
New Beginings


At the beginning,God made earth and Satan made Devil fruits.Devil fruits are some fruits with

a very bad taste and some cool powers,some of them are strong and some of them are bad.After u eat a devil fruit,you lose the ability of swimming and u can t eat another one...The first person that ate a devil fruit was Gol D Rogers aka the strongest pirate that have ever lived on earth.He had Dragon Dragon No Mi aka the strongest devil fruit.After he died he let all his treasure on a small island located in grand line,the place were your deepest nightmares come true.


In a small village located on a small island called "The island of might" was living a poor and small kid called Marco.He was very curious.....On a normal day,after he woke up he ate a piece of bread and went outside,when he saw a shiny light on the top of a volcano.He knew that he has to go there to see what is that.After 3 days of climbing he got on the top and saw a magnificent blue and red devil fruit.He approach to the devil fruit and he couldn t resist the temptation.He took a bite,the. He felt really bad after the bite and accidentally fell into the volcano......In a couple of seconds millions of fireballs rushed the island and decimated it in small pieces of dirt.


"The Dark haired Pirates" crew found Marco on a piece of dirt,floating on water,then he took him to their leader called Black Beard.He had one of the strongest devil fruits at that time called Yami Yami No Mi.

After he woke up,before realizing that he ate a devil fruit,he joined their crew.Black Beard asked him what happened then he realized that he ate a devil fruit.Black Beard trained Marco and after realizing that he ate Tori Tori No Mi,the strongest devil fruit after Dragon Dragon No Mi,he named him "Marco The Pheonix",The General Of The Dark Haired Pirates.Tori Tori had very cool abilities:

-Pheonix Slash-a powerful slash that can cut even through titan

-Pheonix barrage-a powerful fire barrage

-Semi Pheonix-he could transform his arm into wings

-Full Pheonix-he could transform itself into a pheonix

-Pheonix's True Power-he could erradicate everything near him


———10 YEARS LATER———

Marco The Pheonix and Black Beard decided to start a journey to grand line becauze they wanted the treasure of Gol D Rogers.

They were in the East blue,so they had to get to the West blue,then cross the "Infinite Mountain" and then after all this sweat they could finally reach the beginning of Grand Line.

After they got to the West blue,they saw a big boat.It was Monkey D Luffy' s crew.After getting closer they started to shoot cannon balls.

Monkey D Luffy was Marko the Pheonix biggest rival.Marco jumped from his ship to Luffy s ship started to talk.

-Long time no see u little bastard !(Marco)

-How u dare talking to me like that u piece of garbage!(luffy)


Marko used Pheonix slash and luffy used gatling gun....but nothing not even a scratch....They fought 1 hour but nothing....Marco was so desparated that he had to use Pheonix's True Power.

He finally distroyed luffy s ship then passed out.

The Dark haired pirates finally went to the grand line,the place were your deepest nightmares come true...

To Be Continued.....

What do u think about the first chapter ?Tell me if u have good ideas and i might add them to the book.

DragonShadowcreators' thoughts