
Chapter 9: Dayan's Time Chair

Arroth couldn't help but want to follow Xienein to where he was heading. There were things about this time that he could connect with, based on the history stated by the people, but Arroth still didn't know how Dayan could be of any help there.

Dayan should have been just a simple palace attendant and a gardener of some sort, but he walks with Xienein as if he owns the palace. Arroth taught Dayan as a disgusting mischievous elf, that lives to bring pain and misery to others, but what is he doing with two of the most important beings in the continent.

Arroth followed Xienein until the halls changed into a room filled with chemicals and giant capsules. Many cherubs were guarding the room, and seraphs mixing chemicals with thee another. Arroth looked at Dayan, finding that the other was nowhere to be found. It made him confused since he remembered seeing him in the group.

He turned to look at Zionell and felt that the boy was still rather young and stupid to be crowned king. He isn't even half the size he was now, looked as if he would break his bone in just a single kick.

Zionell stared at the capsules holding green liquids inside them. "What's that for?" He walked towards a glass capsule and ran his hand down the glass exterior. His eyes were wide with anticipation for what those capsules could be.

Xienein rubbed Zionell's head before starting. "That is where we will trap king Vhiniel."

Zionell stared at Xienein, then back at the glass capsule. And as time went by fast, things began to crumble.

The demon found the secret laboratory and destroyed everything the angels hold dear. Arroth stood in the middle of a massacre, watching every shard of glass turn to powder as demons rain their flames towards the Kingdom. The sky in Xuelian that day was dark as if celebrating the demons' rise. The angels hid inside the Simiao island, all chanting graces to their great lord. They felt safe in the temple, and it was the only place where the Yang energy is concentrated enough to ward off any evil.

Zionell this time now had long black hair, and eyes prepared for war. His right hand holding a long sword, crafted by the angels to fight against the demons. Xienein was sitting beside him, telling what their plan of attack was.

"You know, this reminds me of a certain couple."

Arroth jumped to the side and looked to where the voice came.

Dayan was sitting on a divan, looking as if he owns the world. "This was how Xienein and Vhiniel were like before the dork decided he wanted what he has."

Arroth narrowed his eyes towards Dayan, trying to see if the man truly sees him, or if it was just a coincidence.

"This was what the angels of today believed to be true." Dayan patted the seat beside him, and added. "let's watch the story unfold in this time chair."

"Time chair?"

"Yes, I watch the history of this continent in this chair." He sat lazily on the divan while the scene unfolds. "I also do some other stuff in here, but nevermind that."

Arroth's face turned ugly when he heard the last sentence, but he was too weirded out to voice his annoyance out.

And as if time was fast-forwarded, Arroth saw how Zionell got bigger and bigger, how his power became stronger and stronger. He watched as Xienein engineered their plans of attack, and how their forces got stronger due time.

Zionell had now turned 26 and the body of that lanky useless boy was nowhere to be recognized. He became the demon king that Arroth knew.

"They plan to attack the 4th peak, and we can use that to divert them from the Simiao island." Lucirio laid down an attack map he stole from an army troop of his kind. "I suggest letting Levian and I guard the 4th peak, and lead an army of thrones."

Belis slammed down his hand onto the map and frowned at his brother. "Why you? If I remember correctly, Vhiniel is sending Serian to attack the 4th peak, I should be the one to be there!"

Arroth raised his brows and turned to Dayan for answers.

"Stupid child, Vhiniel isn't aware that his children are planning a coup d'etat against him." Dayan tapped his lips, before adding…."Meaning he's gonna lose this battle soon."

"That's good then." Arroth turned back to watch the scene when he heard Dayan state.

"It's nothing but good. Xienein created a false balance, controlling a demon king as his own. Zionell is an unfortunate kid to be unaware that he's being manipulated by his teacher."

"King Xienein is manipulating him?" Arroth blinked his eyes. He couldn't believe that an angelic king dares to control anyone.

Dayan hummed. "He was also deluding himself that this is the right thing."

"Is that why you ran away?" Arroth asked. Dayan must have his reasons to leave the kingdom and steal a precious artifact.

Dayan rubbed Arroth's head. "It's much more complicated than that."

"Why me?"

"You're a very special seed for a very special person to me." Dayan touched the pendant on Arroth's chest and smiled. "You can use the pendant to find my manuscript in that dump of a library."


The sound of Belis taking out his sword to decapitate his brother, shook the two out of their conversation. The demon prince's eyes were glowing red, ready to stab his brother any time soon.

"YOU'RE NOTHING SPECIAL, BEL. THIS IS THE REASON WHY DAD HATED YOU!" Lucirio brandished his claws, ready to slice anyone who gets near. "You think that you're better than anyone because you're Seirian's favorite. Well, guess what, Seirian still sees you as a child!" he mocked.

"Now now, let's not fight here right, now. We need to plan out our attacks and-"

"And what?" Lucirio pointed his finger towards Seirian. "Don't act like you're any better, you've slept with multiple men before, and that's the only reason why you get your position as a marquis!"

Levian didn't want to get involved with his brothers' affairs. He walked towards Zionell's direction, staring at the man cultivating his demon core. He turned his head towards Xienein and sat beside him. "I'm sorry I killed your wife."

Xienein opened his eyes and looked at him. "I'm not mad, she was my wife, I loved her, but there's nothing we can do about it now."

"About my father."

"It was never gonna be any good anyway."


"We'll see." Xienein sighed, before letting his body rest. "He's a good kid, but he's too strong for his own good."