
The Rankers Door

It was a peaceful world where there was no danger. A city was built around an enormous mountain and at the top of it resides a huge portal in the shape of a door. The portal was at the center of the world and it was waiting for young adventurers to challenge it. P.S ( The cover image belongs to the person who drew it )

Denis_XX · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Door


It was a peaceful world where there was no danger. A city was built around an enormous mountain and at the top of it resides a huge portal in the shape of a door.

The portal was at the center of the world and it was waiting for young adventurers to challenge it.

* bam * * bam *

The sound of my punches resounded in the area as I was punching a tree and each time a bit of my sweat was splashed on it. I was training near a river that is two kilometers away from my village.

My fists were full of scars and bruises but this didn't discourage me, instead, it made my determination go higher.

My name is Yami Cole and I live in a little village that is surrounded by wilderness, I always thought that my village was big and powerful until I heard the legends of the capital city.

The legends talk about an enormous city that is built around the biggest mountain in the world, it's said that at the top of the mountain there is a huge portal in the shape of a door.

Everyone calls it The Door because you can go inside but you can't return, only the Rankers have the ability to survive inside.

The Rankers are people who awakened the power inside them. This power is called YRA and people can cultivate their bodies using this strange energy and become stronger. I heard from the adults of my village that Rankers can even demolish mountains with one punch.

Each year when the kids of the village turn fourteen they have to head to the village chief. He will test them to see if they can awaken the YRA inside their bodies.

If they can awaken the sleeping YRA inside their bodies they will be sent to the Academy.

The Academy is a school for YRA cultivators, they teach the right way to control this strange energy.

My family always told me to work hard if I want to achieve my dreams. I always give the best out of myself and I never slack off when it's time to train. My biggest dream is to find a cure for my sister's disease.

When she was five years old she started coughing up blood every two months. The doctor of our village told us that she has a rare type of disease that can't be cured. He told us that the only place where there is a cure for this disease is behind the Door.

My father headed towards the capital one year after that, he told us that he will not come back until he will find a cure. It's been nine years since then but he still didn't come back.

I heard the adults of my village speak between them that the possibility of my dad being dead is pretty high. I never thought he could be dead and I will never believe that.

My only possibility is to join the Academy and become strong enough to enter the Portal. I heard that our world is called Paradise because inside the portal is hell.

" Harder! " My fists began to bleed after repeated blows to the tree, but this never stops my training. The pain is motivating me to keep going on; however, this suffering is only a passing feeling.

I always come here to train because this spot is quiet. When I train here I feel relaxed and I can always give the best of me.

I came here today because tomorrow the chief will test me and the other kids of the village who turned fourteen. I wanted to spend some time alone to be prepared for tomorrow.

This is the most important moment of my life. I trained so hard these last years so I could be ready for the big day. I can't wait to awake my YRA and to join the Academy as a future student.

I will finally start my adventure. When I was young, I read lots of books about the amazing deeds which the Rankers did. They live a life full of dangers and challenges and that captivated me until it made me want to become like them maybe better. I usually dream about this.

" It's already night? " I said while I'm looking deep towards the sky's darkness. I can feel the coldness that embraces me.

" Time to go home! " I said as I was heading towards the village gate.

The village where I live hides an old legend. The Stone Village was born when two Rankers fought against each other and the repercussions of the fight create our village.

" Who is there!? " I heard a tired voice coming from the top of the guard's tower.

" It's me Yami! " I said aloud.

" Open the gate! " I heard the same tired voice while the gates were opening.

My home is made of rocks like the rest of the village. We aren't rich but we can still live a good life with what we have.

" Such a good smell! " When I entered my house the first thing that I did was to head to the kitchen.

" So good! " I took a bite of the chicken while going towards my room.

" let's sleep! " I jumped on my soft mattress and with fixed eyes, I gazed at the ceiling of my room while I dove deep inside my thoughts.