
the Rebirth Of The Luna

Nova Hope was an Omega. An orphaned child found floating in a river by a pack who didn't care for her, she was bullied and abused for being an outsider and unable to shift. She spent every day an anxiety-filled wreck. One day, a group sent from the Werewolf King arrived to assess her pack, sending a dark and brooding Alpha into her midst. What she thought would be a death sentence from a champagne and coffee spill turned out to uncover more truths and secrets than she ever expected. ** "I swallowed deeply before making my way round the desk to the man that could only be described as the Alpha. He was dressed in black jeans and a blood red button shirt. His arms were large and tan, a hand clasped the arm of the sofa and the other awaited the drink on my tray. Stopping before him, I took a deep breath as I picked up his drink. The scent of him was intoxicating. So intoxicating, in fact, that when I got closer to hand him the coffee, my breath caught in my throat. All it took was the gentle brush of his finger against mine for my world to come crumbling down..."

Luna_5488 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Champagne.. part 2

A male gestured me over and, despite my nerves, I approached him with a curtsy when I could sense the power coming from him. He smelt of gamma blood; a third in command or warrior wolf.

"Champagne, sir?" I asked, thankful my stutter was at bay.

"No thank you, sweetheart. Could you please bring me a whiskey on the rocks?" He asked.

I nodded without looking at him and made my way over to the bar. Rattling off his order, they handed me a whiskey within a heartbeat. Thanking the girl named Rebecca, I took the glass on the tray with another two champagne flutes and made my way back to the male.

He had sandy blonde hair and blue eyes, but I didn't meet his gaze when I got closer out of respect.

"Your drink, s-sir." I chewed my lip, looking only at his shoulder.

"Thank you..."

My eyes widened when I realised he was gesturing for my name. "S-sorry sir, I-I am not supposed t-to-

"Oh, what old coot ordered that!" He laughed, taking a swig from the glass.

In shock, my eyes flew to look into his, and he smirked. "There are the pretty green eyes I was hoping to see."

The man beside him laughed.

I chewed my lip and dropped my gaze. "Anything else I can get you, s-sir?"

He smirked. "No, my dear."

Just as I went to walk away, someone roughly grabbed me from behind around my waist and pinched me on the ass. I shrieked in surprise and the tray of champagne I was carrying clattered to the ground. Luckily, the sound of music drowned it out, but didn't stop the fact it poured all down the back of another wolf.

The wolf groping me suddenly let go when the male turned around with a harsh growl that had the gamma recoil. I staggered to my feet, but the angry, now-wet man caught my arm.

"I'm s-so-s-sorry." I hiccuped, tears threatening to stain my cheeks.

"Wasn't your fault." He muttered quietly, taking off his blazer. "Some people just need to learn respect. This can wash."

"S-sorry." My eyes blurred as I tried to pick up the remnants of broken glass.

He bent down to help me pick up the shards and put them on the tray. I

smiled up at him in thanks and his brown eyes furrowed in concern. They felt

warm and comforting, and even though he reeked of power, I didn't feel on

edge. I glanced away, confused.

"Are you okay?" His gentle voice asked.

shrugged it off, dabbing at my tears and make-up. Suddenly, an omega wolf with a mop came and helped clean up the remnants of the champagne. They did not dare to raise their head regarding the high-ranking wolf, especially knowing that he was a beta. Thankfully, it was only two glasses and champagne flutes were never full, anyway. It only took them seconds to finish cleaning.

I stood in unison with the other omega, who ran off quickly. "I'm s-sorry again."

"Are you sure you're okay?" He whispered, and I met his gaze.

I could feel his power, but for whatever reason, it didn't bother me. Usually, any power of status had me not look at all, but I just stared right into his eyes. He was just as surprised as I was before his brows furrowed in thought.


"N-no, it's okay." I blushed and looked away.

I walked away from him in a hurry before he could comment more, and dashed my way to the toilet. Cleaning myself up, I composed my fears before getting back to work. Throughout the night, I could sense the beta follow me with his eyes. The scorned gamma had long disappeared, and no longer summoned people for drinks. His shoulders drooped in shame, suggesting that he had already faced a reprimand. The two men were not of the same pack, so I assumed the beta was from a higher pack to punish him.

I was thankful that midnight had passed, as it meant this would all be over soon since it was now Rosie's official birthday. The music suddenly cut off, and I stopped walking to look up and see Alpha Damien standing with his glass in the air.

Your attention, please!" He called and everyone hushed. "I am pleased to say my daughter has found her mate, Beta Liam of the Nightshade Pack! Let us all celebrate!"

Howls cut out from everyone here, but being the only one unable to shift, grimaced at the feeling of being left out. I was envious of everyone; that they had wolves for themselves. And I was envious of Rosie, who had found her mate straight away while wolves like me hardly ever had the chance. Just because she was an alpha blood pup.

Another hour passed, and I was growing tired. I could feel the beta close by wherever I went, his attention often causing my hair to prickle on end.

Deciding against staying, I made my way over to Steven, once again followed

by brown eyes. Clearing my throat politely, my alpha turned to me.

"Alpha Steven, may you excuse me to bed? Most of the wolves are leaving,

and I have to be up in a few hours for breakfast." I wondered.

"Yes, of course, Nova." His hand came onto my shoulder.

I flinched automatically. "Thank you, goodnight."

"Goodnight, Nova."