
the Rebirth Of The Luna

Nova Hope was an Omega. An orphaned child found floating in a river by a pack who didn't care for her, she was bullied and abused for being an outsider and unable to shift. She spent every day an anxiety-filled wreck. One day, a group sent from the Werewolf King arrived to assess her pack, sending a dark and brooding Alpha into her midst. What she thought would be a death sentence from a champagne and coffee spill turned out to uncover more truths and secrets than she ever expected. ** "I swallowed deeply before making my way round the desk to the man that could only be described as the Alpha. He was dressed in black jeans and a blood red button shirt. His arms were large and tan, a hand clasped the arm of the sofa and the other awaited the drink on my tray. Stopping before him, I took a deep breath as I picked up his drink. The scent of him was intoxicating. So intoxicating, in fact, that when I got closer to hand him the coffee, my breath caught in my throat. All it took was the gentle brush of his finger against mine for my world to come crumbling down..."

Luna_5488 · Fantasy
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5 Chs



I woke up to my alarm and dragged myself into the shower. Today was Rosie's birthday party and wolves from all over the world would be visiting. There were mainly males, as it allowed them to find their mates; many hoping that alpha blood was theirs.

I dried myself with my towel and pushed my damp hair so it flowed down my back. I passed a mirror on my way to the toilet and grimaced at what I saw.

My eye had swelled, and a burning hot pain seared through my jaw. Small and large scratches lined my arms and chest, my jumper torn and ragged on my shoulders. This was one of the worse ones they had given me. Sophie never touched me. It would hurt her precious luna reputation if she did. But her friends seemed to relish in the blood lust. Their wolves enjoyed taking the frustration out on me. I was an easy target; if I fought back, my repercussions would be worse than theirs.

I had ten minutes to cover up the black eye I was sporting and the various pink lines on my face. The make-up did its trick, a habitually patterned effort for bruises. They usually avoided my face in fear of being caught, but many times, their wolf reacted instead. I was lucky to even have some make-up thanks to my mum.

At five-thirty sharp, I bust my ass in the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Today we had to not only make breakfast and lunch but also prep food for tonight's party. Also, make sure glasses are polished and ice is ready for the alcohol buckets.

Thankfully, that side of the party was the bar preparation tasks. I was just on kitchen duty as per normal and may be on server duty. Alpha often placed me in hospitality; carrying glasses of champagne. Thankfully, most wolves went to the bar for the harder drinks, liking vodka or whiskey, so I was usually not busy.

Breakfast came and went and we prepared a large feast of salads, pasta, loaded fries, chicken and sausages for lunch. My mum was the head chef today, so it was easy. The kitchen had a multitude of ovens, grills and hobs to keep up with demand, so it was no surprise there were twelve of us in here. I was mainly on meat prep, something to keep my fingers busy and keep my head down.

Throughout the day, I felt my eye pulsing and a headache growing, knowing

it was more than likely because of the trauma. And the fact I refused to eat

during the day... But that kept me away from other wolves.

After dinner, we cleaned. I was sweating profusely as my hands cleared the

scraps from the plates and I knew my make-up was smearing. When I

touched my skin, it covered my fingers in glittery colours. I would have to

paint it on again once I was done. In the meantime, most people ignored me

as I cleaned and I used my hair as a curtain.

Thankfully, the dinner service was over and it was just a case of unloading

the dishwashers in an hour. It was four o'clock, and the party started at six-

thirty. Right now, I had an hour to redo my face and get my bearings before I

had to help unload the dishwasher

Locking my bedroom door behind me, I sighed in satisfaction. Safe.

Making my way to my en-suite shower room, I turned on the water from the two taps. I was ready for a long sleep. The pain in my head was throbbing, but I had no time for that. I downed a couple of painkillers and washed my face. No point in having a shower when I've got to go back to the kitchen.

After fifteen minutes, I finished re-applying my make-up and smiled in satisfaction. I put on some pale eyeshadow this time, knowing I wouldn't have a moment later before the party.

Just as I was about to go back to the kitchen, there was a rapid knock on my door. Pausing, I chewed on my lip again.

"W-who is it?" I asked.


My eyes widened in panic as my breath caught in my throat. Why does he want to see me?

"Can I have a word?" He asked.

"Uh-uh-I-I'm not decent" I stammered

"Nova, let me in." He sighed.

I paused, not knowing what to say.

"Nova, I want to come in. I need to speak with you." His alpha-tone made me shudder.

No matter if I had not shifted yet, I could not disobey the natural order of hierarchy. Alpha wolves could make weaker wolves submit to them with their voice alone. Much to my dismay, I reluctantly unlocked my door and stepped back.

The knob turned and his looming figure came inside, shutting the door softly

behind him. I swallowed nervously as he eyed me up and down.

"Nova, I am concerned for you. Are you okay?" He asked.

"Y-yes I'm f-fine." I stammered.

I internally cursed myself for my stutter, which I always did when I was around someone I was not comfortable with or under pressure. People loved to make fun of it.

"I can smell your fear."

I had no answer, so wrapped my arms tighter around my elbows. "Thank you for the concern, Alpha."

"Please, I am your friend, Nova. My father loved you as much as his own family when he found you..." He sighed. "Now... I'm uncertain since you were hiding, but you did not look very good downstairs and I-

"I'm fine." I looked away.

"Nova... what are you..." his soft hands brushed the hair away from my face and I grimaced.

I felt him still as a sigh fell from his mouth. "Why all the make-up?"

"I-I can't-

"Nova, what is this? You do not heal, you know that." He scorned.

His anger startled me; he never snapped at me.

"N-nothing, no-

"Nova, I know for a fact you do not take part in pack antics, and I know a wall will not cause this much damage. And I know you do not wear make-up all the time. Now tell me what is going on. That is all I ask." He crossed his arms.

"I j-just wanted to wear make-up for t-tonight. I won't have t-t-time... later." I lied.

Please believe me, please believe me.

He sighed, running a hand over his face. "Okay. I don't have the time right now. If this happens again, I will demand it from you next time."

"Y-yes, Alpha." I stammered, my eyes widening.

He grunted and left me alone, leaving my door open. I let out my shaky breath, feeling crap about lying to my alpha. But I had to, right? I couldn't rat them out or else they'd get me even harder.

I shook myself out of it and made my way back to the kitchen to prepare for the night.


It was busier than I thought.

The party was in full swing and packs from across the globe had arrived with the mateless high-rank wolves. I was in a black dress and sheer tights with a black apron like the other omega females. I had a tray I had to top up with

champagne glasses from the kitchen. The bar was busy and I could see five

omegas serving drinks there. All females, again. A way for my pack to show

off their numbers.

I was unsure why it was so busy, so took it upon myself to listen in. My eyes

scanned the crowd but couldn't really see through the mass of bodies nor

hear far through the music playing through the speakers.