
The Reader System: The Villain With App!

Author: Novel_Xeltrod
Ongoing · 23.4K Views
  • 25 Chs
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What is The Reader System: The Villain With App!

Read ‘The Reader System: The Villain With App!’ Online for Free, written by the author Novel_Xeltrod, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Discord: https://discord.com/invite/EVEjCxccjW-------------Long Shen, a typical Nerd who has bachelor’s degree in physic...


Discord: https://discord.com/invite/EVEjCxccjW ------------- Long Shen, a typical Nerd who has bachelor’s degree in physics, chemistry, and biology, gets killed in an unimaginable event; thus, he is reincarnated into a parallel world. Wait a damn minute! He gets what now!!!!! He gets reincarnated into the NOVEL Fantasy world where multiple Novels are connected. Also, he is a villain and multiple protagonists are coming to hunt him. But, why should he worry? When he has the best system in existence. [ Ding! You have slain the first protagonist ] [ Ding! You have obtained the protagonist Halo ] [ Ding! You have slain third protagonist ] [ Ding! You have obtained Villain App ] —------------- Harem of beautiful women: X Harem of powerful Cheats : √

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Synopsis (WebNovel) This novel presents, that time: where on earth, it is decided to change the authority of the Creator, by the authority of a man. They discard the divinity of the Creator and submit to human rule. From here two and even three kings succeed each other. All of them have that sign of the antihero in the eyes of men and before the government of the Creator. Prefacio Who is an antihero? ■ Who is an antihero? The one who is, divergent from what is established, in an XMonk Academy: "that succumbs to his wickedness" and therefore establishes an XPrays Academy: "that is enlivened by his goodness" By GenXPrays. "XMonk": means 'monge', to say: dressed in religious evil. "XPrays": means 'oracle', to say: dressed in the armor of the Creator. 1|Academies are schools of goodness and evil. Humanity in its indecisive future: by disbelief. It goes from a learning state of good or bad; to position and teach: so much so that his disciples who become his own children inherit these bonds of truth or lies. 2 | This novel is an essay: about the life of a first man, who at the request of a king, is chosen as such, because of his appearance: but his heart is not perfect, and; he succumbs to his own wickedness: by disobeying the Creator's designs. For which he is discarded, ending: affected by the presence of an evil spirit from the Creator. It could be said: If he does not accept: heaven for obeying, he awaits him: hell for disobeying. The paradox is living these heaven-hell states in life. Dear reader: In which of these states would you like to live? -Let's discover together-, how these characters live, what they do as heroes and antiheroes: according to their emotional states, for their character, for their personality, for their family, for their friends, for a town that elects its candidate: without looking ' the applicant's profile' for "the function of reigning". 3 | It is the Creator himself, who provides himself with a new man: After his own heart! To make him king of his people. However: this young man must stop grazing his father's sheep and be part of the royal family, while he manages to: win the wars of the new kingdom. Whose victories make him worthy of being king on his own account and under the guidance of the Spirit of the Creator. Arguments with the first king take place: who by then was already discarded, and that state of "possession" manifests the activity: hell-heaven. Both for them and for their families and therefore for the entire first kingdom that humanity had. Epílogo: Arc 7: Prequel: Generational Political Influences. Why did King Sauly fail in government? - 1

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Fate Of A Hero

Somehow, I don't know how for sure, though, I've been sent to the world of my favorite game, Skyrim. The longer I'm here, the more I notice that this world is real. Not simply realistic, but real. Everything I do has an effect on the world, either good or bad, especially in the case with the storylines. I love Skyrim, but I'm not going to be able to survive here, right? How do I get out? Getting out isn't even the beginning of my problems. The longer I stay here, the more I realize – things are different, and not necessarily for the better. -------------- As embarrassing as this is, this is a Skyrim fanfic. It's probably permanently in progress, as I'm mainly just using it as a drawing board to practice writing storylines for games. Writing it out is just a fun way I've got for going about it. I've also written this in a style so that people who haven't played any of the Elder Scrolls series of games can read it as well. I warn you, though, there's a *lot* of words. Side note: I've also got this story on other sites/apps, in case you want to read it there. -------------- This is also a challenge to That Guy Right There. This is a combination of how I would write the fanfic you made, along with the fact that I got tired of waiting for the author, That Guy Right There, to finish his story, "Living Skyrim." It's pretty good, y'all should check it out. However, Guy's mc is an asshole, so I warn you now. The puns he makes are also kinda bad. So I challenge you, Guy. I'm gonna write my version of how it'd go, and you finish yours (unless you died.) This is a direct copy from my work on my other accounts on various reading/writing apps. Check that one out, too. It doesn't matter to me which you support, cuz I'm not monetized by any. I'm just the writer, man.

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