
The Rebellious Nun and the Witty Taoist

"The Rebellious Nun and the Witty Taoist" spins a tale of martial arts, mischief, and the occasional fish fry in the world of Jianghu.  Mei Lin, once a spirited nun known for sneaking smokes instead of meditating, finds herself entangled in the intrigues of the Black Moon Sect following her audacious escape from the confines of the White Lotus Temple. Rising as the Scarlet Shadow, the Evil Sect leader's cunning strategist and rumored paramour, she becomes both a figure of awe and consternation for her old friend, Zhang Wei. Meanwhile, Zhang Wei, now a senior Taoist elder tasked with maintaining discipline in the Azure Cloud sect, faces his greatest challenge yet: dealing with Mei Lin, his former partner-in-mischief turned shadowy operative, who is brought in by his sect's overzealous disciples following the death of the Evil Tyrant, Jiang Hei.  Mei Lin's capture has thrust Zhang Wei into a quagmire of sect politics and his own conflicting emotions. Their reunion, a decade in the making, unfolds with dry humor and razor-sharp banter as they skillfully dance around truths buried beneath layers of deception and unspoken yearning. Amidst Jianghu’s descent into chaos under the new leadership of the Black Moon Sect, Mei Lin and Zhang Wei must untangle their intricate history. With new insights emerging that blur Zhang Wei’s understanding of where righteousness ends and wickedness begins, they confront the daunting task of redefining their roles in a world teetering on the edge of moral ambiguity.  With their trademark dry wit and undeniable chemistry, they navigate a shifting landscape where alliances are as fickle as the wind, and where laughter serves as their shield against the perils of honor and ambition.

PirateSasha · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Flashback: The Roasted Pheasant (1)

A month later, Mei Lin lay sprawled on the grass, drenched in sweat and utterly exhausted after another grueling training session. Her breathing was heavy, but a small, triumphant smile tugged at her lips—she had finally started to get the hang of the Shadow Steps technique.

As Mei Lin caught her breath, she couldn't help but internally criticize Zhang Wei's methods. Harsh and unyielding, he pushed her to her limits every single time. But, begrudgingly, she admitted to herself that his approach was undeniably effective. She had improved more in this past month than she ever thought possible.

Zhang Wei, ever the disciplined teacher, was busy roasting a pheasant he had caught earlier. He glanced at Mei Lin, noting her progress with a mix of pride and amusement. "Your form still needs improvement, Priestess Mei," Zhang Wei remarked, his tone light but his eyes twinkling with satisfaction.

Mei Lin rolled her eyes, propping herself up on her elbows. "Oh, Teacher Zhang, I do miss the days when you were merely Scholar Zhang," she remarked, a hint of nostalgia in her voice. "Back then, you weren't such a tyrant."

Zhang Wei rolled his eyes right back at her as he turned the pheasant over the fire. "Scholar Zhang had the luxury of debating ancient texts and sipping tea all day," he retorted, his tone dripping with mock wistfulness. "Teacher Zhang knows that sometimes, a push is exactly what his student needs."

"Teacher Zhang is a sadist," Mei Lin shot back, though there was no real malice in her words. "Scholar Zhang had a heart."

Zhang Wei chuckled, the sound warm and genuine. "And here I thought you enjoyed our time together, Student Mei."

Mei Lin flopped back down onto the grass, gazing up at the sky. "I enjoy it when you're not making me feel like my legs are about to fall off," she admitted, her voice softer now. 

Zhang Wei paused, considering her words. He glanced at the pheasant, then back at Mei Lin who was eyeing the roasting pheasant with interest. "Perhaps Teacher Zhang is a bit stricter," he conceded, a small smile playing on his lips, "but only because he sees great potential in his student."

Mei Lin snorted, but a faint blush colored her cheeks. "Flattery will get you nowhere, Teacher Zhang."

She propped herself up again as soon as the pheasant was ready to eat. Zhang Wei grinned, smoothly handing her a piece of the pheasant. "Consider it a peace offering from your teacher."

"This corrupt student will accept the bribe and let you off." As Mei Lin took the offering, she couldn't help but smile. While Teacher Zhang might be strict, Scholar Zhang was still there, hidden beneath the surface, ready to offer a gentle word when she needed it most.

