
The Rebirth of Crazy Ger

After being a young master for more than ten years, he suddenly woke up as a poor man with nothing. And to add insult to injury, he was still considered crazy! Crazy people were hated in the tribe! He was bullied and robbed, and to make matters worse, he was forcefully engaged to a beastman he didn’t even recognize. Accepting his new reality with trembling hands, Wang Jin started to make use of his new chance to overcome challenges. From being disliked to becoming everyone’s favorite, he regained everything that had been taken from him. As for the beastman he was forced to marry... Wang Jin glanced at the man who had stood by his side. Feeling his gaze, the man looked back at Wang Jin, his once indifferent eyes softening. He reached out and held Wang Jin’s hand tightly, whispering softly, "In this life, I only want you, whether you're a little crazy or not." Wang Jin's heart raced. Well, this man... is quite interesting, so let's keep him! Years later, Wang Jin found himself pregnant, boiling with anger as he looked at the gentle and flattering man before him. "We agreed not to have children!" he growled. A man's word was as unreliable as ever!

dyosagardo387 · History
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12 Chs


As Wang Jin looked up, he saw the tall man standing before him. The original owner of the body had never met this person before, nor had he really looked at him closely. Now, Wang Jin noticed that the man was tall and commanding, like a general.

It's just that on the left side of the man's face, there was a long scar that stretched all the way to his chin... making the originally handsome appearance look a little scary.

Approaching cautiously, the man stopped a few steps away from Wang Jin, sensing his vigilance.

"Are you awake? Are you hungry?" The man's voice was gentle, as if trying to offer comfort.

Wang Jin rubbed his stomach and nodded stiffly.

He is indeed hungry.

After being inexplicably captured by a group of people yesterday, the original body has been locked in this room since then, without eating anything or seeing anyone, which means that this body has been hungry for a whole day!

Seeing this, the man didn't say anything, turned around, and went out. Not long after, he returned with a bowl of unknown food and handed it to Wang Jin.

Wang Jin hesitated for a while, then took it.

No matter what, the meal still has to be eaten.

Feed yourself first, so you have the energy to think about the next thing.

After taking a mouthful of porridge-like paste, the rough taste made Wang Jin vomit on the spot.

Wang Jin, swears that he has never eaten such unpalatable food in this life and his previous life combined! Pig food here! What about abusing him? !

Mr. Wang Jin suddenly lost his temper. As soon as he raised his head, he glared at the man and threw the bowl in his hand viciously.

The bowl rolled on the ground for a round, and it wasn't broken, but the mush inside did spread all over the room.

The brother in front of him was so angry that his cheeks were swollen, his wet eyes were staring angrily; he looked like some kind of small animal.

Caught off guard, the man stood still for a moment, his mind racing to understand the situation. After a brief pause, he finally relaxed, silently cleaned up the mess, pick up the bowl, and left without a word. After that, He never returned.

"Unbelievable!" Wang Jin muttered, staring at the door in disbelief. The man just left? Left him here without a word? Without even offering him food?

As time passed, Wang Jin's stomach growled, aching with hunger. Regret filled him as he realized the situation he was in. The son-in-law, once respected, now a penniless stranger, dependent on others.

Summoning his resolve, Wang Jin took a deep breath, pushing through the pain as he struggled to rise from the bed, feeling like he'd been trampled.

Ignoring the discomfort, he stepped onto the cold floor, his bare feet searching for his shoes in vain. With a sigh, he ventured outside, the dim lobby overwhelming his senses.

Leaning against the wall for support, he made his way through the dark place until the sunlight hit his face. Eventually, his eyes adapted, and he looked up at the sun, accepting his fate.

The sun was very strong, and the skin on his face was sore from the sun. He lowered his head and looked at himself. On such a hot day, the original body was still wearing animal clothes... but it was sleeveless.

The hands and legs were exposed, and under the sun, the exposed skin was covered with bruises...

No wonder it hurts so much!

The original body had not been particularly viciously beaten, so how could there be so many scars?

Wang Jin thought about it carefully, and then remembered some facts.

This body was the same as his previous life's body, weak and delicate!

The scars on his body were from being bumped into on the road when he was dragged here yesterday!

Wang Jin was so aggrieved that he forgot to breathe, his cheeks turning purple.

It felt like fate itself was against him, wanting to witness his downfall.

With a frustrated sigh, Wang Jin sat down on the ground, his face turning red and white with displeasure.

Feeling the heat from the sun as he sat on the ground, he quickly sprang back up in discomfort.

"This is unbearable!" he complained, annoyed by the lack of proper clothing.

He grumbled about being exposed to the elements while walking.

As he awkwardly adjusted his garment, a figure approached from outside, holding something like a pumpkin.

As he awkwardly adjusted his garment, a figure approached from outside, holding something like a pumpkin.

In the sunlight, the scars on the man's face looked even scarier, almost hiding his natural good looks. Fortunately, his tall, slim body and the powerful, confident vibe he gave off made him attractive. In a world where everyone seemed ugly, he was different.

Wang Jin glanced at the man, who was now standing next to him.

He gave the things in his hands to Wang Jin, saying. "Have some food."

Confused, Wang Jin glanced down at the fruit-like object in the man's hand, which resembled a pumpkin, then back up at the man, his expression hesitant.

With a soft sigh, the man gently guided Wang Jin to a stool near the door. With a swift motion, his hands transformed into sharp claws, skillfully slicing open the fruit.

Instantly, a fragrant aroma filled the air, captivating Wang Jin's senses.

Initially repelled and cautious, Wang Jin's expression quickly changed to one of longing as he eyed the fruit in the man's hands.

The fruit resembled a "pumpkin" on the outside, but inside the yellow-green peel was white pulp. The pulp was gelatinous, emitting a milky aroma, resembling cheese.

This cheese was a delicacy, only available outside the city gates. To enjoy it, one had to wait for merchants to bring it inside the city, and then rush to purchase it.

In his previous life, Wang Jin had a particular fondness for this delicacy, wondering if it tasted the same.

The man before him had eager eyes and a watering mouth as he reached for the "white jade fruit" repeatedly. However, lacking tools and unsure how to approach it, he seemed confused.

Amused, the man chuckled softly, taking the fruit from him and returning with a wooden spoon, offering it to Wang Jin with a reassuring smile.

Taking the spoon gratefully, Wang Jin finally felt ready to tackle the fruit. With excitement, he scooped out a spoonful of the white flesh.

The pulp had a jelly-like texture, each spoonful causing a satisfying giggle.

Upon testing, Wang Jin discovered the fruit to be pleasantly sweet, with a faint milky taste not as potent as the cheese he had tried

before. Coupled with a refreshing scent, it was a delightful treat..

Satisfied, he indulged in each spoonful, earning a chuckle from his companion.

Too hungry for conversation, Wang Jin focused on eating the fruit alone, quickly finishing the pumpkin-sized treat.

He let out a hearty burp as he relaxed in the chair, his stomach full and legs stretched out.

Observing Wang Jin closely, the man noted the bruises on his pale skin and the dirty soles of his feet.

With concern, he retrieved shoes and a bottle from the room, squatting down in front of Wang Jin, ready to assist.