
The Rebirth of Crazy Ger

After being a young master for more than ten years, he suddenly woke up as a poor man with nothing. And to add insult to injury, he was still considered crazy! Crazy people were hated in the tribe! He was bullied and robbed, and to make matters worse, he was forcefully engaged to a beastman he didn’t even recognize. Accepting his new reality with trembling hands, Wang Jin started to make use of his new chance to overcome challenges. From being disliked to becoming everyone’s favorite, he regained everything that had been taken from him. As for the beastman he was forced to marry... Wang Jin glanced at the man who had stood by his side. Feeling his gaze, the man looked back at Wang Jin, his once indifferent eyes softening. He reached out and held Wang Jin’s hand tightly, whispering softly, "In this life, I only want you, whether you're a little crazy or not." Wang Jin's heart raced. Well, this man... is quite interesting, so let's keep him! Years later, Wang Jin found himself pregnant, boiling with anger as he looked at the gentle and flattering man before him. "We agreed not to have children!" he growled. A man's word was as unreliable as ever!

dyosagardo387 · History
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12 Chs


"The flamboyant Wang family is finally dead! Hahaha!" Someone in the crowd yelled as they gathered around a luxurious mansion, wearing happy expressions.

"Great, no one will rob everyone's handsome man again!"

"Will Miao Lang, who was robbed in my house, come out?"

"So is my Xiao Lang."

"And my Li Xiucai."


"What happened? They're making him sound bad for just having guests over, right?

Then Miao Lang, Xiao Lang, Li Xiucai... He treated them all politely. He didn't make them stay, he didn't punish them, and nothing weird happened. How could they say this about him?

Wang Jin struggled to open his eyes, wishing he could correct them right away.

But when he finally opened his eyes, it was dim, with no one around. The noisy voices were gone, leaving everything quiet.

He moved slightly, and his body immediately felt a piercing pain. He hissed, turned his head, frowned, and looked around.

It was a shabby mud house, dusty everywhere, and very dark. There was a window in front of him, covered with animal skins, blocking out all light.

Where am I?

How could Xiaocui and Xiaohua live in such a house for him?

Isn't the moon's silver not enough?

Wang Jin struggled to get up, but as he sat up a little, his head suddenly spun, causing him to fall back down.

At the same time, many more images flooded his mind...

It's like fragments of another person's memories.

Feeling dizzy, Wang Jin simply lay on the bed, slowly digesting the overwhelming memories.

As time passed, his eyes widened...

He knows where this is.

In this strange new world, everything was different for Wang Jin. It wasn't just another place; it was a completely unfamiliar orc world. Here, there were no women, only men and ger.

In this odd world, men could turn into beasts, and brothers had to bear children for each other...

As Wang Jin tried to understand this shocking truth, his mind filled with questions and disbelief.

"What kind of world is this?" he whispered to himself, feeling the weight of his new reality.

For what seemed like forever, Wang Jin lay there, trying to figure out what it all meant. It was scary to realize that he was now seen as a brother, with tasks and duties he couldn't imagine.

With each passing moment, the seriousness of his situation became clearer, making him feel more and more lost. Amongst all the confusion, one thing stayed clear: he remembered that he was already dead.

In his previous life, his body is very weak. He isn't sick, but he feels too hot when it's cold. He needs to take ginseng every day. If he works out too much, he might die...

This time, unhappy with his weak body, he ran around in his backyard, and then... he turned into a brother in this world...

This man looks is named like him, but he is crazy and not a nice person.

In this world, strange beasts wander around, and people live in groups called tribes. A tribe is like a small country. The group where Yuanshen is now is called the Danmu tribe. This isn't Yuanshen's first tribe but one of two tribes he belongs to.

"Is this really what I've become?" Wang Jin muttered to himself as he looked around at his new surroundings. He felt more and more surprised as he watched how tough life was in the tribe, with so many challenges and always the fear of something unknown.