As they ate, the smoky aroma of the roasted pheasant filled the air, blending with the crisp, cool breeze of the late afternoon. Mei Lin took a generous bite, savoring the succulent meat, while Zhang Wei watched her with a mix of amusement and concern.

"Are you sure you won't get into trouble for sneaking out so frequently?" Zhang Wei asked, his tone tinged with genuine worry. They met every three days now, instead of their usual gap of ten days to sometimes a month.

Mei Lin shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. "Oh, you don't know the half of it!" she exclaimed, her voice bubbling with glee. "Mother Superior has left the temple for a few weeks. I can finally breathe easy without the danger of feeling her hawk eyes on me."

Zhang Wei raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "And who's watching over the nunnery in her absence?"

"Sister Gui," Mei Lin said, grinning. "But she's too busy cultivating to notice anything. Even some of the other disciples have been sneaking out, not just me. As long as we come back before evening, she turns a blind eye to us."

Zhang Wei chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "So, the nunnery has become a playground in Mother Superior's absence?"

Mei Lin admitted with a laugh, "I even caught my Shijie sneaking back in after me. She's been smiling a lot lately, like she's in love or something. There is definitely something going on with her. Maybe I should teach her the Shadow Steps technique. I finally understand why you complain about my lightness skill all the time."

Zhang Wei's eyes twinkled with amusement, reaching out to pat her head "Oh, do you now? It only took countless hours of your teacher's grueling effort for you to see the light."

Mei Lin grinned, swatting his hand away. "Only because Teacher Zhang is so annoyingly persistent."

"Annoyingly effective," Zhang Wei corrected with a wink.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Teacher Zhang," Mei Lin gave him a playful shove, "Besides, I've been thinking about starting a secret class for all the pitifully slow nuns. The Temple doesn't have a lightness skill. I guess they probably know how much the young recruits want to escape. We could call the class 'the Path to Freedom.' What do you think?"

Zhang Wei laughed, the sound rich and warm. "I think you might just become their favorite teacher."

Mei Lin feigned a gasp, her hand flying to her chest. "Why, Teacher Zhang, are you implying that I could ever rival your teaching prowess?"

"Not at all," Zhang Wei replied with a mock-serious expression. "I'm merely suggesting that you could complement my methods with your unique flair."

Mei Lin's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Then it's settled. You handle the discipline, and I'll handle the fun."

Zhang Wei shook his head at her, knowing that her plan was all joke and no action.

As they continued to eat, the smoky aroma of the roasted pheasant lingering in the air, Zhang Wei leaned back against a tree and mused aloud, "Where did the Mother Superior go? I don't think there are any competitions this time of the year."

Mei Lin looked up, her eyes still sparkling with amusement. "The temple only has two senior nuns left. The rest of them accompanied Mother Superior and some of my more senior Shijies to pay a visit to the main sect."

Zhang Wei raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Your temple has a main sect?"

"Far up in the northwest somewhere," Mei Lin replied, waving a hand vaguely. "I don't know much about it. It's supposed to be a journey of self-discovery. Mother Superior isn't big on sharing the details, and us little disciples are obviously too scared to ask. Even Sister Su, the most approachable of the senior nuns, told the senior Shijies that they'll find out when the time comes. It's apparently futile to explain now."

Zhang Wei chuckled, shaking his head. "Sounds mysterious."

"Most of the nuns who move there to cultivate don't come back. Maybe they're too enlightened to return, or maybe they just don't want to risk seeing Mother Superior's bald head again," Mei Lin said with a smirk. "I can understand the sentiment."

Zhang Wei laughed, the sound rich and genuine. "So, you think they're out there spreading their teachings?"

"Or they've joined a secret organization of enlightened nuns who roam the world incognito," Mei Lin replied, her tone dripping with mock seriousness. "It's all very mysterious and grand, you know."

"Very grand indeed," Zhang Wei said with a grin. "And here I thought you might miss them."

First off, let’s take a moment to appreciate Mei Lin’s resilience. After enduring a month of Zhang Wei’s relentless training, our plucky heroine hasn’t decided to mysteriously disappear into the wilderness in search of a more lenient mentor (to be honest, Teacher Zhang’s methods may be effective, but his personality is equally terrible).

And the main branch? The mysterious northwest pilgrimage? It sounds like the perfect plot twist for a spin-off series. “Journey to Enlightenment: Nuns Gone Rogue.” Coming soon to a temple near you.

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