
The Recruiters

Islets Caroline is a recruiter. She recruit good people for her company. When she say good it means they don't need to have a good educational background, good experiences, training or any of those. What she looks for is a good smell. She have a special ability. That is to smell who is good and who is bad. Simple. She was told to seek for people with that good scent and hire them. She's been doing it for five years now. But two years ago, she hired a very special one. A man she cannot forget. You see once she hired good people she bids them good luck and never see them again. Until she sees this particular man. When he entered the room immediately cold shivers run through her spine. He is no longer the same person. He is bad news. At least bad for her. He said to her, I want to hire you for something. Are you up for the job? Looking back at that time Islets realised it was never a question.

Ia_Melevin · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Wrong Channel

Islets love the omelette in Morning and Evening. Baron Michaels makes the best one in the whole city. He serves her another coffee this time with a sweet note. "Rest." It put a smile on her face. She doesn't have a family but she is glad she has Mrs. Green and Baron.

"Baron, make it three please." Not a moment past Baron poured her second cup of coffee. Followed by a percolator placed on her table plugged on the sockets on the table he especially made for her.

"I made that ahead of time. So you won't have to wait. But dear don't drown from coffee alright?" He pat her shoulder quite gently. He is not only a big man, Baron is also strong too. He sometimes get picked for a fight but he just choose not to. He is a typical gentle giant because she always notice him controlling his force. She always wondered what was his work before to have such a huge built. One thing for sure it is not a profession where you can leisurely make a great coffee.

Indeed, she is drinking too much coffee than usual Islets thought. Her mind wanders somewhere as she savors her omelette.

"I'd rather drown in coffee than with his scent." She mumbled unconsciously while staring at her fork.

"What?" Baron looked at her worried while pouring her another cup.


"I thought you said something."

"I did? What did I say?"

"I don't know lass. Is why I am asking."

"Sorry, its my period."

Baron laughed. "If you say so. But I suggest this will be your last cup. Mrs. Green and I worries about ya you know."

She smiled. But at the back of her mind she feels something is not right. At least not with Baron but with something. Is this because of the coffee? But to think that she thought it will be caused by the coffee is not right too. Coffee will never betray her. She is sure with that. So what is it?

She finished five or seven cups of coffee before she finished her omelette." She pulled out a cheque from her purse for her monthly meal payment and placed it below her plate. She always added extra for Baron's expenses and to finally pay off his debt. After finishing paying for her apartment, Islet doesn't have anything she wanted to buy so she chooses to help Baron at least to pay for his huge debt. Afterall, she has quite a lot of money from for sniffing people out.

She put her mask again and shouted, "I'll go ahead Baron!" Baron just nooded as usual and resume to his work.

She didn't expect to dine in Morning and Evening. But Baron specifically placed a big serving of omelette and a percolator besides her indicating the old man got an instruction to Mrs. Green that she has to finish eating it all before leaving. It was Mrs. Green who told her when she first met her to eat everything that was served on her plate as a sign that you are thankful to the efforts of the people who made your food to keep you alive and well. Furthermore, it was Baron who served it coupled with her favorite coffee. He knew she wouldn't miss a day without a cup or two of coffee.

The night is chilly. She regret wearing only shorts and a oversized sweatshirt. Her groceries is quite heavy and there is still a long way home if she will walk on her usual route where there are not much people around. Public transportation and crowded places is a no no especially when she has her period. Her immune system is too low and she is much more sensitive to scents. But it will be too much of trouble if she will not be home by nine. She stopped at the crosswalk. The large TVs displayed at the appliance store is casting a shadow on her stretching at the other side of the road.

"Taxi it is." She took the coffee out of her bag and whiff the scent until she couldn't get enough. With a coffee on her right hand she hailed a taxi on her left side. On the corner of her eyes she saw something white. She murmured the word and remembered a smell.

Then a new but very strong yet sweet smell filled her nose. Chocolate, no not chocolate its, more pure, cocoa, yes, "the bitter one." she said.

As soon as the words left her mouth the hair on the back of neck rise. Instictively Islet looks back to see who it is but got surprised. The man from the tv commercial dark chocolate was behind her. "Opps, wrong channel." He said smiling at her. "I didn't expect it to be recruiter." Suddenly, the bag of coffee bean burst from her hand. A thin smoke like blade burst it open and hit the man behind her at his chest. The wind that once filled with coffee beans and cacao was replaced by a disgusting iron smell. A tiny shriek escaped her mouth and she dropped her groceries. The smell. It gagged her but she cannot look away at the man in front of her. Her muscles trembles, Islet fell on her knees, she knew this smell so well. How can she forget about it. How was she able to tucked it away all those years? Why did she even forget.

She bit her lip to make her self move. She crawled towards the man and took everything she can from him. He has "eighty" tatoo on his neck right neck. A dark blue hair and a silver ring with a heart rate and gem at the middle. He wears a tuxedo just like the one he had on the commercial but his shoes smells like he running in a forest. He smells like cocoa but he was clearly running for quite sometime because she can smell his sweat. A hint of alcohol, lipstick, cigarette and a belle of night perfume.

"Ugh damn it." She is reading too many scents from him. She is loosing it. But she can't stop. She must find who threw the scent less blade. She reached for the blade. She wrapped her hand on the blade only to be wrapped by another hand.

"I believe this is mine." Fresh, sun dried clothes filled her nose. The heavy feeling on her head vanished like smoke and she was calm again. But it was replace by dreadful feeling once she realized who was in front of her. Ash white hair and red eyes. A broken watch hangging from his neck. Wears blue coat and white slacks. The smile you can't forget and the smell that hunted her the night before.

"Ms. Caroline." He said pulling out the blade while gripping Islets hands. "We meet again."














Position: Hunter

Status: Mission complete.

Performance Grade: 100%

Recruiter: Islets Caroline

Recruiter Level: 0 PROMOTED TO B

Islets folds the glowing letter. Her room succomed to darkness once again.

"Did I just hired a murderer?"