news. At least bad for her. He said to her, I want to hire you for something. Are you up for the job? Looking back at that time Islets realised it was never a question.

Ia_Melevin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


The smell of sea water and blood mixed together brings a nostalgic feeling. Islets thought she was the one drowning. Just like her red head his distinguishiable hair seperates him among the hundred bodies who were alao sinking in the bottom of the sea. . She can clearly see his anguished face in the water. His pain, his anger and bitterness.

"Are you-"

"I'm fine." She snapped out of the trance. Of course she is not. She just saw someone died. At least she think she did when her fingers touched the stone grave.

The burning red hair was Sergione. He was the one drowning but his face suddenly changed to hers. Then a sharp pain on her stomach and chest reminded her of someone brandishing a knife and stabbing her on her stomach. The person pushed her until she fell to the sea along with the 'others'.

Will she die along with them like that? She thought while gasping for air. She watched her self change from flesh to blue. Then fish started gathering on her decaying body eating it. It was horrible. If she didn't got a whiff of Alice scent she probably think she was the one who actually died.

After escaping the illusion she scanned Alice face for any sign of disturbance. His beautiful face is blank and his scent remains the same. The absence of expression made her remember his face after killing that guy the other day. If he will smile like last time she might probably rethink her decision of coming here with a brave fascade.

Is this how the new recruits are being tested? She wanted to ask.

A strong scent of cinammon briefly filled her nostrils her head whipped to the entrance where it was coming from. Suddenly it was replaced by a flowery scent. Lace was standing there watching.

Lace was observing the two new recruits. A suspicious referral who was working under the company as a contractual without being informed about its true nature and her outstanding recruit is a first for him. He couldn't remember if there was similar situation like this before. The girl didn't even know what kind of company she is in for five years and yet she still continued to work under a very dubious management. It makes anyone think she is up to something.

Maybe if he will also look into her like Sergione he might knew something. Islets head looked at his direction as soon as he started 'peeking' Unconsiously he stopped in the middle of it. He felt like he was discovered dling somethinh nasty and it made him irritated. "If you are done come this way." He said abruptly turn his back from them.

"A...alright." She replied. Why is he angry? He was the one who seems to be doing something.

Alice sticks to her like a glue while they followed Lace. If his scent wasn't allevating her nausea she would have pushed him away.

Still, that was an absurd test. The illusion was so real. If it was not for Alice she would probably fail. But what about Alice? Islet steal a glance on his side profile. He looks normal. The only abnormal on him is probably he is too good looking. One who will be talk of the town wherever he goes. You will never miss a look like that in the crowd. If only he is not a killer.

What? She stopped walking Alice noticed and stopped as well.

What is she thinking? So if he is not a mad man she will have like him?

A cold finger on her cheek startled her. Gosh, that smell too nice. It was a split second thought but it embarassed her to admit that his scent is well suited on to decreaae her anxiety. She flick his finger away from her cheek. Strangely, the part where his cold finger touched feels hot.

"You said you were fine but you stopped. Is something bothering you?" He said with an innocent face. It is hard to believe he did something as cruel as that the other day.

"You." She said before walking briskly to Lace direction.

"Is there another test?" Islet asked when she four step away from Lace. "I was told by Sergione that we were being tested there and I wanted to know how well did I fair. Did I pass?" She gulped after letting that question out from her mouth.

"Your test."

There was nothing bit silence after that and she couldn't help but add "Yes?" to prompt a response.

"Your test hasn't even started yet."

"What? But-"

"I would advice not to follow Sergione. Don't listen to anything he says because his hobby is annoying Hansellot or anyone who he finds interesting."

"How am I interesting?"

"Maybe interesting is not the right word for you."

"Then what?"


"Exquisite." Alice interrupted. "This place is quite exquisit. Isn't?"

Lace eye him before speaking. "Exquisite is not the word appropriate for a fortress. Impregnable."

"Really?" Alice smirked. Islets wanted to make him stop. If Lace will be the one to give the real test then they will be screwed if he pisses him.

"You would not have been here if you were not allowed or meet certain condition."

"So what do you think I am?"

Islets cannot take it anymore. She inch a bit closer to Alice his wonderful scent filled her nostrills so she stopped her breathing and tug Alice's clothes. "Just get alomg with him" She wanted to whispered but Alice pulled his clothes away for revenge on the flick on his finger earlier.

"An intruder."

"Huh? But I was allowed. She passed me and even put excellent on my papers."

"Schemer." Lace yellow eyes glistened.

"A survivor."

Alice twitched on the word.

"Ah, but right now you are a Keeper."

Islets put her hands on Lace. "I think we 'should' stop here? I mean when are we getting to the next exam? The real one?"

Lace eyes turned to hazel. He shook Islets hands and move away. "Come this way."

"I regret..." Islets mumbled when Lace has gone farther away from them.

Alice looked at her. "writing excellent on that paper."

Islets wiped her nose. "Sorry."

She followed the steps of Lace leaving Alice again behind. He saw her trembling.

"Just what did you saw to make you tremble?" He smiled bitterly then followed the two.