

Black_Unicorn_330 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

~The REBORN of the SUPREME DEMONLORD ~ first meeting


B, J college school gate,

Suvankish and Jinami dropped Janhish at the school gate, and left hurriedly .but it didn't help much, after all, it was impossible to not be noticed at the front gate of the college.

A lot of students spotted Janhish being drooped by his parents. So they had nothing to do but started gossiping.


1: did you see that guy being drooped by his parents, like he is in an elementary school, what a shame.

2: I can't believe some country bumpkin will be studying at the same college as us.

3: no matter what you say he looks quite handsome.

2: then why don't you go and ask for the bumpkin's number.

1: come to think of it he does look very hot, good looks perfect figure he at least has eight packs.

2: oh then why are you standing here, go give some milk to the baby boy who just came out from his mother's hands.

3: hump.. .. you are just jealous that your boyfriend is not as good-looking as him.

2: hey what do you mean …?

The gossiping was still ongoing when Janhish started to walk toward the ceremony hall. It's like none of this matters to him.

Although he was being gossiped about by everyone, at the same time he was starting to get famous because of his handsome face, some girls were staring at Janhish without blinking an eye, even when they were holding their boyfriend's hands.

But without caring for anything he was walking slowly towards the hall enjoying the scenery altogether. ,,,,,,,, SUDDENLY, "CRASH", someone hit Janhish from behind. Both of them fell to the ground. A female voice came to Janhish's ear, which shocked Janhish almost for some seconds.

Girl: what the fu*k, can't you even see when walking? look what have you done to my new dress.don't even think about leaving before compensating.

At the time when the girl was busy criticizing Janhish, he was already lost looking at the girl's face. After some time the girl noticed Janhish's unusual behavior. she tried to get up while noticing that the sandwich she was holding in her mouth had already ruined Janhish's new coat, Which seem to be much more expensive than the girls. The situation became more awkward.

Girl: well … I won't give you any compensation, it was your fault, do you hear me.

Janhish was still looking at her without hearing anything. that girl got more angered after seeing this.

Girl: hey ….?(loudly)

Janhish: oh … sorry sorry about that. It's my fault you don't have to compensate. Well, I will pay for your dress. how much is it?

Everyone is shocked, they all saw clearly that it was the girl who almost jumped on Janhish. even other girls thought that the girl did it on purpose. but To tell the truth, even the girl herself was quite shocked, although she thought that by doing that she will be blamed less. But she never expected that Janhish will even agree to compensate.

Girl: o…ok alright, you can pay me later I need to go now, the ceremony is going to start.

Janhish: oh.. right.. then I will be going with you …

Girl: what..?

Janhish: well I am going there too, so it's more convenient, right?

The girl didn't answer anything but started walking towards the hall. Janhish was already up he also started walking after her.

Janhish: can I say something?

Girl: what?

Janhish: well….. you do look like someone I knew for a long time, and haven't seen her for ages.

The girl didn't react a little,

Janhish:what, you don't believe what I am saying ? that same deep dark eyes, the same long black hair, that same unparalleled pretty face...

Janhish couldn't even finish his word, while he was being dragged to the side of the road by the girl. Then the girl force Janhish's back to a tree by pulling his color,

Janhish (with a little smile on his face ): you can't even wait to let me finish my word, you are too impatient to hold yourself back.

Girl: don't try to be over smart, I am only being patient because it was my fault to fall on you. I may not be able to compensate you but that doesn't mean you can play with me like your plaything. I know you rich bustards very well, so you have no chance here now "SCRAM".

The girl turn around and tried to leave, but she got pulled by Janhish and was forced to the same tree by him, janhish was holding her hand behind her back very tightly. It was quite certain that he got angry this time. That girl tried a lot to free herself from his hands, but everything was in vain.

Then Janhish slowly put his mouth before the girl's ear and said. ..

Janhish: do you think that I am one of those rich bastards who use their money to buy some bic*hes….?(loudly)

The girl(almost crying cause of fear): but….. but what you are doing now is proving wha…t .....what you are.

Janhish came to his senses, hurriedly left her hand, and said.

Janhish: I … I am sorry. I didn't mean to…

Even before Janhish was able to finish his word, the girl started crying loudly. it's just there weren't any students around otherwise Janhish would be already thrown out of the college even before getting into it.

Janhish tried to stop her from crying but it was only making it louder. Suddenly he noticed an ice cream van on the other side of the road. Janhish pulled the girl to the ice cream van. Fortunately this time the sound came down a little and after seeing the van it was almost gone. (like a baby)

Janhish(ordering) one vanilla with pitch cream and mixed banana and mango flavors.

The girl was shocked

Girl: how …did you know my favorite ice cream did you,…

Janhish: I am not a peeping tom. And I just met you today.

Girl: then how did you know about this, even my mom can't tell as you just told all my favorites.

Janhish well I can't tell about others but when it comes down to you, I know more about you than yourself.

Girl: "hump"…. big talk….

The ice cream got ready in the meantime .and after setting it in her hands, It's looked like she had already forgotten everything that happened before.

Girl: don't think you can please me just with ice cream. You also have to pay for my mental damage.

Janhish: yes ma'am.

The bell rang from the ceremony hall which stopped their conversation halfway. they both started going towards the hall.

On the way, Janhish asked,

Janhish: well I forgot to ask your name ? what was it?

Girl: what didn't you say that you know everything about me? Then why are you asking this?

Janhish(thinking): well how do I know what name you have got in this lifetime?

Janhish: well wants to hear it from you.

Girl: you are a weirdo you know that.

Janhish: does that mean…. a no?

Girl: ....pfft….

Now, That girl turned back with a big smile on her face. A smile that can make you forget everything in the world and give you a peaceful mind filled with a lot of flowers. Then answered….

Girl: Trisnanjaly…..