
The Recruiters

Islets Caroline is a recruiter. She recruit good people for her company. When she say good it means they don't need to have a good educational background, good experiences, training or any of those. What she looks for is a good smell. She have a special ability. That is to smell who is good and who is bad. Simple. She was told to seek for people with that good scent and hire them. She's been doing it for five years now. But two years ago, she hired a very special one. A man she cannot forget. You see once she hired good people she bids them good luck and never see them again. Until she sees this particular man. When he entered the room immediately cold shivers run through her spine. He is no longer the same person. He is bad news. At least bad for her. He said to her, I want to hire you for something. Are you up for the job? Looking back at that time Islets realised it was never a question.

Ia_Melevin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

It's Black

"Hi Ms. Caroline. We meet again."

It was not her who killed the guy. It was him. Al White. She shivered at the thought of his warm hands holding hers while lifting the blade from the lifeless body. With wavering eyes she tried her hardest to stay focused on the body. Focus on the iron blood and to man's chocolate scent. The blade was out. Blood trickled down to her hands. It is horrible not because of the blood but because of Al White's scent that's masking it away. It calms her senses but it's making her feel guilty. She heared him snickered besides her. Islets dared not to look at him.

"You have a very discerning eyes Ms. Caroline. It's quite impressive." He said. With his free hand he took the blade away from her. As soon as his skin touches the blade it turns back to smoke and vanished in thin air. Still holding her hand he added, "Though it is not the best part of your body."

She snatched her hand away. His index finger touches her nose ever so lightly that she thought she was imagining it.

"Excellent." He smiled like everything he has done was normal. She flinched when he reached for his breast pocket. She can't be scared nor she can dwell in the calmness he gives to her. Islets fixed her eyes in his hands. Focus, she told to herself. The next move will determine if you will stay alive.

Al White pushed the cork with his thumb and pour something to the body that Islets couldn't see what it was. He put his right hand on the dead guy's shoulder. The body distengrated and turns to smoke that smells like those small flowers. After a few second it vanished. He stood up, put the bottke on his chest pocket and offered a hand to Islets. She didn't take it. "Okay, I'll need to go ahead Ms. Caroline or I'll shall be too late." He inched closer to her close enough that Islet could feel the blood rushing up to her nose. "This is supposed to bea secret you know." He whispered then turn his back at her.

"Is that it? Are you not going to kill me too?" Al White smiled.

"We are not supposed to kill co-workers." The roots of his hair turns brown, his red eyes to grey. Al White stops to look at the cloudy night sky and continues to walk before he disappeared like a smoke. "Not yet." He whispered.

Once again she was not able to do anything.

Islet couldn't move from where he left her. Al White is still there. Moving amongst the crowd but she can still smell him as he increase the distance between them. She clutched her hands as his scent fades slowly like he fell into a deep deep hole where her nose couldn't follow him anymore. He's gone.

Islets throws up and the rain started to fall. Everything she ate was there at the floor mixed with the blood of a guy she only knew from the commercial.

EVERYTHING! She can smell everything! From the people passing by at the corner of the street, the smell of gasoline from the cars, food from the restaurants, the trash, street dogs and cat fighting at another street and the awful smell of people around another person that smells like green tea.

"Green Tea!" She shouted in between coughs.

Mrs. Green is in danger. That awful smell Islets remembered them five years ago. What they doing here? There are at least seven people around Mrs. Green. She throws up again and again until nothing came out aside from acid. She feels to weak to stand up but somehow manages when she sniffed the coffee beans in the ground. She took some and dashes towards Mrs. Green.

They are at least four blocks away from where she is. It's freaking four blocks away. She thought to herself fighting the urge to stop anf puke again. The ground feels like its moving and there are scents every where. Worst she keep on bumping to people. One tries to help her when she was about to fall. He smells like pastries, the one they sell at the store near The company.

"Are you alright!?" He asked. His voice sound concerned and troubled. He was looking for help among the crowd. If they get her she will be send to the hospital and that is good news for those people.

"I'm...F..fine." She gently pushed the man away. "Thanks." She bowed at him and left.

"Please be safe. Please be safe. Please. PLEASE BE SAFE! " She was never a runner but she feels like she would be able to run faster if only she's not feeling so sick.

Al White. She must not meet him again. She said to herself before stopping besides a trash bin a few meters away from where Mrs. Green and those people. She hides herself away from theit sight. She couldn't see them but she is sure they are all male. Now that she is nearer she could smell them distinctively. One of them smells like gunpowder atop of the putrid smell coming from their skin. He is the one nearest to Mrs. Green and Probably the most dangerous person.

"I don't know what you are saying." The crisp and calm voice was from Mrs. Green.

The man didn't responded. Islets took a peek and saw a well built man. Dark skinned with a eye tattoo on the back of his neck. She squinted her eyes to have a better look but immediately hides back. The eye tattoo just move its iris.

"What the heck?" She screamed to herself. Her heart is thumping so hard and everything is still spinning around. She couldn't think straight. Was she imagining that just now?

Suddenly something was different. The awful scent from those people was gone. What is happening? She didn't know what is going on but the ground becomes quite stable beneath her though she still feels a bit dizzy. Then she remembered her groceries.

Earlier before she run she took the plastic bag with canned food. If she could just throw it properly and hit the man maybe it will distract the others. Will that work? No she has no other plans. It has to work. She take another peek and was surprised to the man looking at her. He looks different but that's not the point now. It's all or nothing.

She run as fast as she can while swinging the plastic bag heavy with the canned food. The man was surprised by her sudden speed his face hit the plastic bag. He grunted as he fell down.

"Mrs. Green!" She reach a hand towards her but she didn't take it. One of his companion saw the commotion. He grab Islets arm and put it in her back.

"What are you doing here!?"

"To save you."

"Who is saving who?"


"It's way past your curfew young lady." Islets was glad that her housekeeper is fine and energetic but to scold her in that kind of situation really befitting her look. A woman who dresses black clothes and wear black accessories. Mrs. Salome Green looks like those people in Islets old picture book. Stern, fierce and graceful. No one would thought she is her housekeeper.

"Ouch!" The man pulled her hair up to get a better look at Islets face.

A boot came flying towards them Islet duck but the thin man didn't. It him in the nose.

"You already know well that I can defend myself. You two don't need to be here."

A tall muscular man came out of the corner where Islets was hiding before. On both of hands are the people he beat up. He looks dashing and cool in his bartender uniform. He tossed the men into the ground.

"I saw you running opposite your home. So I checked if I can give you some help." He took the boot off the ground and kneel in one leg front of Mrs. Green. "May I?"

Mrs. Green raised her right foot. Baron gladly put her boot on as if they are in some kind of movie.

"I still couldn't believe how fierce you are when you have a very delicate hands and golden heart." Although Mrs. Green is much older than him she looks very young for the age of fifty three. Baron has been courting her housekeeper ever since Islets brought Mrs. Green to his shop. But until now he didn't know that Mrs. Green hates all the colors there is in the color wheel. She likes black from the bottom of her heart.

"It's Black."

"Huh?" The dumbfounded man just looks up to the woman of his affection like he is some kind of her servant.

"My heart. It has no color than Black."

Islets smiled in relief. If Mrs. Green marries Baron they could be her new family. Then suddenly all went black and her face hit the cold street floor.