There is very little communication between tribes, and they do not interfere with each other. At the same time, people in each tribe are very xenophobic (showing a dislike of or prejudice against people) , so the original body is not likable in this tribe. It is only because there are very few brothers in this world that he was barely accepted...

Wang Jin brain seems to be damaged, and his memory is incomplete. He doesn't remember the things about his first tribe, and he doesn't remember how he went crazy.

According to Wang Jin's memory, the original body was crazy from the very beginning.

Because of his madness and abnormal behavior, he was often bullied in this tribe. When he entered the tribe, he was also robbed of the salutes he brought with him.

Wang Jin felt really down as he thought about how different his life was now compared to before. In his old life, he was very rich and lived in luxury, with more than enough gold and silver to last many lifetimes. But in this new, tough world, people treated him poorly and he struggled just to get basic things like food and warm clothes.

"Why do I have to go through such tough times?" Wang Jin wondered to himself, feeling really sad. "Back then, I had everything. And now, I have nothing—it's so unfair and mean!"

"Brother Heng, are you really going to live with that crazy guy?" a playful male voice called from the doorway.

When Wang Jin heard the word 'madman', he listened more closely.

"The leader gave him to me as a reward, which is an honor," answered a deeper, calmer voice.

As the door opened slowly, Wang Jin tried to see who was talking but realized he was in a hidden room inside. There were other rooms outside where the voices were coming from.

"Look, it doesn't bother me, but you're the best fighter in our tribe. How can you live with a crazy guy? It looks like the leader is trying to make you look bad," the first voice argued.

"Don't start rumors, Brother Yue. You should leave now. It's not good for us to be seen alone like this," the deeper voice warned.

"What's wrong with it? Just because you have a new 'brother', does it suddenly become wrong to talk?" the first voice teased, sounding surprised and a bit challenging.

The sharp voice startled Wang Jin, making him rub his ears uncomfortably. As he sat alone, bits of memory flashed through his mind, confusing and surprising him.

Just yesterday, there was a big hunting contest in the Danmu tribe. The prize was not usual—it was the most beautiful brother in the tribe, a very special and rare honor in this world where brothers are hard to find.

Everyone was excited, especially because Brother Yue from the Zhang Ye family, known as the most beautiful, was the prize. His beauty had won everyone's hearts.

However, the contest ended unexpectedly. Yuan Heng, a strong and skilled warrior, won first place. But instead of winning Brother Yue, he was given Wang Jin, known as the lunatic of the tribe.

People were shocked and started whispering. They knew something was going on behind the scenes. The tribe's leader, who also liked Brother Yue and had joined the contest to win him, was upset by Yuan Heng's win.

As Wang Jin tried to understand what happened, he heard people talking outside his room.

"Even if I don't have a brother, it's not appropriate for you to be alone with me," Yuan Heng said.

"Why is it inappropriate?! Didn't you fight so hard for first place yesterday because you wanted to marry me?" Brother Yue retorted.

Yuan Heng fell silent, feeling a bit embarrassed. Truth be told, he hadn't put much effort into the competition yesterday, yet somehow he had emerged victorious.

"Brother Yue, you should leave. Regardless of what happened yesterday, from today onward, I will have a brother, and you will find someone else to marry," Yuan Heng insisted.

After a moment of silence, Yuan Heng led Brother Yue out of the room.

Brother Yue remained adamant. "I only want to marry you!"

Yuan Heng was momentarily speechless.

Gritting his teeth, Brother Yue continued, "Once a beastman marries, it's for life. But that lunatic, always causing trouble when he's crazy. He's not fit for a proper life. He's not worthy..."

"Brother Yue!" Yuan Heng's voice rose, shaking even Wang Jin in the room.

There was silence outside for a moment, followed by the sound of sobbing.

"You don't like me at all!"

Then, Wang Jin heard footsteps as Brother Yue seemed to run away.

Not long after, Yuan Heng entered the house... and opened the door to the back room.

To avoid confusion, they referred to Ger as "brother" in this story.

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