
The Real Villainess (Living the Life of a villainess)

In a Novel written by her best friend turned out to be her new world after 'dying', she 'reincarnated' into the body of Freya Lavine Yeovil. The so called Villainess of the Novel, though she didn't believe that she was the "villainess", so what she did after getting reincarnated into her body she wanted to make better decisions for the Villainess and to be much more cruel. Will she succeed? READ to find out! ©tto the owner of the cover photo! March 2023

onlypolaynn · History
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29 Chs

No Regrets

"I AM NOT GONNA STOP HUGGING you until you're not mad anymore."

This ass I SAID IM NOT MAD!!! You're ruining my plan unto bullying you and Aurelia!! Freya took a deep breath.

"Alright, Im not mad anymore." She said then the Prince started to loosen up and held her hand.

"I will never leave you over anyone else Freya, I love you."

Okay. . . This is quite cringy, I never had a serious relationship before. My relationships back then only lasted a week or less.

"Thank you." She said awkwardly.

The Prince pouted. "Thank you. . ?" He sighed. "I promise to never get close to any woman from now on." He said which made Freya's left eye to twitch.

STUPID FREYA!!! Should've just said I love you back! How are we suppose to continue our plan if he promised to stay away from any woman now! Freya hugged the Prince instead, hoping that this'll work.

"You don't have to stay away from other women, you are the Prince it's your job to help everyone who needs it. Im not mad or anything anymore."

The Prince hugged her back. "Are you sure? I don't want you being mad and jealous Freya, you know how much I love you from the moment we met." He said almost touching Freya's heart.

Why does he have to be such a big green flag, this is making me feel guilty.


Soon days passed went by fast, Freya there in her room hoping that Aurelia moves as fast as she can so she can finally start.

But instead of the Prince, Aurelia was about to meet The first born of the house Yeovil, Felix.

Felix adores the big meadows and likes to spend his free time there either just laying around or reading a book alone, but this time, it seemed that he has an accompany.

"Show yourself." Felix said without even taking his eyes off a book he's reading.

Aurelia hesitantly came out in the bushes, she looked at the lord with fear in her eyes as it wasn't according to her plan to get caught.

"State your business." Still he said without even taking a glance to see who that was.

She took a deep breath. "I am A-aurelia Parry m-my lord." She stuttered.

Felix then closed the book and looked at Aurelia, she felt nervous and scared by the Lord's gaze at her.

"I said state your business, not introduce yourself to me." Aurelia gulped as the insides of her mouth started to dry making her unable to answer.

Annoying. He stood up and left Aurelia standing there in the meadows alone.

One thing about Felix is that he does not want his questions unanswered and does not like overly timid and shy ladies, that's why he brought Freya with her to build a connection to the Count's daughter so that he doesn't have to deal with her.

While on his way to their Indoor garden he spotted Freya casually sitting down under the sun, he wasn't sure what his sister was doing but he can tell that it has something to do with flowers.

A memory suddenly flashed back into him.

It was way back when they were younger. Before, he loved Freya with all his heart as to finally he's not alone anymore they would run around the ducal as it was like their own playground until their mother passed away, he felt that he was being treated differently.

Their Father turned into someone who dictates what he does while Freya lived without any dictations from the Duke. He envied his sister and soon it turned to hatred.

He didn't realize that he was staring at Freya who squinted her eyes to see if it was really him and waved, he felt that his sister changed.

Freya was far different now than before right after she had awaken from an unforeseen event that everyone thought of.

It was because of him.

Felix wanted Freya out of the picture so he tried to kill her by paying a servant to push her down the stairs and it happened.

But it wasn't successful as Freya just fell into a comma in about 2 days. And when she woke it looked like she hadn't even fell.

As for the following days, Felix couldn't help but feel guilty about it, he hated that feeling but he couldn't say that he also regretted what he'd done.

He walked away as if he never saw Freya waving at him. Your making it hard for me Freya. He thought and went to his personal Library and continued reading.

On the other hand, Freya's brows almost met still looking at the direction where she saw Felix.

"What's wrong with that guy?" She said to herself.

He's so difficult.


At the west, there lived the Grand Duke everyone praised, it was the crowned prince's cousin. He had ash gray colored hair with his hazel brown eyes, tall figure that any woman would fall in love.

"I'll be visiting the North." He uttered then turned a page of the article he's reading.

"What for?" A lady asked who's in her mid 30's

"I want to find a lady to wed, heard that the North had high achievers and elegant ladies that you'll approve of."

The lady sighed. "What's wrong with the ladies I introduced to you? They were elegant and achievers."

"Not my taste, a bunch of try hards." He uttered before standing. "I'll be leaving by tomorrow morning."

The west is pretty much a place fit for a vacation as it has far more stores than in the North, the west also ships most of the jewelries in the whole empire and has the finest cloths you'll find in the Empire.