
Island of Berserk


After the last trip to Mirage Island,our brave pirates started the journey to the next island.<The island of Berserk>

-Hey kido,don t lye to me,i know that something happened on The Mirage Island.The the truth !The real truth !

-Ok Old Man,i m gonna tell you the truth.....After we got to a lake,we drunk some water and then after a while we started to hallucinate,i saw Gol D Rogers Devil Fruit and Cobalt saw Lucifer,i mean he thought i am Lucifer and he started to attack me.Everything is ok now.

-Marko,why didn t you tell me that,that lake was the Lake of Desires...Next time i m going with you....

-Wait a second...right up there is a big boat.....more like a house or something!On the S-W !

-That is Valt s Sea Restaurant !

-Great !Let s go there and eat something before we go to the next island.

After they got there,they saw that the place is empty,and they could have not find the chief aka Valt.

-Old man,did u find him ?


-Keep looking....

After a while,they went to the kitchen and saw Valt's body lied on the floor,covered in blood

-What the....?

-What ?What is it ?

-Come here fast !Do u think he s dead ?

-Yes but who did this ?Everyone liked Valt and his food.

They started to search the place and they ve found a map and a red dot on it.

-It s a map !

-I can see that too because i m not blind you smart ass

-It s marked !

-Yeah there is a mark placed on The Island of Berserk !If we go there we might find the killer and punish him for what he did.

-Let s go !

They went to the boat.....and after some time they got to The Island of Berserk.<After some time ?What the fuck am i talking about,12 hours is not some time,it s a lot of time....😂>

-Let s go all in the same place,said Black beard with an irritated voice.

-Let s go....<after 30 min of walking>Look there it s a camp fire !

-Be careful,don t make noises because there is someone there !

-Is that..... ?

-Lucifer ?

-Yes that s him....

-You know that i have already heard you,right ?(Lucifer)

-Know we know

-Did u kill Valt ?said Cobalt

-Yes obviously ?

-Why ?

-Because he got on my nerves.

-You will regret this !!!Please Black Beard let me fight him !

-Go on !

-Double sword slash !

-You can t hit me,you are to slow

He was so surprised,he didn t hit him even once.

-Sword barrage !

-Sword cut !


-Devastating blow !

-Sword cut !

-You are stronger then i thought,but i m going to beat you !

-Bloody Blade strike !

And just in a second he cut Cobalt in one million piece.....

-Who s the strong one now ?

-How could you do that ?How you dare?(said Marco)

And he instantly transformed into a Pheonix and attacked Lucifer.

-Enough for now!I m gonna kill you next time !

And he vanished into the cold and bloody air.....

-Nooooooooo !

-Calm down kido,it s ok,we are gonna kill him next time !

They went back to the boat in a lot of pain and started their journey to the next checkpoint.....

-I m gonna revenge him !

-Yes you are !

Nobody on that ship knew how strong Black Beard was.If he wanted he could have pulverized Lucifer in a second,before he would have breathe.Black Beard has one of the strongest devil fruits !It s called Yami Yami !It can erase your devil fruit powers if you are near him !

Yami Yami's abilities at this point in story

-Power Erase-erases your df powers

-Black Hole-creates a big hole that sucks you in

- Dark Punch-a devastating black punch

<<<Next Destination-The island of...you we will see in the next chapter>>>
