
Chapter 10: The War Between Two Sides

The scene turned black, and the only thing Arroth could see was the divan and Dayan. "What happened?"

"Something that would have been controversial if people found out about it." Dayan gave his reply, but Arroth couldn't guess what they meant.

The scene came back, and Arroth found that they were now at the campsite of the 4th peak. Levian and Xienein were discussing their plans and manipulating the situation to their side.

"Wasn't it supposed to be Lucirio?" Arroth asked.

"He's in time out, as well as Belis."

The demons soon arrived, with Seirian leading their group. Xienein and Levian's part was hidden inside an illusion barrier that can trigger a loud siren, distracting the troops from attacking.

The battle started when an arrow from the cherubs hit a demon straight in the head.

In three hours, the sounds of demons being ripped apart, angels being sliced to pieces, and both side's screams of pain and war shouts reverberated around the 4th peak.

"I love this part." Dayan suddenly said.

With the cries of victory from the angels, Instead of Seirian stating that he works with them, Vhiniel's footstep touched the ears of those nearby.

"Lucirio shouldn't have said what he said at that time."

Vhiniel walked leisurely, crushing skulls that came in contact with his feet. He scanned the area and felt that the atmosphere in the air was getting lower and lower. He stood right in front of Xienein and smiled. "You didn't think I'd be here, didn't you?" Vhiniel kicked Xienein in the stomach.

The man held his torso, trying to keep his entire organs from spilling out. Vhiniel walked towards Levian, flashing a dangerous grin towards his son. He laughed and slapped Levian in the face. "Kill yourself for me."

Levian stabbed Vhiniel in the stomach. He knew that this man was invincible, but he didn't want to just stand around and do nothing. "You kill yourself."

Vhiniel grabbed his head and crushed them with his bare hands. "I don't like you. Staging a coup like this, how pitiful." He turned back to Xienein and stepped on his chest. He stared down at his bruised body, feeling rather proud of what he has done. "I killed the man who murdered your wife, you should thank me."

"To hell with you," Xienein muttered before his eyes closed, unconscious.

Vhiniel scoffed and walked back to his campsite. He carried his destructive manifestation with him, only stopping when his eyes fell into a lone silhouette. His eyes narrowed as he stares at a demon with a longsword in his right hand. “Die.”

Vhiniel raised his brows and mocked. "He has a type. Sadly, another good demon is going to be destroyed." he took out his demon sword and dashed forward to fight.

Zionell darted forward, chanting his spell and filling his sword with resentful energy. He met Vhiniel's blade, making sparks fly and the sound of metal colliding echoes throughout the peak.

The two fought as if dancing in a fast beat of the music, hearts pumping fast. They kept their eyes locked at each other's bodies, not willing to take them off.

Arroth felt that something doesn't seem right. He turned to Dayan to ask. "How did Zionell kill Vhiniel?"

"Watch, darling, that's what the divan is for." Dayan turned Arroth's head towards the battlefield.

Vhiniel and Zionelle exchange blows, shaking the whole peak. The trees that had toppled over, rolled, and tumbled in all directions.

"Face it, kid, you cannot kill me!" Vhiniel slammed his sword down on Zionell's sword and used his feet to kick him in his stomach. "Not with that stupid sword and that unreal belief!"

Zionell huffed and puffed, trying to regulate his breathing. Vhiniel is a million-year-old king and had perfected his cultivation a long time ago, but Zionell wouldn't give up just because he was weaker than he is.

The fight continues to rise, with each side not showing any sign of giving up. Zionell had received cuts as bruises from Vhiniel's sword, and his skin felt itchy. Blood flowed down from his head, and his left arm was broken. He was still young in demon years, but he was resilient.

Vhiniel was in better shape than him. He laughs at the sight of his opponent. To him, this isn't a battle, this is nothing but an exercise. "Boy, if you can't fight, don't."

Zionell mumbled something in between his teeth, that Vhiniel couldn't hear.

"Speak up, boy!"

"DIE YOU MOTHERF*CKER!" Zionell shot his longsword towards Vhiniel as a last resort.

Arroth turned his head back to the battlefield. Unlike how people would be, he didn't feel the sense of excitement run up his veins. It was as if this was nothing more than a show. It could be because he knew that Vhiniel is dead, and Zionell won against him... But he still should feel a bit excited, right?

Vhiniel faltered in his footsteps when he heard Zionell say those words, but he didn't want to care. Zionell was down on his knees, and he could end him right this instant. But he couldn't move… Was he trapped by those angels again? Or was it him? Vhiniel couldn't put his finger into it, but in silent thought, he didn't see Xienein press a button inside his sleeves, and Vhiniel fell into a pit, down into a giant glass capsule, that froze the moment he moved.

It was fast, the sequence was unbelievable, that even Arroth couldn't help but hang his jaws out. He turned to Dayan, seeking answers again.

"Yes, Vhiniel isn't dead," Dayan answered before he asked.

"Why didn't they kill him?!?!" Arroth didn't want to live, knowing that a giant monster is still alive. He didn't want to dream every night, that Vhiniel might suddenly get out of that glass capsule and kill again.

Dayan scoffed. "Xienein is reluctant to do so."


"He has his reasons. And I don’t like talking about him.”

"Then, should I be the one to kill him?" Arroth thought about it, and killing the beast can get him a good title.

Dayan raised his brows and laughed. "Sweetheart, let's not think of that just yet. You kids still need to find my location!"

Arroth blinked, remembering that they were supposed to be searching for this man, yet he was just there enjoying the show. He felt stupid, to the point of wanting to hit his head to a block of tofu. "So where… where are you exactly?" It was a blunt question, but Arroth isn't smart enough to think of anything else.

"You'll see. For now, you have to wake up." Dayan flicked his fingers and Arroth fell into a pool of darkness.

The surrounding scene broke into millions of pieces, and darkness enveloped him completely. His body felt light as it falls, and all sounds around him exploded into a deafening silence. Arroth heard a ringing in his ears, then the sound of glass shattering awaken his senses.