

Black_Unicorn_330 · Fantasy
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34 Chs



Trisnanjaly and Janhish were walking towards the ceremony hall while talking to each other. Sometimes Trisnanjaly was walking back to the hall while talking to Janhish face to face.

Eventually, she got into another accident. Another person got hit by her. And very unfortunately the person is the son of the director of the college, known as a big bully and playboy, Liyans dey.

Liyans: you son of a bitch can't you see while walking?. How dare you hit me?

Trisnanjaly was quite shocked herself. And after hearing his words she got even more nervous and apologized.

Trisnanjaly; I …. I am sorry.

Liyans: what sorry …..

Liyans stopped all of a sudden. He didn't look at Trisnanjaly before. But after taking a look …

Liyans: oh … well worry, nothing big. We are fellow students after all. (he bends down towards Trisnanjaly a little). We should look after each other. So just a little compensation would do.

Trisnanjaly: what ….. what do you want?

Liyans: why don't you come to the "xxxxx" hotel tonight, we can take a lesson in biology together.

Trisnanjaly (stepping backward): I … I am not that … kind of girl.

Liyans (by following Trisnanjaly's footsteps): well don't worry you will be, at last from today.

The incident was happening on the road to the hallway so there appeared to be quite a lot of audience for this show. But none of them was brave enough to protest against the director's son. On the other hand, Janhish was holding himself back quite a lot because he didn't want to cause a scene. But his patience is always quite short when it comes to matters of Trisnanjaly so ….

When Liyans is just stretching his hands to touch Trisnanjaly, Janhish blocked his hands out of nowhere. He was quite far away from Trisnanjaly so by his sudden appearance everyone was shocked.

Liyans: heh … who the hell are you, bastard. Trying to be a hero ha ….

Again some gossiping started,

1. The girl has bad luck running into that scum on her first day.

2. Yeah, I even heard that a lot of girls committed suicide cause of their raging.

3. Well but that boy has a lot of nerve to stand up for the girl he just met.

2. just trying to meet his doom "hump".....

Janhish has already let go of Liyans hands when all of the gossiping was going around.

In the meantime, one of the Liyans in attendance came forward and said something to Liyans in his ear. Liyans smiled crazily, then turn towards Janhish.

Liyans: oh … so you are the baby boy that everyone has been talking about. Should not you be drinking your mommy's milk what are you doing here, it's a matter of adults.... shuuu shuuu...

Everyone in Liyans attendance started laughing including Liyans.

Liyans was laughing at Janhish. While suddenly he got floated away out of nowhere. (janhish's punch was way too fast for others to see)

His body flew away to the hedge of the road by breaking a wall.

Everyone got silenced for a moment. Janhish was as fast that no one was even able to see him punching Liyans. And the strength he had put on that punch, had the power to make Liyans body to broke the wall and even pass through it.

It took everyone at least a few seconds to adapt to the situation everyone was in. then there gathered a huge crowd. One of the Liyans in attendance ran to get an ambulance, one ran to the director's office some ran to save their own life.

But Janhish was standing there as if nothing happened. Even, he was smiling. The smile on his face has already scared everyone who was standing there. But there was someone who unknowingly felt relieved in the arms of Janhish(Trisnanjaly). She was standing right beside Janhish delightfully while looking at him admiringly. Her ears were red like rabbit ears.

After some time the director of the college came hurriedly. First, he went to see his son whose almost all bones were broken. They sent him to the hospital. Then he came to Janhish, his face was filled with rage.

Director: do you have any idea what you have done? Even if he survived he would be in bed forever. You damn poor bastard won't even think it's over, I will send you and your whole family right beside him to accompany him to the hospital. You dam*n fuc*ing bastard I will let your whole family pay for what you have done;

At first, Jannhish was quite calm but after hearing his parents are getting cursed. He couldn't hold himself back.

Janhish was just going to raise his hands while he had to stop the cause of someone.

College principal: " stop"….....

Everyone turned toward the principal and paid respects to him….

Principal: what's happening here?

Director: sir this new student has broken my son's arm. It's his first day at school and yet he is doing this in public. Who knows what he will do in the future? Please cancel his student license for others' protection ….

(principal didn't even let him finish his word but started talking)

Principal: do you think I am blind, director?

Director: what …. Do you mean sir?

Principal (with a loud voice): do you think I don't know what you and your son have done all the years? Why our college has fewer and fewer donations and female students year by year?

Director: wha … what are you talking about?

Principal (with a raging voice ): you are fired.....

Director: what ….

Principal: security sees them out. Some officers came and forcefully took the director away. Then the principal headed toward Janhish and Trisnanjaly. Trisnanjaly was holding Janhish's hand quite fiercely.

Principal: as for you two, you both will be in charge of cleaning classes for 3 months, am I clear?

Janhish was going to protest but was stopped by Trisnanjaly's pinching.

Principal: everyone head to the ceremony hall the program will be starting.

Everyone started walking toward the hall. Janhish was a little behind the principal. While the principal told him ….

Principal (in a low voice): boy I know being young is good but don't try to get something That is out of your reach.

Janhish smiled a little upon hearing those words. Then answered.

Janhish: I don't like it when someone else touches my things send this message to the person who made you a letter crow...

The principal just looked back once. Then turned forward and gave a big " sigh"….

Although no one heard their discussion, Trisnanjaly noticed them talking. Then after the principal left she asked.

Trisnanjaly: what are you talking about?

Janhish: about what?

Trisnanjaly: don't try to fool me.

Janhish: well nothing big it's just you have a lot of admirers. Competition is quite tough for me.

Trisnanjaly (blushing): you …, jark.

Janhish laughed.

Trisnanjaly (being serious): can I ask you something?

Janhish: what?

Trisnanjaly are … are you a "'SHESHAN"?

Janhish (suddenly got serious): so what if I am? will you hate me?

Trisnanjaly (shacks her head): no …

Janhish: then …?

Trisnanjaly didn't answer anything.

Janhish (smiled): you don't have to force yourself. You can tell me when you feel comfortable.

Janhish well I was thinking about which dress should I wear on our engagement.

Trisnanjaly: what? when did I say I will marry you?

Janhish oh you didn't disagree with the engagement, then it is confirmed.

Trisnanjaly: what …, you, I didn't....you idiot.

Trisnanjaly started running towards the hall, and Janhish also went after her.