
The Real Villainess (Living the Life of a villainess)

In a Novel written by her best friend turned out to be her new world after 'dying', she 'reincarnated' into the body of Freya Lavine Yeovil. The so called Villainess of the Novel, though she didn't believe that she was the "villainess", so what she did after getting reincarnated into her body she wanted to make better decisions for the Villainess and to be much more cruel. Will she succeed? READ to find out! ©tto the owner of the cover photo! March 2023

onlypolaynn · History
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29 Chs

Jealous ?

THE GIRL WALKED TOWARDS them catching almost everyone's attention. Their eyes met. This might be her. . .

"Uhmm. . . Hello Im Aurelia Parry." The other ladies seemed to not like her as she wasn't using proper greetings.

"I guess the lady does not have manners?" Catherine blurted.

Aurelia's eyes widened as she realized what she had done, she then bowed to  the ladies and apologized.

"I am very sorry for my lack of manners!"

Freya couldn't just stand there, she knew she had to butt in even if that'll ruin her plan to just avoid Aurelia.

She led out a sigh. "No need to be harsh to the miss" Freya paused. "Perhaps she isn't used to gatherings like this." She caught the ladies beside her, eyes were glistering as if they saw an angel.

In Freya's head she wanted to smirk, I knew I was born a villainess. She thought. Aurelia then looked up and looked at Freya in awe.

Freya wasn't bothered as she knew how people expected her to be, it's a change of pace.

"Princess! Please forgive me for being disrespectful!"

"I understand, don't worry. Just don't forget it next time." Freya said acting all nice.

"She better. . . It's a good thing that the Princess is considerate!" Denise said looking at Aurelia in disgust.

Catherine then rolled her eyes. "Princess, why can't we just kick her out? I don't even think she's invited, with her. . . Full on commoner self."

Even if Freya wanted to be the villainess she wouldn't want to spit out words of discrimination like that, she closed her eyes for a second and faced Catherine.

"Catherine. . . Why should we discriminate her for being a commoner just because we rank higher? It's not fair because we are privileged and they aren't. What's wrong with being a commoner, anyways?"

Catherine then got embarrassed and lowered her gaze, the other ladies did the same thing. Freya thought that they are all the same. She took a deep breath.

"I know she lacked manners, but that's because she isn't able to get the same degree of education as we have nobles. Why discriminate? She hasn't done anything wrong big time yet." Freya continued.

Their circle suddenly got quiet, she thought of only one thing but to walk out. So she did.

"I'll he heading, thank you for everyone's time. Enjoy the rest of the evening." She said before leaving.

She felt someone following her and her guess was Aurelia, she isn't wrong as Aurelia did follow her. When there was only a few people left Freya stopped and faced Aurelia.

"Why are you following me?" She said in an irritated tone.

Aurelia lowered her gaze. "I'm sorry, I just want to thank the Princess personally."

"For what?"

"For standing up for me against those nobles who belittled me for being a commoner. . . No one has done that to me before." She said still looking down fidgeting her fingers.

"I stood up for you because discrimination is bad, better get your manners especially to nobles because you don't know what they can do. Stay out of trouble next time." Freya said before leaving Aurelia there standing.

Aurelia felt that what she was about to do the Princess is wrong. I don't want to do this to you Princess, but . . . I have to, I'm sorry.

Aurelia then went out to the Banquet to find the Prince himself. After looking quite some time she finally found the Prince walking, and as she was told to she ran so fast till she bumped to the Prince and fell on the ground.

She caught everyone's attention, she then kneeled Infront of the Prince. "I apologize Your highness! Please forgive me!!" She exclaimed sounding as if she was about to burst into tears.

What she's done was quite risky, the Prince could imprison her or let it slide. For her to accomplish her mission she has to be admirable and innocent looking.

The Prince kneeled to level there gazes. "Are you alright?" He asked.

Aurelia's eyes sparkled seeing how the Prince is so charming and handsome, her heart started to thump faster.

"I-is your highness alright? Please forgive me for my wrong actions your highness! I promise to never do it again!"

The Prince held her hand, helping her to stand up. " You seem to have a bruise on your knee, let's get that all patched up." He said as he called a nurse to aid her.

She was charmed as to how kind the Prince is, just by this kindness she felt soft and admired the Prince.

After getting her Bruise treated by the nurse they we both left alone by the Nurse.

"Are you feeling better?" The Prince asked.

"I wasn't in pain your highness but I am feeling quite a lot better now." She said looking straight into the Prince's eyes.

Before the Prince could reply the door suddenly opened slightly and there Freya peaked. After seeing that the Prince and Aurelia we're sitting by the couch she quickly closed the door.

"Oh shoot!" She muttered, the Prince then walked up to the door and opened it to see Freya already running away.

The Prince got scared that Freya might think that he is cheating with her so he ran to follow her, leaving Aurelia in the room.

When he catched up to her. He held her hand and pulling her into a hug.

"Freya. . ." He called unto her tightening his arms around her as Freya was pushing him away. "It's not what you think, I was helping her because she got bruised when she bumped to me. Please don't think about anything else."

I ruined their mood, how is he suppose to fall in love with her when I suddenly popped up, stupid! In order to bully Aurelia they have to be in an affair!!!

"What?! I'm seriously not thinking about anything, you should aid her!" She said as she tried to get rid of the Prince's tight hugging.

"No. You're clearly mad, I don't want you getting jealous of other women. I was helping her to treat her bruise, please stop being mad. . ." He said in a soft voice.

"I am not mad! Stop hugging me now please!" Freya said struggling to push the Prince away.